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abstract class EnsPortal.Dialog.standardDialog extends %CSP.Portal.standardDialog, EnsPortal.Template.base

Base class for Ensemble dialog pages.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = EnsPortal.Application;
Enable styles that are common to all pages and dialogs for the EnsPortal application.
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 1;
Inherited description: If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
parameter CLOSEONENTER = 0;
Allow popup to close as if clicking button "OK" when user presses the ENTER key. Usually this parameter would be set to 1 if the dialog does not contain input fields.
parameter CLOSEONESC = 1;
Allow popup to close as if clicking button "Cancel" or "X" when user presses the ESC key.
If this parameter has value 0, the popup will not close when user presses ESC.
If this parameter has value 1, the popup will be dismissed (canceled) when user presses ESC.
If this parameter has value 2, and the popup has button "OK", the popup will close as if clicking "OK".
parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Inherited description: Localization domain
Resource for subclasses to indicate whether further resources are needed to perform actions on pages.
parameter OKBUTTON = 1;


property canEdit as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = ##class(EnsPortal.Utils).CheckResourceList(..#EDITRESOURCE) ];
Flag to indicate whether the user is permitted to make any changes on a given page.
Property methods: canEditDisplayToLogical(), canEditGet(), canEditIsValid(), canEditLogicalToDisplay(), canEditLogicalToOdbc(), canEditLogicalToXSD(), canEditNormalize(), canEditSet(), canEditXSDToLogical()
property closeOnEnter as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ Final , InitialExpression = +..#CLOSEONENTER ];
Property methods: closeOnEnterDisplayToLogical(), closeOnEnterGet(), closeOnEnterIsValid(), closeOnEnterLogicalToDisplay(), closeOnEnterLogicalToOdbc(), closeOnEnterLogicalToXSD(), closeOnEnterNormalize(), closeOnEnterSet(), closeOnEnterXSDToLogical()
property closeOnEsc as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ Final , InitialExpression = +..#CLOSEONESC ];
Allow the window to be closed by pressing ESC instead of clicking the Cancel button or the "X" icon.
Property methods: closeOnEscDisplayToLogical(), closeOnEscGet(), closeOnEscIsValid(), closeOnEscLogicalToDisplay(), closeOnEscLogicalToOdbc(), closeOnEscNormalize(), closeOnEscSet()
property hasButtons as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ Final , InitialExpression = ..#APPLYBUTTON || ..#OKBUTTON || ..#CANCELBUTTON ];
This is used to indicate whether this dialog has any buttons at all.
Property methods: hasButtonsDisplayToLogical(), hasButtonsGet(), hasButtonsIsValid(), hasButtonsLogicalToDisplay(), hasButtonsLogicalToOdbc(), hasButtonsLogicalToXSD(), hasButtonsNormalize(), hasButtonsSet(), hasButtonsXSDToLogical()
property hideOKButton as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ Final , InitialExpression = '+..#OKBUTTON ];
This is used to indicate whether this dialog has an OK button.
Property methods: hideOKButtonDisplayToLogical(), hideOKButtonGet(), hideOKButtonIsValid(), hideOKButtonLogicalToDisplay(), hideOKButtonLogicalToOdbc(), hideOKButtonLogicalToXSD(), hideOKButtonNormalize(), hideOKButtonSet(), hideOKButtonXSDToLogical()
property msgNotPermitted as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextJS("You are not permitted to perform this action") ];
Message to inform the user they may not perform a given action.
Property methods: msgNotPermittedDisplayToLogical(), msgNotPermittedGet(), msgNotPermittedIsValid(), msgNotPermittedLogicalToDisplay(), msgNotPermittedLogicalToOdbc(), msgNotPermittedNormalize(), msgNotPermittedSet()
property studioMode as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "STUDIO") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Flag to indicate that the dialog is running in Studio.
Property methods: studioModeDisplayToLogical(), studioModeGet(), studioModeIsValid(), studioModeLogicalToDisplay(), studioModeLogicalToOdbc(), studioModeLogicalToXSD(), studioModeNormalize(), studioModeSet(), studioModeXSDToLogical()


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Avoid writing out the session cookie if we are in a Studio session.
classmethod %OnCreateApplication(Output pStatus As %Status, pApplicationName As %String) as %ZEN.application
Ensure that the user has USE permissions on %Ens_Portal before creating the application object
method %OnDetermineCSSLevel() as %Integer
Inherited description: This callback method determines lets a page specify level of CSS support is used by this page. The default is to return "", which indicates that the built-in ZEN CSS level detection is used. A page can override this and return 2 or 3.
method %OnDrawHTMLHead() as %Status
Add the EnsException error handling on the client.
method %OnDrawHTMLMeta() as %Status
Inherited description: This callback is called at the start of the HTML HEAD section of the page (just after the title).
It allows a page to write out meta tags, if desired. The default implementation writes out an IE-specific meta tag to ensure that IE 9 and 10 don't fall back into Compatibility Mode when we are returning an HTML5 page (i.e. cssLevel is set to 3).
classmethod GetHyperEventResources(pMethod As %String = "") as %String
Callback to return a list of resources required for a specific HyperEvent. The user must have sufficient privileges on one of the resource/permission pairs to be permitted to execute the hyperevent. An empty string implies the user already has sufficient privileges for the ZenMethod specified in pMethod.
classmethod OnPreHyperEvent(class As %String, method As %String) as %Status
Invoke the base OnPreHyperEvent() method, and then check whether the user is permitted to invoke the specified method by checking the resource returned by the GetHyperEventResources() callback. Also avoid sending back the session cookie if we are invoked in a Studio session.
clientmethod checkEdit() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onkeydownHandler(evt As %Library.String) [ Language = javascript ]
Handle keypress of ESC and ENTER.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Trigger keepAlive behaviour for the page.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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