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abstract class %SYS.DatabaseQuery extends %SYSTEM.Help

Provides database queries from other namespaces than %SYS.

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %Utility;
Default Localization Domain


classmethod GetDatabaseFreeSpace(Directory As %String, ByRef FreeSpace As %Float) as %Status
Calculate remaining free space in a database.

Directory - Physical directory of the database.
Freespace - (byref) Returned # of MB of freespace in the directory.

Note: This requires %Admin_Operate:USE permission
classmethod GetFreeSpace(Directory As %String, ByRef FreeSpace As %Float, ByRef FreeBlocks As %Integer) as %Status
Calculate remaining free space in a database.

Directory - Physical directory of the database.
Freespace - (byref) Returned # of MB of freespace in the directory.
FreeBlocks - (byref) Returned # of blocks of freespace in the directory.

Note: This requires %Admin_Operate:USE permission


query FreeSpace(Mask As %String = "*")
Selects DatabaseName As %String, Directory As %String, MaxSize As %String, Size As %String, ExpansionSize As %String, Available As %String, Free As %String, DiskFreeSpace As %String, Status As %String, SizeInt As %Integer, AvailableNum As %String, DiskFreeSpaceNum As %Integer, ReadOnly As %Boolean
Provides a freespace list of all local databases mounted in this configuration.

Note that calculating the free space may take a while.
Mask="*" or $lb(directory1,directory2,...)
For the FreeSpace Report, You can also enter the following in order to select by database name:
"String,String1" - Any name matching one of these elements
"String*" - Any Name starting with "String"
"String,String1*,String2" - Any Name matching one of these elements, or starting with "String1"
Notes: Databases which are not mounted are not returned by this query.
This requires %Admin_Operate:USE permission

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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