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class %SQL.Util.TuneTableStats extends %XML.Adaptor, %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory


property extentsize as %Library.BigInt;
EXTENTSIZE base table
Property methods: extentsizeDisplayToLogical(), extentsizeGet(), extentsizeIsValid(), extentsizeLogicalToDisplay(), extentsizeNormalize(), extentsizeSet(), extentsizeXSDToLogical()
relationship fields as array of %SQL.Util.TuneTableStatsFields [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%SQL.Util.TuneTableStatsFields","table",+$this,"children",0,0) , Transient , Inverse = table , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: fieldsGet(), fieldsGetObject(), fieldsGetObjectId(), fieldsGetSwizzled(), fieldsIsEmpty(), fieldsIsValid(), fieldsNewObject(), fieldsRClose(), fieldsRExec(), fieldsRFetch(), fieldsRelate(), fieldsSQLCompute(), fieldsSet(), fieldsUnRelate()
relationship maps as array of %SQL.Util.TuneTableStatsMaps [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%SQL.Util.TuneTableStatsMaps","table",+$this,"children",0,0) , Transient , Inverse = table , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: mapsGet(), mapsGetObject(), mapsGetObjectId(), mapsGetSwizzled(), mapsIsEmpty(), mapsIsValid(), mapsNewObject(), mapsRClose(), mapsRExec(), mapsRFetch(), mapsRelate(), mapsSQLCompute(), mapsSet(), mapsUnRelate()
property schema as %String (MAXLEN = 127);
Name of the schema
Property methods: schemaDisplayToLogical(), schemaGet(), schemaIsValid(), schemaLogicalToDisplay(), schemaLogicalToOdbc(), schemaNormalize(), schemaSet()
property table as %String (MAXLEN = 127);
Name of the base table
Property methods: tableDisplayToLogical(), tableGet(), tableIsValid(), tableLogicalToDisplay(), tableLogicalToOdbc(), tableNormalize(), tableSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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