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persistent class %DeepSee.CubeManager.CubeRegistry extends %Library.Persistent, %ZEN.DataModel.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: %DeepSee_CubeManager.CubeRegistry

This class keeps track of how each cube is to be used in production. Properties of this class are accessed by various tasks to determine when a given cube should be built or synched.

Property Inventory


property BuildFrequency as %Integer;
Indicates how often the cube is to be built, in units of BuidTimeUnit
Property methods: BuildFrequencyDisplayToLogical(), BuildFrequencyGet(), BuildFrequencyGetStored(), BuildFrequencyIsValid(), BuildFrequencyLogicalToDisplay(), BuildFrequencyNormalize(), BuildFrequencySet()
property BuildTimeUnit as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName (DISPLAYLIST = ",Day,Week,Month", VALUELIST = ",Day,Week,Month");
Base unit of time for cube builds.
Property methods: BuildTimeUnitDisplayToLogical(), BuildTimeUnitGet(), BuildTimeUnitGetStored(), BuildTimeUnitIsValid(), BuildTimeUnitLogicalToDisplay(), BuildTimeUnitLogicalToOdbc(), BuildTimeUnitNormalize(), BuildTimeUnitSet()
property CubeKey as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName [ Required ];
This is the ALL CAPS cube name, to match DeepSee metadata.
Property methods: CubeKeyDisplayToLogical(), CubeKeyGet(), CubeKeyGetStored(), CubeKeyIsValid(), CubeKeyLogicalToDisplay(), CubeKeyLogicalToOdbc(), CubeKeyNormalize(), CubeKeySet()
property CustomBuildOrder as %Integer;
This determines when the current MgmtGroup will be built in relation to other defined groups. This is entirely configurable by the user.
Property methods: CustomBuildOrderDisplayToLogical(), CustomBuildOrderGet(), CustomBuildOrderGetStored(), CustomBuildOrderIsValid(), CustomBuildOrderLogicalToDisplay(), CustomBuildOrderNormalize(), CustomBuildOrderSet()
property Disabled as %Boolean;
Disabled = 1 will block all automatic updates while leaving the cube visible in the registry.
Property methods: DisabledDisplayToLogical(), DisabledGet(), DisabledGetStored(), DisabledIsValid(), DisabledLogicalToDisplay(), DisabledNormalize(), DisabledSet()
property MgmtGroup as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Cubes can be grouped together in user-defined management groups. By default each cube belongs to its own group.
Property methods: MgmtGroupDisplayToLogical(), MgmtGroupGet(), MgmtGroupGetStored(), MgmtGroupIsValid(), MgmtGroupLogicalToDisplay(), MgmtGroupLogicalToOdbc(), MgmtGroupNormalize(), MgmtGroupSet()
property NaturalBuildOrder as %Integer;
This is the build order for this cube within the group. For cube relationship networks this is calculated automatically. This can be set for independent cubes within a group.
Property methods: NaturalBuildOrderDisplayToLogical(), NaturalBuildOrderGet(), NaturalBuildOrderGetStored(), NaturalBuildOrderIsValid(), NaturalBuildOrderLogicalToDisplay(), NaturalBuildOrderNormalize(), NaturalBuildOrderSet()
property SynchFrequency as %Integer;
Indicates how often the cube is to be synched, in units of SynchTimeUnit
Property methods: SynchFrequencyDisplayToLogical(), SynchFrequencyGet(), SynchFrequencyGetStored(), SynchFrequencyIsValid(), SynchFrequencyLogicalToDisplay(), SynchFrequencyNormalize(), SynchFrequencySet()
property SynchTimeUnit as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName (DISPLAYLIST = ",Minute,Hour,Day", VALUELIST = ",Minute,Hour,Day");
Base unit of time for cube synchs.
Property methods: SynchTimeUnitDisplayToLogical(), SynchTimeUnitGet(), SynchTimeUnitGetStored(), SynchTimeUnitIsValid(), SynchTimeUnitLogicalToDisplay(), SynchTimeUnitLogicalToOdbc(), SynchTimeUnitNormalize(), SynchTimeUnitSet()
property UpdatePlan as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName (DISPLAYLIST = ",Manual,Build Only,Build and Synch,Synch Only", VALUELIST = ",Manual,Build,BuildSynch,Synch");
Plan for how the cube is to be managed by the build/synch tasks.
Property methods: UpdatePlanDisplayToLogical(), UpdatePlanGet(), UpdatePlanGetStored(), UpdatePlanIsValid(), UpdatePlanLogicalToDisplay(), UpdatePlanLogicalToOdbc(), UpdatePlanNormalize(), UpdatePlanSet()


index (CubeKeyIndex on CubeKey) [IdKey, Type = key, Unique];
The cube key must be unique within DeepSee, so we will reinforce that here.
Index methods: CubeKeyIndexCheck(), CubeKeyIndexDelete(), CubeKeyIndexExists(), CubeKeyIndexOpen(), CubeKeyIndexSQLCheckUnique(), CubeKeyIndexSQLExists(), CubeKeyIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), CubeKeyIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (%DeepSee.CubeManager.CubeRegistry)

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