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class EnsLib.PubSub.Utils extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Various utility API methods used by the Publish and Subscribe messaging engine.

Method Inventory


classmethod AddDomain(pName As %String, pDescription As %String = "") as %Status
Add a PubSub domain to the list of domains
classmethod AddSubscriber(pDomain As %String = "", pName As %String, pTarget As %String = "", pAddress As %String = "") as %Status
Add a subscriber to the list of subscribers
classmethod AddSubscription(pDomain As %String = "", pSubscriberName As %String, pTopic As %String) as %Status
Add a new subscription to the list of subscriptions.
classmethod DeleteDomain(pName As %String = "") as %Status
Delete all PubSub domains within this namespace. This will also remove all subscribers and subscriptions for the domain. If pName is not provided, all domains are deleted.
classmethod DeleteSubscriber(pSubscriberID As %String = "", pDomain As %String = "") as %Status
Delete one or more subscribers within this namespace. This will also remove any subscriptions associated with the subscribers.
If pSubscriberID is not provided, all subscribers are deleted. If pDomain is provided, only subscribers in that domain are deleted.
classmethod DeleteSubscriptions(pSubscriberID As %String = "", pDomain As %String = "") as %Status
Delete all subscriptions within this namespace. If pSubscriberID is not provided, all subscriptions are deleted. If pDomain is provided, only subscriptions in that domain are deleted.
classmethod Export(pFile As %String = "") as %Status
Export PubSub information to an XML file.
classmethod FindSubscribers(pDomain As %String, pTopic As %String, Output pSubscribers As %String) as %Status
Public API for finding a list of subscriber IDs for a given topic string.
Returns an array of subscriber ID numbers with nodes containing number of matches.
classmethod Import(pFile As %String = "", pDelete As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Import PubSub information from an XML file. If pDelete is true, delete existing data first.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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