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deprecated persistent class %Library.MethodDefinition extends %Library.AbstractDefinition

SQL Table Name: %Library.MethodDefinition

Note: The class definition classes in the %Library package have been superceded by those in the %Dictionary package. Instead use %Dictionary.MethodDefinition.

This class represents a specific method description.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Abstract as %RawString;
A flag indicating if this method is abstract (1) or not (0).
Property methods: AbstractGet(), AbstractIsValid(), AbstractSet()
property Call as %RawString [ Calculated ];
For call methods, a string containing the name of the routine to call.
property ClassMethod as %RawString;
A flag indicating whether the method is a class method (1) or an instance method (0).
Property methods: ClassMethodGet(), ClassMethodIsValid(), ClassMethodSet()
property ClassName as %RawString;
A string containing the name of the class the method belongs to.
Property methods: ClassNameGet(), ClassNameIsValid(), ClassNameSet()
property Code as %RawString [ Calculated ];
The implementation for the method.
property CodeMode as %RawString [ InitialExpression = "code" ];
A string containing the code mode of the method.
Property methods: CodeModeGet(), CodeModeIsValid(), CodeModeSet()
property Deprecated as %RawString;
A flag indicating if this method is deprecated (1) or not (0).
Property methods: DeprecatedGet(), DeprecatedIsValid(), DeprecatedSet()
property Description as %RawString;
A string containing the description of the method.
Property methods: DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionSet()
property Expression as %RawString [ Calculated ];
property Final as %RawString;
A flag indicating whether the method is final (1) or not (0).
Property methods: FinalGet(), FinalIsValid(), FinalSet()
property FormalSpec as %RawString;
A string containing the list of arguments for the method.
Property methods: FormalSpecGet(), FormalSpecIsValid(), FormalSpecSet()
property GenerateAfter as %RawString;
For a method generator, a string containing the name of another method generator which should be called before this one when compiling.
Property methods: GenerateAfterGet(), GenerateAfterIsValid(), GenerateAfterSet()
property Generator as %RawString [ Calculated ];
The implementation of the method generator for this method.
property Implementation as %RawString;
The implementation of the method generator for this method.
Property methods: ImplementationGet(), ImplementationIsValid(), ImplementationSet()
property Internal as %RawString;
A flag indicating whether the method is internal (1) or not (0).
Property methods: InternalGet(), InternalIsValid(), InternalSet()
property Language as %RawString [ InitialExpression = "cache" ];
This is for internal use.
Property methods: LanguageGet(), LanguageIsValid(), LanguageSet()
property Name as %RawString;
A string containing the name of the method.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameSet()
property NotForProperty as %RawString;
This is for internal use.
Property methods: NotForPropertyGet(), NotForPropertyIsValid(), NotForPropertySet()
property NotInheritable as %RawString;
This is for internal use.
Property methods: NotInheritableGet(), NotInheritableIsValid(), NotInheritableSet()
property PlaceAfter as %RawString;
A string containing the name of another method which should be placed before this method in generated code.
Property methods: PlaceAfterGet(), PlaceAfterIsValid(), PlaceAfterSet()
property Private as %RawString;
A flag indicating whether the method is private (1) or public (0).
Property methods: PrivateGet(), PrivateIsValid(), PrivateSet()
property ReadOnly as %RawString [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Set to true of the implementation is too large to load into the property as you can not save this class, but you may look at the other properties
Property methods: ReadOnlyGet(), ReadOnlyIsValid(), ReadOnlySet()
property ReturnType as %RawString;
A string containing the return type (a class name) for the method. If there is no return type it contains a null string ("").
Property methods: ReturnTypeGet(), ReturnTypeIsValid(), ReturnTypeSet()
property SQLName as %RawString;
A string containing the name of this method when projected as an SQLPROCEDURE.
Property methods: SQLNameGet(), SQLNameIsValid(), SQLNameSet()
property SQLProc as %RawString;
A flag indicating whether the method can be called as an SQL stored procedure (1) or not (0). A stored procedure must marked as a class method.
Property methods: SQLProcGet(), SQLProcIsValid(), SQLProcSet()
property SequenceNumber as %RawString;
Sequence number used to determine order of this item in Studio editor and in XML export format.
Property methods: SequenceNumberGet(), SequenceNumberIsValid(), SequenceNumberSet()


method CallGet() as %RawString
method CallSet(value As %RawString) as %Status
method CodeGet() as %RawString
method CodeSet(value As %RawString) as %Status
method ExpressionGet() as %RawString
method ExpressionSet(value As %RawString) as %Status
method GeneratorGet() as %RawString
method GeneratorSet(value As %RawString) as %Status


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (%Library.AbstractDefinition)

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