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class EnsLib.EDI.SEF.SetItemGroup extends EnsLib.EDI.SEF.CommonNode

This represents a Group found within a SET definition, groups consist of either SetSegments or SetItemGroups

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Name as %String;
This holds the group identifier
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Nodes as EnsLib.EDI.SEF.NodeList;
This holds the nodes contained within the table (SetSegments or nested SetItemGroups)
Property methods: NodesGet(), NodesGetSwizzled(), NodesIsValid(), NodesNewObject(), NodesSet()
property Ordinal as %Integer;
This holds the ordinal. It will be used if the standard has the ',LS' record
Property methods: OrdinalDisplayToLogical(), OrdinalGet(), OrdinalIsValid(), OrdinalLogicalToDisplay(), OrdinalNormalize(), OrdinalSet()
property OrdinalSpec as %Integer;
This holds the OrdinalSpec. It can be used to modify the Ordinal Sequence when a group has been inserted into a pre-existing SET definiton
Property methods: OrdinalSpecDisplayToLogical(), OrdinalSpecGet(), OrdinalSpecIsValid(), OrdinalSpecLogicalToDisplay(), OrdinalSpecNormalize(), OrdinalSpecSet()
property Position as %Integer;
This holds the calculated position number within the SET definition. It will be used if the standard has the ',LS' record
Property methods: PositionDisplayToLogical(), PositionGet(), PositionIsValid(), PositionLogicalToDisplay(), PositionNormalize(), PositionSet()
property PositionModifier as %String;
This holds the position modifier. It can be used to modify the Position Sequence when a group has been inserted into a pre-existing SET definiton
Property methods: PositionModifierDisplayToLogical(), PositionModifierGet(), PositionModifierIsValid(), PositionModifierLogicalToDisplay(), PositionModifierLogicalToOdbc(), PositionModifierNormalize(), PositionModifierSet()
property TriggerSegment as EnsLib.EDI.SEF.SetSegment;
This holds the Trigger Segment Definition
Property methods: TriggerSegmentGet(), TriggerSegmentGetSwizzled(), TriggerSegmentIsValid(), TriggerSegmentNewObject(), TriggerSegmentSet()


method GenerateDescriptor(pCompiler As EnsLib.EDI.SEF.Compiler) as %Status
This method is overriden by subclasses to generate the code that this node represents
method GenerateText(pStream As %CharacterStream) as %Status
This method is override by subclases to generate the textual representation of this node
method NameGet() as %String
This is the accessor for the groups Name
method StdRequirementGet() as %String
This is the accessor for the groups requirement
method Validate(ByRef pStatus As %Status) as %Status
Perform a sanity check on the nodes in the parse tree

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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