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class EnsLib.LDAP.Operation.Standard extends Ens.BusinessOperation

This is an Ensemble operation that uses the EnsLib.LDAP.Adapter.Outbound to make LDAP operation requests using the request classes: EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Add, EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Compare, EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Delete, EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Modify, EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Rename, EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Search

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ADAPTER = EnsLib.LDAP.Adapter.Outbound;
Inherited description: The type of adapter used to communicate with external systems
parameter INVOCATION = Queue;
Inherited description: 2 modes: Queue, InProc
parameter SETTINGS = ReturnLDAPErrorAsOK:LDAP,IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDIT:LDAP;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property Adapter as EnsLib.LDAP.Adapter.Outbound;
Inherited description: The adapter instance
Property methods: AdapterGet(), AdapterGetSwizzled(), AdapterIsValid(), AdapterNewObject(), AdapterSet()
property IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDIT as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If the object definition being searched does not exist in DIT do not treat as error.
The default is to examine if set in the Search Message request and and if not use this operation setting. The Default operation setting is not to treat as an error
Property methods: IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITDisplayToLogical(), IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITGet(), IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITIsValid(), IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITLogicalToDisplay(), IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITNormalize(), IgnoreSearchObjectNotInDITSet()
property ReturnLDAPErrorAsOK as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
For LDAP Status errors that are not category Unavailable return $$$OK
so that an LDAP status response is returned.
Property methods: ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKDisplayToLogical(), ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKGet(), ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKIsValid(), ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKLogicalToDisplay(), ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKNormalize(), ReturnLDAPErrorAsOKSet()


method CreateSearchResultsResponse(ByRef pResultsResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Results, pListOfBinaryAttributes As %List = "") as %Status
Method to construct response following Search. Called by ProcessSearch.
method CreateStatusResponse(ByRef pStatus As %Status) as EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status
Helper method to create Status Response
Uses ReturnLDAPErrorAsOK if Category is not Unavailable
method ProcessAdd(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Add, Output pResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status) as %Status
Add to an LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Add.
Status of call returned in EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status contains the LDAP status information
The Adapter setting BaseDN is used as the default when calculating the DN from the request
method ProcessCompare(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Compare, Output pResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Comparison) as %Status
Compare an Attribute value on an LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Compare.
Comparison of call returned in EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Comparison
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status contains the LDAP status information
The Adapter setting BaseDN is used as the default when calculating the DN from the request
method ProcessDelete(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Delete, Output pResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status) as %Status
Delete an entry from a LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Delete.
Status of call returned in EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status contains the LDAP status information
The Adapter setting BaseDN is used as the default when calculating the DN from the request
method ProcessModify(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Modify, Output pResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status) as %Status
Modify LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Modify.
Status of call returned in EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status contains the LDAP status information
The Adapter setting BaseDN is used as the default when calculating the DN from the request
method ProcessRename(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Rename, Output pResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status) as %Status
Rename an Object on the LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Rename
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status contains the LDAP status information
The Adapter setting BaseDN is used as the default when calculating the DN from the request
method ProcessSearch(pRequest As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Search, Output pResultsResponse As EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Results) as %Status
Search LDAP Server using EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Search
Results returned in EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Results
If MakeLDAPErrorOK is True then the method returns $$$OK on LDAP Status error and the response is a EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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