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abstract class EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch extends EnsLib.RecordMap.Batch

Simplistic Batch implementation to allow for rapid development of batches with a simple, deterministic batch header and trailer structure Note that the RecordMap framework will automatically define a relationship called Records to the Record type contained in the batch. The RECORDMAPGENERATED parameter should be set to 0 if this automatic update should not occur.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter BatchHeader;
Contents of the Batch Header
parameter BatchTrailer;
Contents of the Batch Trailer
parameter HeaderTerm;
The terminator (if any) for the Batch Header. Hex values preceded by \x should be used for control characters.
parameter IgnoreLeadingData = 0;
Parameter to control whether warnings should be logged when leading data is found before the Batch Header characters.
parameter TrailerTerm;
The terminator (if any) for the Batch Trailer. Hex values preceded by \x should be used for control characters.


property BatchHeader as %String) [ InitialExpression = ..#BatchHeader _ ..GetHeaderTerm() ];
Property used to contain the Batch Header and terminators for output. This allows for easy manipulation of the output, if needed.
Property methods: BatchHeaderDisplayToLogical(), BatchHeaderGet(), BatchHeaderIsValid(), BatchHeaderLogicalToDisplay(), BatchHeaderLogicalToOdbc(), BatchHeaderNormalize(), BatchHeaderSet()
property BatchTrailer as %String) [ InitialExpression = ..#BatchTrailer _ ..GetTrailerTerm() ];
Property used to contain the Batch Trailer and terminators for output. This allows for easy manipulation of the output, if needed.
Property methods: BatchTrailerDisplayToLogical(), BatchTrailerGet(), BatchTrailerIsValid(), BatchTrailerLogicalToDisplay(), BatchTrailerLogicalToOdbc(), BatchTrailerNormalize(), BatchTrailerSet()


classmethod GetBatchHeader(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pBatch As EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch, ByRef pLookAhead As %String) as %Status
Get the Batch Header from an incoming stream. This is only invoked once by the RecordMap batch services when a new stream is passed in. Any extra data must be returned in pLookAhead for use in parsing the first record.
classmethod GetBatchTrailer(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pFound As %Boolean, pBatch As EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch, ByRef pLookAhead As %String) as %Status
Check for the Batch Trailer. The RecordMap batch services will invoke this method on every record in a file after the Batch Header is found.
classmethod GetHeaderTerm() as %String
classmethod GetTrailerTerm() as %String
method PutBatchHeader(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream) as %Status
Write out the Batch Header for the current Batch object
method PutBatchTrailer(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream) as %Status
Write out the Batch Trailer for the current Batch object

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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