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abstract class Ens.DataTransformDTL extends Ens.DataTransform

This class provides the framework for defining a data transformation by encoding the operations in the data transform language (DTL)

Method Inventory


Override this parameter to 1 in your DTL subclass to allow generation of empty segments in target for source segments and properties that are missing in the source object
Override this parameter to 1 in your DTL subclass to make it ignore errors resulting from an attempt to use a value from a source property or virtual property that does not exist in the provided source object
parameter REPORTERRORS = 0;
Override this parameter to 1 in your DTL subclass to make it log and return all errors encountered while executing the transform. When this parameter is set to 0 the DTL will silently log them as Trace messages with category 'xform'.
Override this parameter to 1 in your DTL subclass to prevent 'for each' loops from being implemented when the property to iterate over is a repeating field and that field is empty


classmethod GetSourceDocType() as %String
Inherited description: Return the virtual document type of the source document. This is used by the Test Transform dialog to determine whether the initial document should have a DocType assigned. A return value of the empty string (i.e. "") indicates no DocType should be used.
classmethod GetSourceType() as %String
classmethod GetTargetDocType() as %String
Inherited description: Return the virtual document type of the target document. This is used by the Test Transform dialog to determine whether the document produced by the transform should have a DocType assigned. A return value of the empty string (i.e. "") indicates no DocType should be used.
classmethod GetTargetType(Output pCreate As %String) as %String
classmethod Transform(source As %RegisteredObject, ByRef target As %RegisteredObject, ByRef aux="") as %Status
Inherited description: Transform an input object into an output object

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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