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class %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet extends %Library.RegisteredObject

For details on using this class, see Performing XSLT Transformations.

Implements an interface to the XSLT2 CompiledStyleSheet. %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet should never be created directly with %New(), but via the CreateFromFile() or CreateFromStream() factory methods

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ReleaseOnClose as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: ReleaseOnCloseDisplayToLogical(), ReleaseOnCloseGet(), ReleaseOnCloseIsValid(), ReleaseOnCloseLogicalToDisplay(), ReleaseOnCloseNormalize(), ReleaseOnCloseSet()


classmethod CreateFromFile(source As %String, Output compiledStyleSheet As %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet, errorHandler As %XML.XSLT.ErrorHandler = $$$NULLOREF, gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
Use this method a create an instance of an %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet from a file path name
classmethod CreateFromStream(stream As %Stream.Object, Output compiledStyleSheet As %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet, errorHandler As %XML.XSLT.ErrorHandler = $$$NULLOREF, gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
Use this method to create an instance of an %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet from a binary stream
classmethod ReleaseFromServer(compiledStyleSheet As %XML.XSLT2.CompiledStyleSheet, errorHandler As %XML.XSLT.ErrorHandler = $$$NULLOREF, gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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