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abstract class EnsLib.XML.Object.Operation.Standard extends Ens.BusinessOperation

EnsLib.XML.Object.Operation.Standard is the base operation class for operation which output an XML document based on a persistent using %XML.Writer.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SETTINGS = RootElementName:Basic,Namespace:Basic,ExpectedClassName:Basic,Indent:Basic,IndentDepth:Basic,Charset:Basic,NoXMLDeclaration:Basic,RuntimeIgnoreNull:Basic,ElementQualified:Basic,AttributeQualified:Basic,DefaultNamespace:Basic,SuppressXmlns:Basic,Format:Basic,ReferencesInline:Basic;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property AttributeQualified as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
AttributeQualified indicates whether or not locally declared attributes must be qualified. See attributeFormDefault schema attribute.
Property methods: AttributeQualifiedDisplayToLogical(), AttributeQualifiedGet(), AttributeQualifiedIsValid(), AttributeQualifiedLogicalToDisplay(), AttributeQualifiedNormalize(), AttributeQualifiedSet()
property Charset as %String;
Charset is the charset to use for encoding the XML output. The default depends upon the output destination. "UTF-8" is the default for output to files and binary streams. On a Unicode instance, "UTF-16 is the default for output to character streams and strings. On an 8 bit instance, the default charset for the locale is the default charset for output to character streams and strings.
NOTE: this Charset setting will be used rather than the Adapter Charset setting.
Property methods: CharsetDisplayToLogical(), CharsetGet(), CharsetIsValid(), CharsetLogicalToDisplay(), CharsetLogicalToOdbc(), CharsetNormalize(), CharsetSet()
property DefaultNamespace as %String;
DefaultNamespace is the XML namespace to use for any exported classes that do not have the NAMESPACE parameter specified. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
Property methods: DefaultNamespaceDisplayToLogical(), DefaultNamespaceGet(), DefaultNamespaceIsValid(), DefaultNamespaceLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultNamespaceLogicalToOdbc(), DefaultNamespaceNormalize(), DefaultNamespaceSet()
property ElementQualified as %Boolean;
ElementQualified indicates whether or not locally declared elements must be qualified. The default for Format="encoded"or "encoded12" = 0 and the default for Format="literal" is 1. See elementFormDefault schema attribute.
Property methods: ElementQualifiedDisplayToLogical(), ElementQualifiedGet(), ElementQualifiedIsValid(), ElementQualifiedLogicalToDisplay(), ElementQualifiedNormalize(), ElementQualifiedSet()
property ExpectedClassName as %String;
ExpectedClassName is the expected name of this object's class. If the ExpectedClassName is specified and this class's name is not equal to the name in ExpectedClassName, then add a xsi:type attribute to the element.
Property methods: ExpectedClassNameDisplayToLogical(), ExpectedClassNameGet(), ExpectedClassNameIsValid(), ExpectedClassNameLogicalToDisplay(), ExpectedClassNameLogicalToOdbc(), ExpectedClassNameNormalize(), ExpectedClassNameSet()
property Format as %String (VALUELIST = ",literal,encoded,encoded12") [ InitialExpression = "literal" ];
The format of the XML document: "literal", "encoded" or "encoded12", "literal" is the default. For "literal" formatting is according to the schema for this document. For "encoded" formatting use SOAP encoding as specified by section 5 of the SOAP 1.1 standard. For "encoded12" formatting use SOAP encoding as specified by part 2 of the SOAP 1.2 standard.
Property methods: FormatDisplayToLogical(), FormatGet(), FormatIsValid(), FormatLogicalToDisplay(), FormatLogicalToOdbc(), FormatNormalize(), FormatSet()
property Indent as %String (VALUELIST = ",none,tab,space") [ InitialExpression = "none" ];
Indentation specifies if indentation of the XML output should take place and what type of indentation.
Property methods: IndentDisplayToLogical(), IndentGet(), IndentIsValid(), IndentLogicalToDisplay(), IndentLogicalToOdbc(), IndentNormalize(), IndentSet()
property IndentDepth as %Integer;
IndentChars specifies the indentation characters to be used for indentation. The default for "tab" is 1. The default for "space" is 4.
Property methods: IndentDepthDisplayToLogical(), IndentDepthGet(), IndentDepthIsValid(), IndentDepthLogicalToDisplay(), IndentDepthNormalize(), IndentDepthSet()
property Namespace as %String;
Namespace optionally specifies the default namespace for this object. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
Property methods: NamespaceDisplayToLogical(), NamespaceGet(), NamespaceIsValid(), NamespaceLogicalToDisplay(), NamespaceLogicalToOdbc(), NamespaceNormalize(), NamespaceSet()
property NoXMLDeclaration as %Boolean;
If NoXMLDeclaration is 1 (true), then the XML declaration will not be written. The default is to write the XML declaration unless Charset is not specified and the output is directed to a string or character stream in which case no XML declaration is written.
Property methods: NoXMLDeclarationDisplayToLogical(), NoXMLDeclarationGet(), NoXMLDeclarationIsValid(), NoXMLDeclarationLogicalToDisplay(), NoXMLDeclarationNormalize(), NoXMLDeclarationSet()
property ReferencesInline as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If ReferencesInline is true, then encoded objects are exported inline. By default, SOAP encoded XMLExport of a class uses idref's for class instances referenced by a class that is being exported. This change allows the referenced class instances to be exported inline as for "literal" format. Note that unlike most properties of %XML.Writer, changing the value of ReferencesInline has immediate effect on the next object exported.
Property methods: ReferencesInlineDisplayToLogical(), ReferencesInlineGet(), ReferencesInlineIsValid(), ReferencesInlineLogicalToDisplay(), ReferencesInlineNormalize(), ReferencesInlineSet()
property RootElementName as %String;
Element name for the root element name of the output XML document. This default to the input element name.
Property methods: RootElementNameDisplayToLogical(), RootElementNameGet(), RootElementNameIsValid(), RootElementNameLogicalToDisplay(), RootElementNameLogicalToOdbc(), RootElementNameNormalize(), RootElementNameSet()
property RuntimeIgnoreNull as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime", then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by the RuntimeIgnoreNull property. RuntimeIgnoreNull specifies the value of XMLIGNORENULL at runtime as either true or false. If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime", then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by the RuntimeIgnoreNull property.
Property methods: RuntimeIgnoreNullDisplayToLogical(), RuntimeIgnoreNullGet(), RuntimeIgnoreNullIsValid(), RuntimeIgnoreNullLogicalToDisplay(), RuntimeIgnoreNullNormalize(), RuntimeIgnoreNullSet()
property SuppressXmlns as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
SuppressXmlns allows optionally suppression of the use of xmlns= to set default XML namespace when ElementQualified is false. If SuppressXmlns is true then a prefix is used for each tag rather than default namespace with xmlns=.
Property methods: SuppressXmlnsDisplayToLogical(), SuppressXmlnsGet(), SuppressXmlnsIsValid(), SuppressXmlnsLogicalToDisplay(), SuppressXmlnsNormalize(), SuppressXmlnsSet()


method SetProperties(pWriter As %XML.Writer)
Set the needed %XML.Writer properties. This method may be overridden to add or change which proeprties are to be set.
method standardOnMessage(pRequest As %Persistent, Output pStream As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Write the XML document to a stream.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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