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SQL Table Name: SYS_DataCheck.Query

A DataCheck query. See System for overview

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Active as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: ActiveDisplayToLogical(), ActiveGet(), ActiveGetStored(), ActiveIsValid(), ActiveLogicalToDisplay(), ActiveNormalize(), ActiveSet()
property Database as LocalDatabase [ Required ];
The database to query
Property methods: DatabaseDisplayToLogical(), DatabaseGet(), DatabaseGetPath(), DatabaseGetStored(), DatabaseIsMirrorDBName(), DatabaseIsPath(), DatabaseIsValid(), DatabaseLogicalToDisplay(), DatabaseLogicalToOdbc(), DatabaseNormalize(), DatabaseSet()
property GlobalName as GlobalReference [ Calculated ];
Property methods: GlobalNameCollatesAfter(), GlobalNameCompute(), GlobalNameDisplayToLogical(), GlobalNameEncode(), GlobalNameGet(), GlobalNameGlobalName(), GlobalNameIsValid(), GlobalNameLogicalToDisplay(), GlobalNameNormalize(), GlobalNameSQLCompute()
property InitialRef as GlobalReference [ Required ];
The initial global reference. All global references queried will either equal or collate after this reference. This property will be modified by the running system as it advances through the global.
Property methods: InitialRefCollatesAfter(), InitialRefDisplayToLogical(), InitialRefEncode(), InitialRefGet(), InitialRefGetStored(), InitialRefGlobalName(), InitialRefIsValid(), InitialRefLogicalToDisplay(), InitialRefNormalize(), InitialRefSet()
property Num as %Integer (MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Number of nodes to hash at a time (will be modified by the running system)
Property methods: NumDisplayToLogical(), NumGet(), NumGetStored(), NumIsValid(), NumLogicalToDisplay(), NumNormalize(), NumSet()
property SystemName as SystemName [ Required , ReadOnly ];
The system that this query refers to
Property methods: SystemNameDisplayToLogical(), SystemNameGet(), SystemNameGetStored(), SystemNameIsValid(), SystemNameLogicalToDisplay(), SystemNameLogicalToOdbc(), SystemNameNormalize()
property TargetRef as GlobalReference;
The target global reference. This global reference is the end of the range of nodes to query (exclusive). Any global references which are equal to or collate after the target reference will not be considered part of this query. A null TargetRef will cause the query to run to the end of the global.
Property methods: TargetRefCollatesAfter(), TargetRefDisplayToLogical(), TargetRefEncode(), TargetRefGet(), TargetRefGetStored(), TargetRefGlobalName(), TargetRefIsValid(), TargetRefLogicalToDisplay(), TargetRefNormalize(), TargetRefSet()


method %OnNew(systemname As SystemName) as %Status
Constructor for query objects takes the name of the DataCheck system as


index (GlobalIndex on SystemName,Database,GlobalName);
Index methods: GlobalIndexExists()
index (IdIndex on SystemName,Counter) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IdIndexCheck(), IdIndexDelete(), IdIndexExists(), IdIndexOpen(), IdIndexSQLCheckUnique(), IdIndexSQLExists(), IdIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IdIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (SystemQueue on SystemName,Active,Queue);
Index methods: SystemQueueExists()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (SYS.DataCheck.Query)

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