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deprecated abstract class %ZEN.Report.Display.textNode extends %ZEN.Report.Display.contentNode

Property Inventory


property bidiOverrideDirection as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",rtl,ltr", XMLNAME = "bidi-override-direction");
When set, the bidi-override is applied to the text
Property methods: bidiOverrideDirectionDisplayToLogical(), bidiOverrideDirectionGet(), bidiOverrideDirectionIsValid(), bidiOverrideDirectionLogicalToDisplay(), bidiOverrideDirectionLogicalToOdbc(), bidiOverrideDirectionNormalize(), bidiOverrideDirectionSet()
property expression as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
expression that will be evaluated and put in output if "if" condition is true
Property methods: expressionDisplayToLogical(), expressionGet(), expressionIsValid(), expressionLogicalToDisplay(), expressionLogicalToOdbc(), expressionNormalize(), expressionSet()
property field as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: fieldDisplayToLogical(), fieldGet(), fieldIsValid(), fieldLogicalToDisplay(), fieldLogicalToOdbc(), fieldNormalize(), fieldSet()
property if as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "1" ];
if expression that controls output of expression
Property methods: ifDisplayToLogical(), ifGet(), ifIsValid(), ifLogicalToDisplay(), ifLogicalToOdbc(), ifNormalize(), ifSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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