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persistent class %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL extends %SYS.PTools.Stats

SQL Table Name: %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL

Class: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL Replaces: %SYS.PTools.SQLStats [DEPRECATED] Purpose: This class contains the Optimal (new) Performance Tools for collecting statistics on SQL Queries. Since this class extends %SYS.PTools.Stats, it uses the properties from this class and its extent class to record these individual performance statistics details for each execution of a SQL Query, since its last compilation. To collect statistical data on SQL Query executions for the entire System, you can invoke different levels of statistics collecting via several different methods described in the next section. One of these methods, SetSQLStats() for example, creates the 'SQLStats-flag' which controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution by anybody on the system, and which performance statistics details are to be collected. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} The {action-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: System Setting 0 - Query Compilation: Don't generator SQLStats collection code for any Query Modules Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 1 - Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 - Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 - Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules Process/Job Setting -1 - Query Compilation: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job Query Execution: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job 0 - Query Compilation: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting Query Execution: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting The {collect-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, as specified below: {collect-flag} = SUM(MVal) In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This flag provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the {collect-flag}, the sum of the aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the {collect-flag}, the sum of the aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these three performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. The {condition-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 3rd colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: 0 - No addition conditions, other than the ones specified by the following two flags: {action-flag} & {collect-flag} [DEFAULT] 1 - Namespace-Condition specified by the 'SetSQLStatsFlagByNS()' method The {condition-value} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 4th colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: The {condition-value} is based on the {condition-flag} and represents the way in which to further conditionalize/constrain whether SQLStats, by way of the SQLStats-flag, can collect statistical information for SQL Query executions within a given IRIS environment. For example, if the {condition-flag} is set to the value one (1), which is the Namespace-Condition, then the {condition-value} would be set to a Namespace in which SQLStats is authorized to collect statistical information about SQL Queries. (e.g. "USER") The {terminate-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 5th colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: 0 - No Action n - A termination flag, represented by the number of minutes from the starting $HOROLOG date, to determine when to terminate the SQLStats collection, by turning off the SQLStats-flag (System), or by setting it to a specified reset value. The {flag-type} portion of the SQLStats-flag is represented by the 6th colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: "" - Indeterminate (Older version of PTools/SQLStats) 0 - System Flag 1 - Process/Job Flag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flags, either for the entire System, for your current Process/Job, or for a specified Namespace. To collect SQL Statistics for the entire System, invoke the following method: Object Script: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStats(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStats(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStats(...) (...): (actionFlag[,returnActionFlag,collectFlag,terminateCond,ptInfo]) To collect SQL Statistics for the current Process/Job, invoke the following method: Object Script: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStats[Flag]Job(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStats[Flag]Job(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStats[Flag]Job(...) (...): (actionFlag[,returnActionFlag,collectFlag,p4,ptInfo]) To collect SQL Statistics for a specific Process/Job, invoke the following method: Object Script: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) (...): (pid,actionFlag[,returnActionFlag,collectFlag,p5,ptInfo]) RESTRICTION: This method invocation requires %Admin_Operate:Use privilege To collect SQL Statistics within a specific Namespace, invoke the following method: Object Script: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) (...): (ns,actionFlag[,returnActionFlag,collectFlag,terminateCond,ptInfo]) Returns All of the aforementioned methods return the value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred SQLStats-flag RULES Whether to use the SQLStats-flag (System) or the SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) is determined by the following rules: IF {action-flag} (Process/Job) = 0, then use SQLStats-flag (System) ELSE use SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) NOTE: The 'GetSQLStatsFlag(flagType,...)' method has the following additional rule when passed the parameter: flagType="" RULE-G1: If {action-flag}=-1, then return zero (0) for each component-flag of the SQLStats-flag, except for the {flag-type} which is one (1) [indicating a Process/Job Flag setting], as in the following example: write $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlag("") => "0:0:0::0:1" To retrieve the actual value for each component-flag of the SQLStats-flag in this example, pass a one (1) for the 'flagType' parameter: write $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlag(1) => "-1:0:0::0:1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the SQLStats-flag is on, statistical data will be collected in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class, which can be interrogated during the analysis phase to determine a way to achieve optimal query performance. The following simple SQL Query displays all of the properties within the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class: SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL ORDER BY Namespace, RoutineName, CursorName, StatsGroup The following properties are important for statistical analysis and are aggregated for a given SQL Query in the row WHERE ModuleName = 'INFO': - TotalRowCount - The total number of rows returned in the MAIN Module for the given query - TotalCounter - The total number of times the query has been run since it's last compilation - TotalModuleCount - The total number of times we entered a given module for the run of the query - TotalTimeToFirstRow - The total time spent finding the first row in the MAIN Module for the given query - TotalTimeSpent - The total time spent in a given Module for the given query - TotalGlobalRefs - The total number of global references done in a given Module for the given query - TotalCommandsExecuted - The total number of ObjectScript commands executed in a given Module for the given query - TotalDiskWait - The total number of Milliseconds spent waiting for Disk reads in a given Module for the given query - VarianceTimeSpent - The variance of the time spent in a given Module for the given query These properties are initialized to zero (0) for the 'INFO' row and are only set to their proper value via the invocation of the 'aggregateSQLStats()' method. Therefore, in order to directly use the data in these properties, the following method must first be invoked: Object Script: set status=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).aggregateSQLStats(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_aggregateSQLStats(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName) NOTE: To aggregate the SQL Statistics for all queries within a 'RoutineName', omit passing the 'CursorName' to the 'aggregateSQLStats' method. The Mean/Average and Variance for the property {TimeSpent}, {GlobalRefs}, {CommandsExecuted}, and {DiskWait} can be obtained via the following computations: {Mean-expr} = SUM({expr}) / {Counter} {Variance-expr} = (1 / {Counter)) * SUM(({expr} - {Mean-expr})**2) Where 'expr' is one of either: TimeSpent, GlobalRefs, CommandsExecuted, or DiskWait NOTE: The 'TotalTime' property is maintained for backward-compatibility and should not be use in this context. Use the 'TimeSpent' property for the proper value, and the 'TotalTimeSpent' for the 'INFO' row. All of the data that is stored in this class can be accessed in a number of predefined ways: - By invoking the exportStatsSQL()() method, which creates a file in many formats that contains the data from this method. Example: ObjectScript: set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).exportStatsSQL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL(...) - By invoking a query against the data within this class: Examples: #1: Raw Class Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL #2: Aggregated Class View Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView #3: General Result-Set Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQL([namespace]) #4: Specific Result-Set Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQLDetails(cursor,rtn) NOTE: All of these examples use the properties that are aggregated by the 'aggregateSQLStats()' method. Only example #1 requires this method to be invoked for the 'Total*' properties to have usable data. The other three examples would benefit by the invocation of this method, but will generate the totals on the fly if this method has not been adequately run. It's important to note that whenever you collect statistical data for SQL Query executions via this tool, each collection which performs the last row INSERT into the %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL class will populate the following array reference with the corresponding definition: %SQLStats("LastRow") = "||" Pieces: (%ROWID of the last row INSERTed) 1) SQLStats Marker (statsSQLMarker) 2) Namespace (ns) 3) Routine (rtn) 4) Cursor (curs) 5) SQLStats Group (statsGroup) The information contained within this array reference can be used to see the SQLStats Result Set from the last invoked SQL Statement, by invoking one of the following methods: set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetLastSQLStats() do %sqlcontext.DumpResults() OR set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetLastSQLStats(1) // Automatically invokes DumpResults() NOTE: For additional details about the GetLastSQLStats() method, please refer to the actual methods documentation contain herein The PTools/SQLStats data is collected in the following globals: Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S}") Error Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","Error"[...])=$LIST Info

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CursorName as %String (MAXLEN = 2000) [ Required ];
The SQL Cursor name for the given SQL Statement NOTE: For a statement of the form 'DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR FOR query' use the specified For a , use the lettered position (A, B, ..., Z) of the statement within the {RoutineName}
Property methods: CursorNameDisplayToLogical(), CursorNameGet(), CursorNameGetStored(), CursorNameIsValid(), CursorNameLogicalToDisplay(), CursorNameLogicalToOdbc(), CursorNameNormalize(), CursorNameSet()
property Hash as %String (MAXLEN = 500);
hash the SQL so we can match incoming SQL with already stored Stats [Maintained for Backward-Compatibility]
Property methods: HashDisplayToLogical(), HashGet(), HashGetStored(), HashIsValid(), HashLogicalToDisplay(), HashLogicalToOdbc(), HashNormalize(), HashSet()
property ImportSchema as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
ImportSchema is used in generated code to handle SQL statements that have unqualified table names
Property methods: ImportSchema(), ImportSchemaDisplayToLogical(), ImportSchemaGet(), ImportSchemaGetStored(), ImportSchemaIsValid(), ImportSchemaLogicalToDisplay(), ImportSchemaLogicalToOdbc(), ImportSchemaNormalize(), ImportSchemaSet()
property ModuleName as %SYS.PTools.ModuleName [ Required ];
Sections of the SQL statement, these should match up the the Module names in the Query Plan output The SQL Module Name stores the internal 'mod' value with the following external values: int=ext: -1=INFO, 0=MAIN, 1=FIRST, 2=B, ..., 26=Z, 27=27, ..., n=n
Property methods: ModuleNameDisplayToLogical(), ModuleNameGet(), ModuleNameGetStored(), ModuleNameIsValid(), ModuleNameLogicalToDisplay(), ModuleNameLogicalToOdbc(), ModuleNameNormalize(), ModuleNameOdbcToLogical(), ModuleNameSet()
property NameSpace as %String (MAXLEN = 2000) [ InitialExpression = $NAMESPACE , Required ];
The NameSpace in which the SQL query resides
Property methods: NameSpaceDisplayToLogical(), NameSpaceGet(), NameSpaceGetStored(), NameSpaceIsValid(), NameSpaceLogicalToDisplay(), NameSpaceLogicalToOdbc(), NameSpaceNormalize(), NameSpaceSet()
property Parameters as list of %String (SQLPROJECTION = "table/column", XMLPROJECTION = "wrapped");
List of Query Parameters
Property methods: ParametersBuildValueArray(), ParametersCollectionToDisplay(), ParametersCollectionToOdbc(), ParametersDisplayToCollection(), ParametersDisplayToLogical(), ParametersGet(), ParametersGetObject(), ParametersGetObjectId(), ParametersGetStored(), ParametersGetSwizzled(), ParametersIsValid(), ParametersLogicalToDisplay(), ParametersLogicalToOdbc(), ParametersNormalize(), ParametersOdbcToCollection(), ParametersSet(), ParametersSetObject(), ParametersSetObjectId()
property QueryCompileTime as %Float;
Number of Seconds it takes to compile the query
Property methods: QueryCompileTimeDisplayToLogical(), QueryCompileTimeGet(), QueryCompileTimeGetStored(), QueryCompileTimeIsValid(), QueryCompileTimeLogicalToDisplay(), QueryCompileTimeNormalize(), QueryCompileTimeSet()
property QueryText as %String (COLLATION = "SQLUPPER(255)", MAXLEN = 30000, TRUNCATE = 1) [ Calculated ];
External SQL Statement as a single string
Property methods: QueryText(), QueryTextCompute(), QueryTextDisplayToLogical(), QueryTextGet(), QueryTextIsValid(), QueryTextLogicalToDisplay(), QueryTextLogicalToOdbc(), QueryTextNormalize(), QueryTextSQLCompute()
property QueryType as %String (MAXLEN = 100);
The type of SQL Query for which stats will be recorded: SQL-Statement=>SQLType -> mt("t")=>SQLType SEL=>SELECT | DEC=>SELECT | INS=>INSERT | UPD=>UPDATE | DEL=>DELETE
Property methods: QueryTypeDisplayToLogical(), QueryTypeGet(), QueryTypeGetStored(), QueryTypeIsValid(), QueryTypeLogicalToDisplay(), QueryTypeLogicalToOdbc(), QueryTypeNormalize(), QueryTypeSet()
property RoutineName as %String (MAXLEN = 2000) [ Required ];
The name of the routine in which the SQL query resides
Property methods: RoutineNameDisplayToLogical(), RoutineNameGet(), RoutineNameGetStored(), RoutineNameIsValid(), RoutineNameLogicalToDisplay(), RoutineNameLogicalToOdbc(), RoutineNameNormalize(), RoutineNameSet()
property RoutineNameUCQCaller as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
The name of the Routine/Class in which the Embedded SQL Statement resides, and which ultimately calls/invokes the Universal Cached Query [UCQ] created as the class container to compile and code-generate the Embedded SQL Statement's query code. The value stored in this property will have the following format: - routineName.RTN (e.g. MRProutine.RTN) - A routine that contains an Embedded SQL Statement - className.CLS (e.g. MRP.class.CLS) - A class that contains an Embedded SQL Statement NOTE: This property will only have a value if a Routine/Class contains an Embedded SQL Statement within one of its methods which calls/invokes a Universal Cached Query [UCQ]. This property will be stored within the following row of this class/table: WHERE StatsMarker = 1 /* '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' */ AND StatsGroup = 0 /* 'INFO' */ AND ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ This property will also be stored in the following 'Conditional Index', which will be maintained via Triggers: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","StatsI","rtnUCQCaller",{RoutineNameUCQCaller},...)
Property methods: RoutineNameUCQCallerDisplayToLogical(), RoutineNameUCQCallerGet(), RoutineNameUCQCallerGetStored(), RoutineNameUCQCallerIsValid(), RoutineNameUCQCallerLogicalToDisplay(), RoutineNameUCQCallerLogicalToOdbc(), RoutineNameUCQCallerNormalize(), RoutineNameUCQCallerSet()
property SQLIndexHash as %String (MAXLEN = 32);
Internal unique statement hash used as the ID for the SQL Statement Index (DPV4651): ^rINDEXSQL("sqlidx",1,{SQLIndexHash},...) ^rINDEXSQL("sqlidx",2,{rtn},{SQLIndexHash}) ^rINDEXSQL("sqlidx",3,{table},{SQLIndexHash}) For additional details, refer to the following:
Property methods: SQLIndexHashDisplayToLogical(), SQLIndexHashGet(), SQLIndexHashGetStored(), SQLIndexHashIsValid(), SQLIndexHashLogicalToDisplay(), SQLIndexHashLogicalToOdbc(), SQLIndexHashNormalize(), SQLIndexHashSet()
property SQLStatsFlag as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
A flag that controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution (by anybody on the system, by a given Process/Job, or for a given Namespace), and which performance statistics to be collected. The SQLStatsFlag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual flags: SQLStatsFlag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} The {action-flag} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 1st colon piece The {collect-flag} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 2nd colon piece The {condition-flag} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 3nd colon piece The {condition-value} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 4nd colon piece The {terminate-flag} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 5nd colon piece The {flag-type} portion of the SQLStatsFlag is represented by 6nd colon piece Internal: $$$getSQLStatsFlagForJob | $$$getSQLStatsFlagForSystem
Property methods: SQLStatsFlagDisplayToLogical(), SQLStatsFlagGet(), SQLStatsFlagGetStored(), SQLStatsFlagIsValid(), SQLStatsFlagLogicalToDisplay(), SQLStatsFlagLogicalToOdbc(), SQLStatsFlagNormalize(), SQLStatsFlagSet()
property SQLTextRaw as list of %String (MAXLEN = 30000, SQLPROJECTION = "table/column", TRUNCATE = 1, XMLPROJECTION = "wrapped");
Raw SQL Statement Text stored as a $LIST string **NOTE: If this property changes position/location within the data storage global, ensure that the following MACROS are updated accordingly: - SYSPToolsStatsSQLPropSQLTextRawPos - getSYSPToolsStatsSQLPropSQLTextRawValue(...) - getSYSPToolsStatsSQLPropSQLTextRaw(...)
Property methods: SQLTextRawBuildValueArray(), SQLTextRawCollectionToDisplay(), SQLTextRawCollectionToOdbc(), SQLTextRawDisplayToCollection(), SQLTextRawDisplayToLogical(), SQLTextRawGet(), SQLTextRawGetObject(), SQLTextRawGetObjectId(), SQLTextRawGetStored(), SQLTextRawGetSwizzled(), SQLTextRawIsValid(), SQLTextRawLogicalToDisplay(), SQLTextRawLogicalToOdbc(), SQLTextRawNormalize(), SQLTextRawOdbcToCollection(), SQLTextRawSet(), SQLTextRawSetObject(), SQLTextRawSetObjectId()
property StatsGroup as %Integer [ Required ];
This is a unique number that specifies the Stats Collection Group for each query run The counter comes from bumping the following global: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","StatsZ","StatsGroup",1,{NameSpace},{RoutineName},{CursorName}) USE: $$$bumpStatsSQLStatsGroup({NameSpace},{RoutineName},{CursorName})
Property methods: StatsGroupCompute(), StatsGroupDisplayToLogical(), StatsGroupGet(), StatsGroupGetStored(), StatsGroupIsValid(), StatsGroupLogicalToDisplay(), StatsGroupNormalize(), StatsGroupSQLCompute(), StatsGroupSet(), StatsGroupSetT()
property StatsMarker as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
This marker indicates if the statistical data is from a SQL Query, in which case the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class should be use, or if these stats are general purpose stats for non-SQL modules, in which case the %SYS.PTools.Stats class should be use.
Property methods: StatsMarkerDisplayToLogical(), StatsMarkerGet(), StatsMarkerGetStored(), StatsMarkerIsValid(), StatsMarkerLogicalToDisplay(), StatsMarkerNormalize(), StatsMarkerSet()
property TotalCommandsExecuted as %Integer;
The total number of ObjectScript commands that were executed in this Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalCommandsExecutedDisplayToLogical(), TotalCommandsExecutedGet(), TotalCommandsExecutedGetStored(), TotalCommandsExecutedIsValid(), TotalCommandsExecutedLogicalToDisplay(), TotalCommandsExecutedNormalize(), TotalCommandsExecutedSet()
property TotalCounter as %Integer;
The total number of times the query has been run since it's last compilation
Property methods: TotalCounterDisplayToLogical(), TotalCounterGet(), TotalCounterGetStored(), TotalCounterIsValid(), TotalCounterLogicalToDisplay(), TotalCounterNormalize(), TotalCounterSet()
property TotalDiskWait as %Integer;
The total number of Milliseconds spent waiting for Disk reads in this Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalDiskWaitDisplayToLogical(), TotalDiskWaitGet(), TotalDiskWaitGetStored(), TotalDiskWaitIsValid(), TotalDiskWaitLogicalToDisplay(), TotalDiskWaitNormalize(), TotalDiskWaitSet()
property TotalGlobalRefs as %Integer;
The total number of global references done in this Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalGlobalRefsDisplayToLogical(), TotalGlobalRefsGet(), TotalGlobalRefsGetStored(), TotalGlobalRefsIsValid(), TotalGlobalRefsLogicalToDisplay(), TotalGlobalRefsNormalize(), TotalGlobalRefsSet()
deprecated property TotalLinesOfCode as %Integer [ Transient , ReadOnly ];
*** DEPRECATED via MRP1300 as of 05/30/2022 *** The 'TotalLinesOfCode' property has been deprecated and replaced by the 'TotalCommandsExecuted' property, but is left here for backwards compatibility and returns the 'TotalCommandsExecuted' value. At some point in the future this property will be removed from the product, so users should not rely on its availability going forward and should use the 'TotalCommandsExecuted' property instead.
Property methods: TotalLinesOfCodeCompute(), TotalLinesOfCodeDisplayToLogical(), TotalLinesOfCodeGet(), TotalLinesOfCodeIsValid(), TotalLinesOfCodeLogicalToDisplay(), TotalLinesOfCodeNormalize(), TotalLinesOfCodeSQLCompute(), TotalLinesOfCodeSetT()
property TotalModuleCount as %Integer;
The total number of times we entered this module for the run of the query
Property methods: TotalModuleCountDisplayToLogical(), TotalModuleCountGet(), TotalModuleCountGetStored(), TotalModuleCountIsValid(), TotalModuleCountLogicalToDisplay(), TotalModuleCountNormalize(), TotalModuleCountSet()
property TotalRowCount as %Integer;
The total number of rows returned in the MAIN Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalRowCountDisplayToLogical(), TotalRowCountGet(), TotalRowCountGetStored(), TotalRowCountIsValid(), TotalRowCountLogicalToDisplay(), TotalRowCountNormalize(), TotalRowCountSet()
property TotalTimeSpent as %Float;
The total time spent in this Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalTimeSpentDisplayToLogical(), TotalTimeSpentGet(), TotalTimeSpentGetStored(), TotalTimeSpentIsValid(), TotalTimeSpentLogicalToDisplay(), TotalTimeSpentNormalize(), TotalTimeSpentSet()
property TotalTimeToFirstRow as %Float;
The total time spent finding the first row in the MAIN Module for the given query
Property methods: TotalTimeToFirstRowDisplayToLogical(), TotalTimeToFirstRowGet(), TotalTimeToFirstRowGetStored(), TotalTimeToFirstRowIsValid(), TotalTimeToFirstRowLogicalToDisplay(), TotalTimeToFirstRowNormalize(), TotalTimeToFirstRowSet()
property VarianceTimeSpent as %Float;
The variance of the time spent in this Module for the given query
Property methods: VarianceTimeSpentDisplayToLogical(), VarianceTimeSpentGet(), VarianceTimeSpentGetStored(), VarianceTimeSpentIsValid(), VarianceTimeSpentLogicalToDisplay(), VarianceTimeSpentNormalize(), VarianceTimeSpentSet()
property creationDate as %Date (FORMAT = 1) [ InitialExpression = +$h , Required ];
Creation Date: $HOROLOG date format
Property methods: creationDateDisplayToLogical(), creationDateGet(), creationDateGetStored(), creationDateIsValid(), creationDateLogicalToDisplay(), creationDateLogicalToOdbc(), creationDateNormalize(), creationDateOdbcToLogical(), creationDateSet()
property creationTime as %Time [ InitialExpression = $p($h,",",2) , Required ];
Creation Time: $HOROLOG time format
Property methods: creationTimeDisplayToLogical(), creationTimeGet(), creationTimeGetStored(), creationTimeIsValid(), creationTimeLogicalToDisplay(), creationTimeLogicalToOdbc(), creationTimeNormalize(), creationTimeOdbcToLogical(), creationTimeSet()


classmethod Export(file="", delim="", ByRef conds As %RawString, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %String [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_Export ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_Export

Method: Export [SQL: StatsSQL_Export] Replaces: Export [SQL: SQLStats_Export] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility. See exportStatsSQL(...) Purpose: This method generates a comma delimited file containing the data from the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).Export(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_Export(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_Export(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Display this export file to the screen via a InterSystems IRIS Terminal: set io=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).Export($IO) #2 Display this export file via the SQL Query Page of the Management Portal: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_Export('$IO') Where: '$IO' = Output to the current device NOTE: '$IO' can be omitted, as it is the default 'file' when invoked via the CALL interface Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: file - The path and file in which to create and store the data from the %SYS.PTools.SQLStats class: (e.g. C:\exportFile.txt) NOTE: $IO = Outputs the data to the screen '$IO' = Output the data to the current device when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface '$DEF' = Ouput the data to the DEFAULT file when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface [DEFAULT: {MGR-Directory}\{computerName}_{ConfigName}_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_StatsSQL.psql] delim - The delimiter by which to delimit the data of the exported file [DEFAULT: $C(9) // TAB] conds - A string/array of possible conditions by which to restrict the output of the Export file, in the following format: conds= OR conds(0)=pos Count (WHERE pos = {1...n}) conds(pos)=$LIST() Pieces: 1) [] (Assumed Default: &&) 2) [{Heading}] (Omit for override cond) 3) | WHERE: := := {&& | ||} (&& = AND | || = OR) @* := @ := @ = Contains no references to {Heading} * = Contains no references to {*} EXAMPLE: conds="("",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{Module}_"",""))||({GlobalRefs}>20)" conds(0)=3 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module","=""INFO""") conds(2)=$LB("||","Module","=""MAIN""") conds(3)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs",">20") conds(0)=2 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module",""",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{*}_"","")") conds(2)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs","{*}>20") WHERE: {*} = value substitution for the 'Module' & 'GlobalRefs' fields NOTE: Conditions that don't contain any references to {Heading} fields, often called s, can be included as s, as in the following example: conds(pos)=$LB(,,"$g(^zAction(""runIt""))=1") NOTE: All conditions must be satisfied for the conds() to be considered true and for the row to be exported [PASS BY REFERENCE] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user the following details: ptInfo(variable)=value ptInfo("outputFile")=The canonical name of the Export/Reporting file RETURN Value: The output locations of the exported data; Otherwise, return the error status if one occurred

classmethod ExportAll(filePrefix="", delim="", exportPlan=0, silent=0, rtnName="", modName="", ByRef conds As %RawString, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %String [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_ExportAll ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_ExportAll

Method: ExportAll [SQL: StatsSQL_ExportAll] Replaces: ExportAll [SQL: SQLStats_ExportAll] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility. See exportStatsSQL(...) Purpose: This method generates two Performance Tool files containing the data from the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class and return a $LIST of the output locations Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ExportAll(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportAll(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportAll(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Display this export file to the screen via a InterSystems IRIS Terminal: set io=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ExportAll($IO) #2 Display this export file via the SQL Query Page of the Management Portal: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportAll('$IO') Where: '$IO' = Output to the current device NOTE: '$IO' can be omitted, as it is the default 'file' when invoked via the CALL interface Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: filePrefix - The path in which to create and store the data from the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class (e.g. C:\) NOTE: $IO = Outputs the data to the screen '$IO' = Output the data to the current device when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface '$DEF' = Ouput the data to the DEFAULT file when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface [DEFAULT: {Current-Directory}\SQLQuery.{ext} & {Current-Directory}\StatsSQL.{ext}] WHERE {Current-Directory} = The directory of the Namespace in which this method is invoked (e.g. $ZU(12,"")) delim - The delimiter by which to delimit the data of the exported file [DEFAULT: $C(9) // TAB] exportPlan - 0 - Export the SQL Query Text 1 - Export the SQL Query Plan [DEFAULT: 0] silent - 0 - Display all messages during the running of this method 1 - Don't display any messages during the running of this method rtnName - If specified, return only the rows where the 'RoutineName' matches the value of this parameter; Otherwise, return rows for all 'RoutineName' values modName - If specified, return only the rows where the 'ModuleName' matches the value of this parameter; Otherwise, return rows for all 'ModuleName' values conds - A string/array of possible conditions by which to restrict the output of the Export file, in the following format: conds= OR conds(0)=pos Count (WHERE pos = {1...n}) conds(pos)=$LIST() Pieces: 1) [] (Assumed Default: &&) 2) [{Heading}] (Omit for override cond) 3) | WHERE: := := {&& | ||} (&& = AND | || = OR) @* := @ := @ = Contains no references to {Heading} * = Contains no references to {*} EXAMPLE: conds="("",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{Module}_"",""))||({GlobalRefs}>20)" conds(0)=3 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module","=""INFO""") conds(2)=$LB("||","Module","=""MAIN""") conds(3)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs",">20") conds(0)=2 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module",""",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{*}_"","")") conds(2)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs","{*}>20") WHERE: {*} = value substitution for the 'Module' & 'GlobalRefs' fields NOTE: Conditions that don't contain any references to {Heading} fields, often called s, can be included as s, as in the following example: conds(pos)=$LB(,,"$g(^zAction(""runIt""))=1") NOTE: All conditions must be satisfied for the conds() to be considered true and for the row to be exported [PASS BY REFERENCE] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user the following details: ptInfo(method,statsType,variable)=value ptInfo(method,statsType,"outputFile")=The canonical name of the Export/Reporting file RETURN Value: A $LIST of the output locations of the exported data; Otherwise, return the error status if one occurred $LB(filePrefix_"StatsSQL_Qry.txt",filePrefix_"StatsSQL_Stats.txt")

classmethod ExportSQLQuery(file="", delim="", exportPlan=0, ByRef conds As %RawString, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %String [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery

Method: ExportSQLQuery [SQL: StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery] Replaces: Export [SQL: SQLQuery_Export] (%SYS.PTools.SQLQuery) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: This method generates a comma delimited file containing the SQL Query data from the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ExportSQLQuery(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Display this export file to the screen via a InterSystems IRIS Terminal: set io=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ExportSQLQuery($IO) #2 Display this export file via the SQL Query Page of the Management Portal: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ExportSQLQuery('$IO') Where: '$IO' = Output to the current device NOTE: '$IO' can be omitted, as it is the default 'file' when invoked via the CALL interface Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: file - The path and file in which to create and store the data from the %SYS.PTools.SQLStats class: (e.g. C:\exportFile.txt) NOTE: $IO = Outputs the data to the screen '$IO' = Output the data to the current device when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface '$DEF' = Ouput the data to the DEFAULT file when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface [DEFAULT: {MGR-Directory}\{computerName}_{ConfigName}_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ExportSQLQuery.psql] delim - The delimiter by which to delimit the data of the exported file [DEFAULT: $C(9) // TAB] exportPlan - 0 - Export the SQL Query Text [DEFAULT] 1 - Export the SQL Query Plan conds - A string/array of possible conditions by which to restrict the output of the Export file, in the following format: conds= OR conds(0)=pos Count (WHERE pos = {1...n}) conds(pos)=$LIST() Pieces: 1) [] (Assumed Default: &&) 2) [{Heading}] (Omit for override cond) 3) | WHERE: := := {&& | ||} (&& = AND | || = OR) @* := @ := @ = Contains no references to {Heading} * = Contains no references to {*} EXAMPLE: conds="("",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{Module}_"",""))||({GlobalRefs}>20)" conds(0)=3 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module","=""INFO""") conds(2)=$LB("||","Module","=""MAIN""") conds(3)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs",">20") conds(0)=2 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module",""",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{*}_"","")") conds(2)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs","{*}>20") WHERE: {*} = value substitution for the 'Module' & 'GlobalRefs' fields NOTE: Conditions that don't contain any references to {Heading} fields, often called s, can be included as s, as in the following example: conds(pos)=$LB(,,"$g(^zAction(""runIt""))=1") NOTE: All conditions must be satisfied for the conds() to be considered true and for the row to be exported [PASS BY REFERENCE] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user the following details: ptInfo(variable)=value ptInfo("outputFile")=The canonical name of the Export/Reporting file RETURN Value: The output locations of the exported data; Otherwise, return the error status if one occurred

classmethod GetLastSQLStats(dumpResults=0) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_GetLastSQLStats ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_GetLastSQLStats

Method: GetLastSQLStats [SQL: StatsSQL_GetLastSQLStats] Replaces: GetLastSQLStats [SQL: SQLStats_GetLastSQLStats] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: This method return the SQLStats Result Set from the last invoked SQL Statement NOTE: This method makes use of a local variable '%sqlcontext' that gets set when the stats data is saved. This only works if you are running in the same process. Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetLastSQLStats(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_GetLastSQLStats(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_GetLastSQLStats(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 To see the SQLStats Result Set from the last invoked SQL Statement, invoke one of the following methods: // First invoke a query with SQLStats turned on, such that the following // array value gets set: %SQLStats("LastRow") set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetLastSQLStats() do %sqlcontext.DumpResults() OR set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetLastSQLStats(1) // Automatically invokes DumpResults() OR set tSC=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"CALL %SYS_PTools.GetLastSQLStats(1)") %sqlcontext: The variable containing the instantiated object of the class %Library.SQLProcContext when a stored procedure is called. %sqlcontext consists of several properties, including an Error object, the SQLCODE error status, the SQL row count, and an error message. This variable is reset before each execution. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: dumpResults - 1 = Automatically invoke the 'DumpResults()' if '%sqlcontext' is set to a valid value RETURN Value: The status of this method's execution

classmethod GetSQLStatsFlag(flagType As %Integer = "", returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlag ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlag

Method: GetSQLStatsFlag [SQL: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlag] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method gets the flag that controls whether or not we collect SQL Statistics for each SQL Query execution Get the current value of the SQLStats-flag for the given 'flagType'. The SQLStats-flag (System/Job) controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to be collected. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} RULES: When (flagType=""), whether to use the SQLStats-flag (System) or the SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) is determined by the following rules: IF {action-flag} (Process/Job) = 0, then use SQLStats-flag (System) ELSE use SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) NOTE: This method has the following additional rule when passed the parameter: flagType="" RULE-G1: If {action-flag}=-1, then return zero (0) for each component-flag of the SQLStats-flag, except for the {flag-type} which is one (1) [indicating a Process/Job Flag setting], as in the following example: write $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlag("") => "0:0:0::0:1" To retrieve the actual value for each component-flag of the SQLStats-flag in this example, pass a one (1) for the 'flagType' parameter: write $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlag(1) => "-1:0:0::0:1" Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsFlag(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlag(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlag(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Get the current value of the SQLStats-flag for the Job/System Flag based on SQLStats-flag Rules: set SQLStatsFlag=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsFlag("") Data Storage: ^%SYS("sql","sys","SQLStats") Parameters: flagType - "" = Job/System Flag based on SQLStats-flag Rules [DEFAULT] 0 = System Flag 1 = Process/Job Flag returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value Where category = { "current" | "terminate" | ["expired"] | ... } variable = A variable that corresponds to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("current","SQLStatsFlag")=The SQLStats-flag value after method execution RETURN Value: The current value of the SQLStats-flag; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod GetSQLStatsFlagByPID(pid As %String = "", returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlagByPID ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlagByPID

Method: GetSQLStatsFlagByPID [SQL: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlagByPID] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method gets the flag that controls whether or not we collect SQL Statistics about each SQL Query execution for the given 'pid' Get the current value of the SQLStats-flag for the given 'pid'. The SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to be collected. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} NOTE: This method ONLY applies to the SQLStats-flag for the given 'pid' (Process/Job) and NOT the SQLStats-flag for the (System)! RESTRICTION: This method invocation requires %Admin_Operate:Use privilege Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Get the current value of the SQLStats-flag for the Job/System Flag based on SQLStats-flag Rules for PID# 12345: set SQLStatsFlag=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsFlagByPID(12345) Data Storage: ^%SYS("sql","sys","SQLStats") Parameters: pid - The process ID ($JOB) for which to set the SQLStats-flag [DEFAULT: Current $JOB] returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value NOTE: This method currently returns no 'ptInfo', but is included for future extensibility RETURN Value: The current value of the SQLStats-flag; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod GetSQLStatsSaveFlag(flagType As %Integer = "") as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsSaveFlag ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsSaveFlag

Method: GetSQLStatsSaveFlag [SQL: StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsSaveFlag] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This methods gets the flag that controls what type of SQL Statistics to collect about each run of a query Get the current value of the SQLStatsSave-flag for the given 'flagType'. The SQLStatsSave-flag (System/Job) controls what type of SQL Statistics are saved, either Original (backward-compatible) or Optimal (new). The SQLStatsSave-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual flags: {type-flag} & {method-flag} RULES: When (flagType=""), whether to use the SQLStatsSave-flag (System) or the SQLStatsSave-flag (Job) is determined by the following rules: IF {type-flag} (JOB) = 0, then use SQLStatsSave-flag (System) ELSE use SQLStatsSave-flag (Job) Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.GetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_GetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Get the current SQLStatsSave-flag value based on the aforementioned 'flagType' Rules: set SQLStatsSaveFlag=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetSQLStatsSaveFlag() Data Storage: ^%SYS("sql","sys","SQLStatsSave") Parameters: flagType - "" = Job/System Flag based on SQLStatsSave-flag Rules [DEFAULT] 0 = System Flag 1 = Job Flag RETURN Value: The current value of the SQLStatsSave-flag; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod GetStats(ByRef SQLText As %String = 0, mod As %String, showStats As %Integer = 0) as %String

Method: GetStats [SQL: N/A] Replaces: GetStats (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: Returns the Stats for a given module of a given SQL statement Invoked by the Show Plan code when Stats are to be included Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetStats(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Get the stats for the 'MAIN' module of the following SQL Statement from the 'SAMPLES' namespace: zn "SAMPLES" kill sql set sql($i(sql))="SELECT ID, Name FROM Sample.Person" set statsList=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).GetStats(.sql,"MAIN",1) for pos=1:1:$LL(statsList) write !?3,$LTS($LG(statsList,pos)) ModuleName,Module,MAIN TimeSpent,Time,0.00999 GlobalRefs,Globals,1,201 CommandsExecuted,Commands,41,311 DiskWait,Disk Wait,1 RowCount,Row Count,400 ModuleCount,Mod Execs,1 Counter,Run Count,1 Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: SQLText - An array of the SQL Statement in the following format: SQLText={ln# counter} SQLText({ln#})={SQL Statement} mod - SQL Module being processed showStats - 0 = Don't show any stats with the query plan 1 = Execute a query and get/show stats with the query plan [FROM: Query Test or ShowPlan^%apiSQL] 2 = Retrieve existing stats and show the averages with the query plan [NOTE: Query Info from ^mqh($UserName,"id") set in ##class(%CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.QButtons.RuntimeStats).PrepareShowPlan(...) [FROM: SQL Runtime Statistics->{View Stats}->Show Plan] 3 = Generate and show stats for an alternate Show Plan with the query plan RETURN Value: Query Stats as a $LIST with the following format: 1) $LIST({Property},{Header},{Value}) ... n) $LIST({Property},{Header},{Value})

classmethod ImportSchema(CN As %String, Rtn As %String, Internal As %Boolean = 0) as %String

Method: ImportSchema [SQL: N/A] Replaced By: getImportSchema (%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL) Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: This method retrieves the Import Schema given the parameters: 'CN', 'Rtn', & 'Internal' Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ImportSchema(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Retrieve the SQL Text for any of the data rows retrieved from invoking the 'exportStatsSQL()' method: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL() set iSchema=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).ImportSchema("SQLStats0","PToolsSQLStats"_$JOB) Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: CN - The cursor name from which to retrieve the Import Schema Rtn - The routine from which to retrieve the Import Schema Internal - 0 = Return the External Query Text [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the Internal Query Text Return: Return either the Internal or External Import Schema; Otherwise, return the Error Status if an error occurs.

classmethod Purge(ns As %String = "", rtn As %String = "", ph3 As %Integer = 0, clearAll As %Integer = 0, clearErrs As %Integer = 0, returnType As %Integer = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Status [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_Purge ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_Purge

Method: Purge [SQL: StatsSQL_Purge] Replaced BY: clearStatsSQL [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQL] (%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL) Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class, based on the specified parameters: 'ns' & 'rtn' Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).Purge(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_Purge(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_Purge(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Delete all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class in the 'SAMPLES' namespace: set stats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).Purge("SAMPLES") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace in which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, use the current namespaces where SQL Stats collected [DEFAULT: Current Namespace] rtn - The routine for which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' [OPTIONAL] ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearAll - 0 = Perform a normal clear, but leave the 'INFO' rows 1 = Clear everything including the 'INFO' rows [DEFAULT: 0] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT: 0] returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1 = Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL [DEFAULT: 0] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQL")=The number of rows deleted via this method [Routine Method] ptInfo("cnt","Purge")=The number of rows deleted via this method [Class Method] RETURN Value: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR()

classmethod QueryText(CN As %String, Rtn As %String, Internal As %Boolean = 0) as %String

Method: QueryText [SQL: N/A] Replaced By: getQueryText (%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL) Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: This method retrieves the SQL Query Text given the parameters: 'CN', 'Rtn', & 'Internal' Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).QueryText(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Retrieve the SQL Text for any of the data rows retrieved from invoking the 'exportStatsSQL()' method: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL() set sql=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).QueryText("SQLStats0","PToolsSQLStats"_$JOB) Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: CN - The cursor name from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text Rtn - The routine from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text Internal - 0 = Return the External Query Text [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the Internal Query Text Return: Return either the Internal or External SQL Query Text; Otherwise, return the Error Status if an error occurs.

classmethod SetSQLStats(actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", terminateCond As %String = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStats ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStats

Method: SetSQLStats [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStats] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls whether or not the System collects SQL Statistics about each run of a query You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flag, for the System with this method. The SQLStats-flag controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to collect. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStats(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStats(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStats(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Turn PTools ON to collects stats for all SQL modules (System): set oldStats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStats(3) Data Storage: N/A Parameters: actionFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: 0 = Query Compilation: Don't generator SQLStats collection code for any Query Modules Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 1 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value collectFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, with one of the following values: "" = Collect All SQL Performance Metrics [DEFAULT] n = Where n=SUM(MVal) [See Below] In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This parameter provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the two aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 7 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the three aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. terminateCond - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 5th colon (:) piece, and is determined by this parameter value. An optional condition to determine when to terminate the SQLStats collection, by turning off the SQLStats-flag (System), or by setting it to a specified reset value. This parameter accepts the following values: 0 No Action [DEFAULT] M:: Where =# of minutes from 1..n When specified, this value will terminate the SQLStats collection the number of minutes after the current $H Where =Reset {action-flag} value from 0..3 When specified, this is the value to which the {action-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag will be set upon expiration If not specified, default to zero (0) (e.g. "M:120:1" => Terminate 120minutes after the current $H and reset SQLStats-flag/{action-flag} to 1) T:: Where =Timestamp with the format: YYYYMMDD HHMM When specified, this value will terminate the SQLStats collection after the timestamp value Where =Reset {action-flag} value from 0..3 When specified, this is the value to which the {action-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag will be set upon expiration If not specified, default to zero (0) (e.g. "T:20171018 1330:1" => Terminate after 10/18/2017 01:30PM and reset SQLStats-flag/{action-flag} to 1) ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value Where category = { "current" | "terminate" | ... } variable = A variable that corresponds to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("current","SQLStatsFlag")=The SQLStats-flag value after method execution RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsFlag(actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", terminateCond As %String = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlag ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlag

Method: SetSQLStatsFlag [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlag] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: See SetSQLStats() for details!

classmethod SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(ns As %String = "", actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", terminateCond As %String = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByNS ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByNS

Method: SetSQLStatsFlagByNS [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByNS] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls whether or not to collect SQL Statistics about each run of a query within the given 'ns' (Namespace) You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flag, for a given 'ns'. The SQLStats-flag (System) controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to be collected. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} NOTE: This method ONLY applies to the SQLStats-flag (System) for the given 'ns' and NOT the SQLStats-flag (Process/Job)! Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: Object Script: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByNS(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Turn PTools ON to collects stats for all SQL modules within the "USER" Namespace: set oldStats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByNS("USER",3) Data Storage: N/A Parameters: ns - The Namespace ($NAMESPACE) for which to set the SQLStats-flag [REQUIRED] actionFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: 0 = Query Compilation: Don't generator SQLStats collection code for any Query Modules Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 1 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value collectFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, with one of the following values: "" = Collect All SQL Performance Metrics [DEFAULT] n = Where n=SUM(MVal) [See Below] In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This parameter provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the two aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 7 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the three aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. terminateCond - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 5th colon (:) piece, and is determined by this parameter value. An optional condition to determine when to terminate the SQLStats collection, by turning off the SQLStats-flag (System), or by setting it to a specified reset value. This parameter accepts the following values: 0 No Action [DEFAULT] M:: Where =# of minutes from 1..n When specified, this value will terminate the SQLStats collection the number of minutes after the current $H Where =Reset {action-flag} value from 0..3 When specified, this is the value to which the {action-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag will be set upon expiration If not specified, default to zero (0) (e.g. "M:120:1" => Terminate 120minutes after the current $H and reset SQLStats-flag/{action-flag} to 1) T:: Where =Timestamp with the format: YYYYMMDD HHMM When specified, this value will terminate the SQLStats collection after the timestamp value Where =Reset {action-flag} value from 0..3 When specified, this is the value to which the {action-flag} portion of the SQLStats-flag will be set upon expiration If not specified, default to zero (0) (e.g. "T:20171018 1330:1" => Terminate after 10/18/2017 01:30PM and reset SQLStats-flag/{action-flag} to 1) ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value Where category = { "current" | "terminate" | ... } variable = A variable that corresponds to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("current","SQLStatsFlag")=The SQLStats-flag value after method execution RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(pid As %String = "", actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", p5 As %String = "", ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByPID ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByPID

Method: SetSQLStatsFlagByPID [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByPID] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls whether or not to collect SQL Statistics about each run of a query for the given 'pid' You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flag, for a given 'pid'. The SQLStats-flag (Process/Job) controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to be collected. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} NOTE: This method ONLY applies to the SQLStats-flag for the given 'pid' (Process/Job) and NOT the SQLStats-flag for the (System)! RESTRICTION: This method invocation requires %Admin_Operate:Use privilege Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Turn PTools ON to collects stats for all SQL modules for PID# 12345: set oldStats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagByPID(12345,3) Data Storage: N/A Parameters: pid - The process ID ($JOB) for which to set the SQLStats-flag [DEFAULT: Current $JOB] actionFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: -1 = Query Compilation: Turn SQLStats Off for the given 'pid' Query Execution: Turn SQLStats Off for the given 'pid' 0 = Query Compilation: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting Query Execution: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting 1 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value collectFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, with one of the following values: "" = Collect All SQL Performance Metrics [DEFAULT] n = Where n=SUM(MVal) [See Below] In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This parameter provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the two aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 7 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the three aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. p5 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value NOTE: This method currently returns no 'ptInfo', but is included for future extensibility RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsFlagJob(actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", p4 As %String = "", ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagJob ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagJob

Method: SetSQLStatsFlagJob [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagJob] Replaces: SetSQLStatsJob [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsJob] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls whether or not this Process/Job collects SQL Statistics about each run of a query You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flag, for your current Process/Job with this method. The SQLStats-flag controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to collect. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagJob(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagJob(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagJob(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Turn PTools ON to collects stats for all SQL modules: set oldStats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsFlagJob(3) Data Storage: ^%SYS("sql","sys","SQLStats") Parameters: actionFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: -1 = Query Compilation: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job Query Execution: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job [-1 ONLY when flagType=1] 0 = Query Compilation: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting Query Execution: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting 1 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value collectFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, with one of the following values: "" = Collect All SQL Performance Metrics [DEFAULT] n = Where n=SUM(MVal) [See Below] In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This parameter provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the two aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 7 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the three aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. p4 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value Where category = { "current" | "terminate" | ... } variable = A variable that corresponds to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("current","SQLStatsFlag")=The SQLStats-flag value after method execution RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsJob(actionFlag As %Integer = 0, returnActionFlag As %Integer = 0, collectFlag As %String = "", p4 As %String = "", ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsJob ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsJob

Method: SetSQLStatsJob [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsJob] Replaces: SetSQLStatsJob [SQL: SetSQLStatsJob] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Replaced By: SetSQLStatsFlagJob [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsFlagJob] Status: Maintained for Backward-Compatibility Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls whether or not this Process/Job collects SQL Statistics about each run of a query You can invoke different levels of SQL Statistics collection by setting the SQLStats-flag, for your current Process/Job with this method. The SQLStats-flag controls whether or not SQL Statistics are collected for each SQL Query execution, and which performance statistics to collect. The SQLStats-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual components: SQLStats-flag={action-flag}:{collect-flag}:{condition-flag}:{condition-value}:{terminate-flag}:{flag-type} Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsJob(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsJob(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsJob(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Turn PTools ON to collects stats for all SQL modules: set oldStats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsJob(3) Data Storage: N/A Parameters: actionFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 1st colon (:) piece, and can have one of the following values: -1 = Query Compilation: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job Query Execution: Turn SQLStats Off for this Process/Job [-1 ONLY when flagType=1] 0 = Query Compilation: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting Query Execution: Use the {action-flag} (System) setting 1 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Don't collect SQLStats for any Query Modules 2 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for MAIN Query Module (Start & Stop) 3 = Query Compilation: Generator SQLStats collection code for ALL Query Modules Query Execution: Collect SQLStats for ALL Query Modules returnActionFlag - 0 = Return the entire SQLStats-flag value [DEFAULT] 1 = Return only the {action-flag} value, which is the portion of the SQLStats-flag represented by the 1st colon (:) piece NOTE: This is the backward-compatible value collectFlag - The portion of the SQLStats-flag which is represented by the 2nd colon (:) piece, and is a numeric value representing which SQL Performance Statistics/Metrics to collect, with one of the following values: "" = Collect All SQL Performance Metrics [DEFAULT] n = Where n=SUM(MVal) [See Below] In general, all of the following performance metrics are collected for each SQL module, along with a cumulative value representing all SQL modules, when the SQLStats-flag is turned on: MVal Metric Name Metric Description ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time Total number of seconds elapsed 2 Total Global References Total number of global references 4 Total Commands Executed Total number of OS commands executed 8 Total Disk Read Latency Time Total milliseconds spent waiting ==== for Disk Reads 15 ALL Collect all Performance Metrics This parameter provides a mechanism by which to choose a combination of which performance metrics to collect, by specifying a SUM of the performance metrics MVal numbers (specified above) that you wish to collect. EXAMPLE #1: The following example represents the collection of 2 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time' & 'Total Disk Read Latency Time': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time +8 Total Disk Read Latency Time === 9 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 9 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the two aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. EXAMPLE #2: The following example represents the collection of 3 performance metrics, 'Query Execution Time', 'Total Global References' & 'Total Commands Executed': MVal Metric Name ---- ---------------------------- 1 Query Execution Time 2 Total Global References +4 Total Commands Executed === 7 Collect both of these performance metrics By passing 7 for the value of the 'collectFlag' parameter, the sum of the three aforementioned performance metrics MVal numbers, the SQLStats PTool application will only collect statistical data for these two performance metrics whenever an SQL Query is invoked. p4 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user detailed information in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value Where category = { "current" | "terminate" | ... } variable = A variable that corresponds to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("current","SQLStatsFlag")=The SQLStats-flag value after method execution RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStats-flag before setting it to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsSaveFlag(typeFlag As %Integer = 1, methodFlag As %Integer = 0) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlag ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlag

Method: SetSQLStatsSaveFlag [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlag] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls what type of SQL Statistics the System collects about each run of a query The SQLStatsSave-flag controls what type of SQL Statistics are saved, either Optimal (new) or Original (backward-compatible). The SQLStatsSave-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual flags: {type-flag} & {method-flag} Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlag(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Set the PTools SQL Stats save flag (System) to 'Optimal' set oldFlag=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsSaveFlag(1) Data Storage: ^%SYS("sql","sys","SQLStatsSave") Parameters: typeFlag - 1 = Optimal (new) [DEFAULT] 2 = Original (backward-compatible) [Optional Parameters] methodFlag - 0 = Save the collected SQL Performance [DEFAULT] Statistics via SQL (SQL-Set) 1 = Save the collected SQL Performance Statistics via COS (Direct-Set) NOTE: This parameter is only applicable when 'typeFlag=1' NOTE: This parameter should only be used when advised by InterSystems Staff! RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStatsSave-flag before setting to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob(typeFlag As %Integer = 1, methodFlag As %Integer = 0) as %Integer [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob

Method: SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob [SQL: StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method sets the flag that controls what type of SQL Statistics this Process/Job collects about each run of a query The SQLStatsSave-flag controls what type of SQL Statistics are saved, either Optimal (new) or Original (backward-compatible). The SQLStatsSave-flag is a colon (:) delimited string comprised of the following individual flags: {type-flag} & {method-flag} Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob(...) $SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob(...) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Set the PTools SQL Stats save flag (Process/Job) to 'Optimal' set oldFlag=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).SetSQLStatsSaveFlagJob(1) Data Storage: N/A Parameters: typeFlag - 0 = Use the {type-flag} (System) value [DEFAULT] 1 = Optimal (new) 2 = Original (backward-compatible) [Optional Parameters] methodFlag - 0 = Save the collected SQL Performance [DEFAULT] Statistics via SQL (SQL-Set) 1 = Save the collected SQL Performance Statistics via COS (Direct-Set) NOTE: This parameter is only applicable when 'typeFlag=1' NOTE: This parameter should only be used when advised by InterSystems Staff! RETURN Value: The value of the SQLStatsSave-flag before setting to the new value; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod TriggerOnDelete(timing, ns, rtn, curs, sgrp, mod, rtnUCQCaller="")
Perform the OnDelete Trigger operations for this class...
classmethod aggregateSQLStats(ns="", rtn="", curs="") as %Status [ SQLProc = PT_aggregateSQLStats ]
Projected as the stored procedure: PT_aggregateSQLStats

Method: aggregateSQLStats [SQL: PT_aggregateSQLStats] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This function aggregates all of the statistical properties for each SQL Query where data was collected Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).aggregateSQLStats(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_aggregateSQLStats(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_aggregateSQLStats(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Aggregate all of the statistical properties for the 'SAMPLES' namespace: set status=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).aggregateSQLStats("SAMPLES") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace in which to aggregate SQL Statistics If none provided, spin through all namespaces where SQL Stats collected rtn - The routine in which to aggregate SQL Statistics If none provided, spin through all routines where SQL Stats collected curs - The cursor in which to aggregate SQL Statistics If none provided, spin through all cursor where SQL Stats collected Return: Error Status

classmethod buildPPcost(qoqn As %Float, ByRef dmt As %RawString, ByRef dmts As %RawString, ByRef dalg As %RawString, ByRef PPcost As %RawString, silent As %Integer = 0)

Method: buildPPcost Replaces: BuildPPcost (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: * INTERNAL USE ONLY * NOTE: This method is ONLY provided as an interface for the purpose of backward compatibility Parameters: qoqn - dmt - dmts - dalg - PPcost - An array of query cost details to return to the invoking method silent - 0 = Output information for this method invocation 1 = Don't perform any writes within this method invocation RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod changeCost(PPcost As %Float, num As %Integer, level As %Integer, ByRef dmt As %RawString, ByRef dmts As %RawString, ByRef dalg As %RawString, silent As %Integer = 0)

Method: changeCost Replaces: ChangeCost (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: * INTERNAL USE ONLY * NOTE: This method is ONLY provided as an interface for the purpose of backward compatibility Parameters: PPcost - The cost of the SQL Plan Path specified num - The cost number of the SQL Plan Path specified level - The cost level of the SQL Plan Path specified dmt - dmts - dalg - silent - 0 = Output information for this method invocation 1 = Don't perform any writes within this method invocation RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod clearStatsSQL(ns As %String = "", rtn As %String = "", ph3 As %Integer = 0, clearAll As %Integer = 0, clearErrs As %Integer = 0, returnType As %Integer = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Status [ SQLProc = PT_clearStatsSQL ]
Projected as the stored procedure: PT_clearStatsSQL

Method: clearStatsSQL [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQL] Replaces: Purge [SQL: StatsSQL_Purge] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class, based on the specified parameters: 'ns' & 'rtn' This method clears SQLStats which are gathered when the SQLStats-flag is turned ON, a SQL Statement is invoked, and the SQLStats-flag is turned OFF, as in the following example: set SQLStatsJOB=$SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagJob(3) // SQLStats-flag ON set sql($i(sql))="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sample.Person" // Use Dynamic SQL Query Interface (%SQL.Statement) to invoke // SQL Statement & collect SQLStats data: // %New() ... %Prepare(.sql) ... %Execute() ... %Next() ... %OnClose() set SQLStatsJOB=$SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagJob(0) // SQLStats-flag OFF Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).clearStatsSQL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQL(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQL(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Delete all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class in the 'SAMPLES' namespace: set stats=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).clearStatsSQL("SAMPLES") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace in which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, use the current namespaces where SQL Stats collected [DEFAULT: Current Namespace] rtn - The routine for which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' [OPTIONAL] ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearAll - 0 = Perform a normal clear, but leave the 'INFO' rows 1 = Clear everything including the 'INFO' rows [DEFAULT: 0] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT: 0] returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1 = Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL [DEFAULT: 0] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQL")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL

classmethod clearStatsSQLAllNS(rtn As %String = "", ph2 As %Integer = 0, ph3 As %String = "", clearAll As %Integer = 0, clearErrs As %Integer = 0, returnType As %Integer = 0, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString) as %Status [ SQLProc = PT_clearStatsSQLAllNS ]
Projected as the stored procedure: PT_clearStatsSQLAllNS

Method: clearStatsSQLAllNS [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLAllNS] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class in All Namespaces on a system for which the user has Write Privileges (Write infers Read), based on the optional 'rtn' parameter... This method clears SQLStats in all namespaces which are gathered when the SQLStats-flag is turned ON, a SQL Statement is invoked, and the SQLStats-flag is turned OFF, as in the following example: set SQLStatsJOB=$SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagJob(3) // SQLStats-flag ON set sql($i(sql))="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sample.Person" // Use Dynamic SQL Query Interface (%SQL.Statement) to invoke // SQL Statement & collect SQLStats data: // %New() ... %Prepare(.sql) ... %Execute() ... %Next() ... %OnClose() set SQLStatsJOB=$SYSTEM.SQL.SetSQLStatsFlagJob(0) // SQLStats-flag OFF Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).clearStatsSQLAllNS(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLAllNS(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLAllNS(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Delete all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' class in all namespaces on the system: set status=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).clearStatsSQLAllNS() Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: rtn - The routine in which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, clear all routines in all appropriate namespaces [OPTIONAL] ph2 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearAll - 0 = Perform a normal clear, but leave the 'INFO' rows 1 = Clear everything including the 'INFO' rows [DEFAULT: 0] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT: 0] returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted from the following class, for each namespace: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL [DEFAULT: 0] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLAllNS")=The number of rows deleted RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred: %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL

classmethod exportStatsSQL(file="", format="P", silent=0, statsType=0, exportPlan=0, rtnName="", modName="", ByRef conds As %RawString, ByRef ptInfo As %RawString, contRowCnt="", bcFlag="") as %Status [ SQLProc = PT_exportStatsSQL ]
Projected as the stored procedure: PT_exportStatsSQL

Method: exportStatsSQL [SQL: PT_exportStatsSQL] Replaces: Export & ExportAll (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Create a Performance Tool file containing the data from the '%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL' and return the output location... By default, the file will be created in the current directory of the InterSystems IRIS instance. NOTE: Current directory can be obtained in the following way, from a InterSystems IRIS Terminal: >write $ZU(12,"") You can pass a different value for the 'file' parameters if you wish to override the default location and file name. Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).exportStatsSQL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Display this export file to the screen via a InterSystems IRIS Terminal: set tSC=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).exportStatsSQL($IO) #2 Display this export file via the SQL Query Page of the Management Portal: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL('$IO','H') Where: '$IO' = Output to the current device NOTE: '$IO' can be omitted, as it is the default 'file' when invoked via the CALL interface 'H' = Output the format in HTML format NOTE: 'H' can be omitted, as it is the default 'format' when invoked via the CALL interface Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: file - The path and file in which to create and store the data from the %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL class: (e.g. C:\exportFile.txt) NOTE: $IO = Outputs the data to the screen '$IO' = Output the data to the current device when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface '$DEF' = Ouput the data to the DEFAULT file when invoked from the CALL/SELECT-interface [DEFAULT: {Current-Directory}\PT_StatsSQL_exportStatsSQL[_{Stmt|Plan}]_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.{ext}] WHERE {Current-Directory} = The directory of the Namespace in which this method is invoked (e.g. $ZU(12,"")) NOTE 2: If Passed By Reference, then 'file' will be returned as the canonical name of the Export/Reporting file format - The output format of the Export/Reporting file This parameter has the following structure of constituent elements: format=[:$LB(,,)] Where the constituent elements have the following values: - The format of the Export/Reporting file: - P = Printable/Viewable report file (.txt file, no pagination) - D = Comma-delimited data file (.csv file) which can be read into a spreadsheet - X = Microsoft Excel XML markup file suitable for import into Excel (.xml file) - H = HTML page file (.html file) - Z = User-defined delimiter "P" formatted file (.dlm file) NOTE: The element is required or defaulted to $C(9) (TAB) Optional Elements: - User-defined delimiter [DEFAULT: $C(9) (TAB)] NOTE: This is generally used for ="Z" - .csv file header for ="D": - 0 = Don't add non-standard information header to file [DEFAULT] - 1 = Add non-standard information header to file - .csv file footer for ="D": - 0 = Don't add non-standard information footer to file [DEFAULT] - 1 = Add non-standard information footer to file EXAMPLES: Valid 'format' values: - "H" // HTML file - "D" // CSV file with No information header or footer - "D:"_$LB(,1,1) // CSV file with information header & footer - "Z:"_$LB("^") // User-defined delimiter file (delim="^") silent - 0 - Display all messages during the running of this method 1 - Don't display any messages during the running of this method statsType - 0 - Return SQL Query Stats rows from %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL [DEFAULT] 1 - Return SQL Query Stmt/Plan rows from %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL exportPlan - 0 - Export the SQL Query Stmt Text [DEFAULT] 1 - Export the SQL Query Plan NOTE: This parameter is ONLY applicable when statsType=1 rtnName - If specified, return only the rows where the 'RoutineName' matches the value of this parameter; Otherwise, return rows for all 'RoutineName' values modName - If specified, return only the rows where the 'ModuleName' matches the value of this parameter; Otherwise, return rows for all 'ModuleName' values conds - A string/array of possible conditions by which to restrict the output of the Export file, in the following format: conds= OR conds(0)=pos Count (WHERE pos = {1...n}) conds(pos)=$LIST() Pieces: 1) [] (Assumed Default: &&) 2) [{Heading}] (Omit for override cond) 3) | WHERE: := := {&& | ||} (&& = AND | || = OR) @* := @ := @ = Contains no references to {Heading} * = Contains no references to {*} EXAMPLE: conds="("",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{Module}_"",""))||({GlobalRefs}>20)" conds(0)=3 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module","=""INFO""") conds(2)=$LB("||","Module","=""MAIN""") conds(3)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs",">20") conds(0)=2 conds(1)=$LB(,"Module",""",INFO,MAIN,""[("",""_{*}_"","")") conds(2)=$LB("||","GlobalRefs","{*}>20") WHERE: {*} = value substitution for the 'Module' & 'GlobalRefs' fields NOTE: Conditions that don't contain any references to {Heading} fields, often called s, can be included as s, as in the following example: conds(pos)=$LB(,,"$g(^zAction(""runIt""))=1") NOTE: All conditions must be satisfied for the conds() to be considered true and for the row to be exported [PASS BY REFERENCE] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns to the user the following details: ptInfo(variable)=value ptInfo("outputFile")=The canonical name of the Export/Reporting file contRowCnt - "" - No Action >=0 - Continuation from another Export, so skip the preamble code [InterSystems: Internal Purposes ONLY] bcFlag - This is a Backward-Compatibility flag used for [InterSystems: Internal Purposes ONLY] RETURN Value: The status from the invocation of this method

classmethod getImportSchema(ns As %String = "", rtn As %String = "", curs As %String = "") as %String

Method: getImportSchema [SQL: N/A] Replaces: ImportSchema (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method retrieves the Import Schema given the parameters: 'ns', 'rtn', & 'curs' Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).getImportSchema(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Retrieve the SQL Text for any of the data rows retrieved from invoking the 'exportStatsSQL()' method: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL() set iSchema=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).getImportSchema($NAMESPACE,"PToolsSQLStats"_$JOB,"SQLStats0") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text rtn - The routine from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text curs - The cursor from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text Return: Return the Import Schema; Otherwise, return the Error Status if an error occurs.

classmethod getQueryText(ns As %String = "", rtn As %String = "", curs As %String = "", getInt As %Boolean = 0) as %String

Method: getQueryText [SQL: N/A] Replaces: QueryText (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method retrieves the SQL Query Text given the parameters: 'ns', 'rtn', 'curs', & 'getInt' Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).getQueryText(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Retrieve the SQL Text for any of the data rows retrieved from invoking the 'exportStatsSQL()' method: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_exportStatsSQL() set sql=##class(%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL).getQueryText($NAMESPACE,"PToolsSQLStats"_$JOB,"SQLStats0") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text rtn - The routine from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text curs - The cursor from which to retrieve the SQL Query Text getInt - 0 = Return the External Query Text 1 = Return the Internal Query Text Return: Return either the Internal or External SQL Query Text; Otherwise, return the Error Status if an error occurs.

classmethod map(data As %String, ByRef mt As %RawString, ByRef mts As %RawString, ByRef alg As %RawString, qnum As %Integer, str As %Integer, silent As %Integer = 0)

Method: map Replaces: map (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: * INTERNAL USE ONLY * NOTE: This method is ONLY provided as an interface for the purpose of backward compatibility Parameters: data - mt - mts - alg - qnum - str - silent - 0 = Output information for this method invocation 1 = Don't perform any writes within this method invocation RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod newSQLStats(SQLText, SQLType, ns, rtn, curs, compTime=0, SQLIndexHash="", ucqInfo="")

Stub: For the 'newSQLStats()' method in the '%SYS.PTools.MAC' routine Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces'

classmethod possiblePlans(ByRef sql As %RawString, PPcost As %Integer = 0, num As %Integer = 0, level As %Integer = 0, arr As %Integer = 0, showStats As %Integer = 0, schemaImport As %String = "", schemaPath As %String = "", preparse As %Integer = 0, ByRef hash As %String = "", silent As %Integer = 0)

ShowPlanAlt U T I L I T I E S ------------------------------

Method: possiblePlans Replaces: PossiblePlans (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Generate a %plan() arrays for the SQL Plan Path specified for the given 'sql' Query Statement. This method processed by the ShowPlanAlt^%apiSQL() method and other such interfaces... Parameters: sql - An array of the SQL Statement in the following format: sql={ln# counter} sql({ln#})={SQL Statement} PPcost - The cost of the SQL Plan Path specified num - The cost number of the SQL Plan Path specified level - The cost level of the SQL Plan Path specified arr - 0 = Output the %plan(1:%plan) array via WRITE 1 = Leave the resulting plan lines in the array %plan(1:%plan) showStats - 0 = Do not show stats as part of the plan [DEFAULT] 1 = Run the SQL query to generate stats and output the stats as part of the plan text 2 = Lookup the stats in %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL 3 = Generate alternate plan for the Portal schemaImport - Used with the #IMPORT preprocessor directive, one or more schema names to search to supply the schema name for an unqualified table name in an Embedded SQL query. You can specify a single schema name, or a comma-separated list of schema names. NOTE: All schemas must be in the current namespace. #IMPORT directives are additive. Specifying a second #IMPORT does not inactivate the list of schema names specified in a prior #IMPORT. [DEFAULT: ""] schemaPath - Used with the #SQLCompile Path preprocessor directive, one or more schema names to search, refered to as the schema search path, for any subsequent Embedded SQL query statements. You can specify a single schema name, or a comma-separated list of schema names. NOTE: #SQLCompile Path directive overwrites the path specified in a prior #SQLCompile Path directive; it does not overwrite schema names specified in prior #IMPORT directives. [DEFAULT: ""] preparse - 0 = Do not do any preparsing to the SQL statement [DEFAULT] 1 = Preparse the SQL statement to perform literal replacement NOTE: ShowPlan call from the SMP will call with preparse=1 so the plan reflects the same execution path as the Execute Query will hash - A hash string of the %plan() array: $$Hash^%SYS.SQLSRV(str,.%plan,.Hval) [PASS BY REFERENCE] silent - 0 = Output information for this method invocation 1 = Don't perform any writes within this method invocation RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansClose Replaces: PossiblePlansClose (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL CLOSE by clearing the Result-Set Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, sql As %String) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansExecute Replaces: PossiblePlansExecute (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL OPEN and create a Result-Set by invoking the method ShowPlanAlt^%apiSQL(...) for the specified 'sql' parameter. The Result-Set created is in the following format: %AltPlan(qHandle,0)=$LIST(cost,num,$$map^%SYS.PTools(...)) %AltPlan(qHandle)=%plan() Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle sql - An string or array of the SQL Statement in the following format: sql={SQL Statement} OR sql={ln# counter} sql({ln#})={SQL Statement} RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansFetch Replaces: PossiblePlansFetch (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL FETCH and return a 'Row' of the Result-Set by iterating over the '%AltPlan(qHandle)' array with the 'qHandle' The Result-Set 'Row' is returned in the following format: $LIST(qHandle,cost,map,type,"Plan") Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle Row - A row of the SQL Query Result-Set in the following format: $LIST(qHandle,cost,map,type,"Plan") AtEnd - A FETCH marker with the following values: 0 = More rows to FETCH [DEFAULT] 1 = No more rows to FETCH RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansStatsClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansStatsClose Replaces: PossiblePlansStatsClose (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL CLOSE by clearing the Result-Set Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansStatsExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, sql As %String, ids As %String) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansStatsExecute Replaces: PossiblePlansStatsExecute (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL OPEN and create a Result-Set by invoking the method ShowPlanAlt^%apiSQL(...) for the specified 'sql' & 'ids' parameters. The Result-Set created is in the following format: %AltPlan(qHandle,0)=$LIST(cost,num,$$map^%SYS.PTools(...)) %AltPlan(qHandle)=%plan() Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle sql - An string or array of the SQL Statement in the following format: sql={SQL Statement} OR sql={ln# counter} sql({ln#})={SQL Statement} ids - A comma (,) delimited list of Possible Plans IDs in the following format: ids="[,ID]...[,ID]" (e.g. ",1,3") RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod possiblePlansStatsFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status

Method: possiblePlansStatsFetch Replaces: PossiblePlansStatsFetch (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces' Purpose: Mimic an SQL FETCH and return a 'Row' of the Result-Set by iterating over the '%AltPlan(qHandle)' array with the 'qHandle' The Result-Set 'Row' is returned in the following format: $LIST(qHandle,cost,map,globals,commands,time,rows,"Plan") Parameters: qHandle - Query Handle Row - A row of the SQL Query Result-Set in the following format: $LIST(qHandle,cost,map,type,"Plan") AtEnd - A FETCH marker with the following values: 0 = More rows to FETCH [DEFAULT] 1 = No more rows to FETCH RETURN Value: The status of this method; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred

classmethod saveSQLStats(ns, rtn, curs, mod, rowCount, SQLIndexHash)

Stub: For the 'saveSQLStats()' method in the '%SYS.PTools.MAC' routine Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces'

classmethod startSQLStats(ns, rtn, curs, params, SQLIndexHash, flag, collect)

Stub: For the 'startSQLStats()' method in the '%SYS.PTools.MAC' routine Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces'

classmethod stopSQLStats(ns, rtn, curs, rowCount=0, SQLIndexHash, flag, collect)

Stub: For the 'stopSQLStats()' method in the '%SYS.PTools.MAC' routine Status: New Method to replicate Backward-Compatible Method it 'Replaces'

classmethod useAggregatedData(ns="", rtn="", curs="") as %Integer [ SQLProc = PT_useAggregatedData ]
Projected as the stored procedure: PT_useAggregatedData
If Aggregated Data can be used for the given 'ns', 'rtn', and 'curs', then return 1; Otherwise, return 0
classmethod version() as %String [ SQLProc = StatsSQL_version ]
Projected as the stored procedure: StatsSQL_version
Provide the current version for the %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL class/section of the Performance Tools (PTools) Application


query StatsSQLView()
SQL Query as view "StatsSQLView":
SELECT ID, NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName, StatsGroup, ModuleName, QueryCompileTime, StartTime, ImportSchema, UserName, ExeName, MachineName, IPAddress, Pid, SQLStatsFlag, CASE WHEN $PIECE(SQLStatsFlag, ':', 1)=3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Details, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalRowCount WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(RowCount) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE RowCount END AS RowCount, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalCounter WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(Counter) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE Counter END AS RunCount, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalModuleCount WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(ModuleCount) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE Counter END AS ModuleCount, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalTimeToFirstRow WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(TimeToFirstRow) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE TimeToFirstRow END AS TimeToFirstRow, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalTimeSpent WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(TimeSpent) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE TimeSpent END AS TimeSpent, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalGlobalRefs WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(GlobalRefs) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE GlobalRefs END AS GlobalRefs, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalCommandsExecuted WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(CommandsExecuted) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE CommandsExecuted END AS CommandsExecuted, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 AND %SYS_PTools.PT_useAggregatedData(NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName)=1 THEN TotalDiskWait WHEN ModuleName = -1 THEN (SELECT SUM(DiskWait) FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS sqSSQL WHERE sqSSQL.NameSpace = SSQL.NameSpace AND sqSSQL.RoutineName = SSQL.RoutineName AND sqSSQL.CursorName = SSQL.CursorName AND ModuleName = 0 ) ELSE DiskWait END AS DiskWait, QueryType, QueryText, Parameters FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL AS SSQL

Query: StatsSQLView [SQL: StatsSQLView] Replaces: SQLStatsView [SQL: SQLStatsView] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: This is a View Query that aggregates all of the data from the %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL and presents it in a precise and meaningful way. Invocation: This View Query can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: N/A SQL: SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView Examples: The following examples shows the use of this View Query: #1 Aggregated Class View Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView Parameters: N/A

query ViewStats(NameSpace As %String = "")
Selects RoutineName As %String, QueryText As %String, RunCount As %Integer, AvgRows As %Integer, AvgGlobalRefs As %Integer, AvgDiskWait As %Integer, AvgCommands As %Integer, AvgTime As %Integer, Details As %Integer, CursorName As %Integer, RoutineCursor As %Integer, ImportSchema As %String
SQL Query:
SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQL(:NameSpace)
Backward-Compatible Query
query ViewStatsDetails(CursorName As %String = "", RoutineName As %String = "")
Selects QueryText As %String, RunCount As %Integer, AvgRows As %Integer, AvgGlobalRefs As %Integer, AvgDiskWait As %Integer, AvgCommands As %Integer, AvgTime As %Integer, ModuleName As %String, AvgModCount As %Integer
SQL Query:
SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQLDetails(:CursorName, :RoutineName)
Backward-Compatible Query
query ViewStatsSQL(ns As %String = "")
Selects RoutineName As %String, QueryText As %String, RunCount As %Integer, AvgRows As %Integer, AvgGlobalRefs As %Integer, AvgDiskWait As %Integer, AvgCommands As %Integer, AvgTime As %Integer, Details As %Integer, CursorName As %Integer, RoutineCursor As %Integer, ImportSchema As %String
SQL Query:
SELECT RoutineName, QueryText, RunCount, {fn round(RowCount/RunCount, 2)} AS AvgRows, {fn round(GlobalRefs/RunCount, 2)} AS AvgGlorefs, {fn round(DiskWait/RunCount, 2)} AS AvgDiskWait, {fn round(CommandsExecuted/RunCount, 2)} AS AvgCommands, {fn round(TimeSpent/RunCount, 5)} AS AvgTime, Details, CursorName, RoutineName||'^'||CursorName AS RoutineCursor, ImportSchema FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView Main WHERE (Namespace = :ns OR :ns IS NULL) AND ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ ORDER BY NameSpace, RoutineName, CursorName, StatsGroup

Query: ViewStatsSQL [SQL: StatsSQLView] Replaces: ViewStats [SQL: ViewStats] (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: This is a General Result-Set Query that aggregates all of the data from the %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView and presents it in a precise and meaningful way. Invocation: This General Result-Set Query can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: N/A SQL: SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQL([namespace]) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this Result-Set Query: #1 General Result-Set Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQL() Parameters: ns - The namespace from which to retrieve the SQL Query data "" = All Namespaces [DEFAULT]

query ViewStatsSQLDetails(curs As %String, rtn As %String)
Selects QueryText As %String, RunCount As %Integer, AvgRows As %Integer, AvgGlobalRefs As %Integer, AvgDiskWait As %Integer, AvgCommands As %Integer, AvgTime As %Integer, ModuleName As %String, AvgModCount As %Integer
SQL Query:
SELECT QueryText, RunCount, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(RowCount/RunCount, 2)} ELSE {fn round(RowCount, 2)} END AS AvgRows, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(GlobalRefs/RunCount, 2)} ELSE {fn round(GlobalRefs, 2)} END AS AvgGlorefs, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(DiskWait/RunCount, 2)} ELSE {fn round(DiskWait, 2)} END AS AvgDiskWait, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(CommandsExecuted/RunCount, 2)} ELSE {fn round(CommandsExecuted, 2)} END AS AvgCommands, CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(TimeSpent/RunCount, 5)} ELSE {fn round(TimeSpent, 5)} END AS AvgTime, %External(ModuleName), CASE WHEN ModuleName = -1 /* 'INFO' */ THEN {fn round(ModuleCount/RunCount, 2)} ELSE {fn round(ModuleCount, 2)} END AS AvgModCount FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView WHERE CursorName = :curs AND RoutineName = :rtn

Query: ViewStatsSQLDetails [SQL: ViewStatsSQLDetails Replaces: ViewStatsDetails [SQL: ViewStatsDetails (%SYS.PTools.SQLStats) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: This is a Specific Result-Set Query that aggregates all of the data from the %SYS_PTools.StatsSQLView and presents it in a precise and meaningful way. Invocation: This Specific Result-Set Query can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: N/A SQL: SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQLDetails(cursor,rtn) Examples: The following examples shows the use of this Result-Set Query: #1 Specific Result-Set Query SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQLDetails('QRS0','%sqlcq.USER.cls1.1') NOTE: The 'cursor' (QRS0) and 'rtn' (%sqlcq.USER.cls1.1) used in this example can be retrieved from the following query: SELECT * FROM %SYS_PTools.StatsSQL_ViewStatsSQL([namespace]) Parameters: curs - The cursor name to match against the CursorName field rtn - The routine name to match against the RoutineName field

query possiblePlans(sql As %String)
Selects ID As %Integer, Cost As %Integer, MapType As %String(MAXLEN=15), StartingMap As %String(MAXLEN=30), Plan As %String(MAXLEN=15)

Query: possiblePlans [SQL: PT_possiblePlans] Replaces: PossiblePlans [SQL: PossiblePlans] (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: This is an Custom Class Query, and the Result-Set will be generated and accessed by invoking the following methods, which mimic the SQL OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE operations: - possiblePlansExecute(.qHandle,.sql) [OPEN] - possiblePlansFetch(.qHandle,.Row,.AtEnd) [FETCH] - possiblePlansClose(.qHandle) [CLOSE] Parameters: sql - An string or array of the SQL Statement in the following format: sql={SQL Statement} OR sql={ln# counter} sql({ln#})={SQL Statement}

query possiblePlansStats(sql As %String, ids As %String)
Selects ID As %Integer, Cost As %Integer, StartingMap As %String, GlobalRef As %Integer, Commands As %Integer, TotalTime As %Integer, RowsReturned As %Integer, Plan As %String

Query: possiblePlansStats [SQL: PT_possiblePlansStats] Replaces: PossiblePlansStats [SQL: PossiblePlansStats] (%SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities) [DEPRECATED] Status: New Query to replicate Backward-Compatible Query it 'Replaces' Purpose: This is an Custom Class Query, and the Result-Set will be generated and accessed by invoking the following methods, which mimic the SQL OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE operations: - possiblePlansStatsExecute(.qHandle,.sql) [OPEN] - possiblePlansStatsFetch(.qHandle,.Row,.AtEnd) [FETCH] - possiblePlansStatsClose(.qHandle) [CLOSE] Parameters: sql - An string or array of the SQL Statement in the following format: sql={SQL Statement} OR sql={ln# counter} sql({ln#})={SQL Statement} ids - A comma (,) delimited list of Possible Plans IDs in the following format: ids="[,ID]...[,ID]" (e.g. ",1,3")


trigger OnDelete (AFTER event DELETE);
trigger OnInsertUpdate (AFTER event INSERT/UPDATE);

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (%SYS.PTools.Stats)


Storage Model: Storage (%SYS.PTools.StatsSQL)

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