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class %REST.Application extends %Library.RegisteredObject, %JSON.Adaptor

%REST.Application describes a REST application.

Property Inventory


property dispatchClass as %String);
The name of the dispatch class for this REST application.
Property methods: dispatchClassDisplayToLogical(), dispatchClassGet(), dispatchClassIsValid(), dispatchClassLogicalToDisplay(), dispatchClassLogicalToOdbc(), dispatchClassNormalize(), dispatchClassSet()
property enabled as %Boolean;
This application is enabled if the enabled property is true.
Property methods: enabledDisplayToLogical(), enabledGet(), enabledIsValid(), enabledLogicalToDisplay(), enabledNormalize(), enabledSet()
property name as %String);
The name of the REST application either in the form of a web application name or package for REST specification class name.
Property methods: nameDisplayToLogical(), nameGet(), nameIsValid(), nameLogicalToDisplay(), nameLogicalToOdbc(), nameNormalize(), nameSet()
property namespace as %String);
The namespace in which this application is defined.
Property methods: namespaceDisplayToLogical(), namespaceGet(), namespaceIsValid(), namespaceLogicalToDisplay(), namespaceLogicalToOdbc(), namespaceNormalize(), namespaceSet()
property resource as %String);
Resource which is required for this application of the form resource:mode.
Property methods: resourceDisplayToLogical(), resourceGet(), resourceIsValid(), resourceLogicalToDisplay(), resourceLogicalToOdbc(), resourceNormalize(), resourceSet()
property swaggerSpec as %xsd.anyURI;
A URL to produce a swagger specification for this application.
Property methods: swaggerSpecDisplayToLogical(), swaggerSpecGet(), swaggerSpecIsValid(), swaggerSpecLogicalToDisplay(), swaggerSpecLogicalToOdbc(), swaggerSpecNormalize(), swaggerSpecSet()
property webApplications as %String);
a comma separated list of the web application that the REST application is deployed to.
Property methods: webApplicationsDisplayToLogical(), webApplicationsGet(), webApplicationsIsValid(), webApplicationsLogicalToDisplay(), webApplicationsLogicalToOdbc(), webApplicationsNormalize(), webApplicationsSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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