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Compiles source code, producing executable object code.





Argument Description
source A local or global variable specifying a subscripted array containing the source code to be compiled.
language An integer flag specifying the programming language of the source code. 0 = ObjectScript.
errors An unsubscripted local variable that receives any errors that occur during compilation. This variable is a List structure, with one element for each error reported. Each error is itself a List structure, specifying error location and type (see below).

1st Syntax — An unsubscripted local or global variable that is used to generate an array used to hold the compiled object code.

2nd Syntax — This parameter is optional. If specified, object is cleared of its prior value, but not set. Commonly, 2nd syntax omits object and specifies a placeholder comma.

rname 2nd Syntax — A string specifying a routine name used to store the compiled object code in the ^rOBJ global.


$COMPILE compiles source code and produces OBJ (object) code (the executable form of the routine). $COMPILE reports compilation errors, and can be used to check source code for compilation errors without actually producing object code. $COMPILE takes as input INT code, not MAC code. Therefore, before compiling, any macros in the source code must be resolved by a preprocessor such as the ObjectScript macro preprocessor.


Caché provides several powerful tools for compiling source code, Studio being one of them. Commonly, source code compilation is performed using these tools, rather than this $COMPILE function.

$COMPILE has two syntactic forms:

  • The first $COMPILE syntax form returns the object code in the object array. It first kills the object variable. After the compilation the object array is set to the size of the compiled object code.

    The object array contains the object code in the same format as it would be in the ^rOBJ global. The object code in ^rOBJ can be replaced with the new object code by the command MERGE ^rOBJ(rname)=object(1). However, the MERGE command is not atomic when setting multiple nodes, so this operation could cause unpredictable results if another process is concurrently loading the same routine.

    If you omit the object parameter, the source code is compiled and checked for errors, but no object code is created.

  • The second $COMPILE syntax form returns the object code directly into a routine named rname This OBJ code can be viewed by returning ^rOBJ(rname). The $COMPILE operation internally locks ^rOBJ(rname), preventing any other process from loading the routine object code until the new object code is completely stored.

    If you omit the rname parameter, the source code is compiled and checked for errors, but no object code is created.

    Commonly, the object parameter (4th parameter) is omitted with this syntactic form. If you specify the object parameter, the object variable is killed, but is not set. The other omitted parameters (represented by placeholder commas) are for internal use and should not be specified.

$COMPILE returns an integer code as follows: 0 = no errors were detected and object code was created. 1 = errors were detected and object code was created. -1 = errors were detected and no object code was created. The same return codes are returned when the parameter that holds the object code (1st syntax: object; 2nd syntax rname) was omitted.

When the ObjectScript compiler detects an error, it creates object code at that point which throws an error when that line is executed. When the Basic compilers detect an error they do not produce any object code.

Compile Class Methods

Caché provides class methods to compile one or more classes. These methods provide numerous qualifiers and flags to more precisely specify compilation options:



An array containing the source code to be compiled. The source can be in the format of an INT routine for ObjectScript, a BAS routine for Caché Basic, or an MVI routine for Caché MVBasic. The array element source(0) must contain the number of lines of source code, and each source(n) contains line number n of the source code. The source lines must be numbered consecutively from 1 through n with no omitted lines. Executable ObjectScript code must be indented. For example:

  SET mysrc(0)=6
  SET mysrc(1)="  SET x=1"
  SET mysrc(2)="Main"  // a label
  SET mysrc(3)="  WRITE ""x is:"",x,!"
  SET mysrc(4)="  SET x=x+1"
  SET mysrc(5)="  IF x=4 {WRITE ""x is:"",x,"" all done""   QUIT}"
  SET mysrc(6)="  GOTO Main"
  SET rtn=$COMPILE(mysrc,0,errs,,,,"myobj")
    IF rtn=0 {WRITE "OBJ code successfully generated",!}
    ELSE {WRITE "no OBJ code generated return code: ",rtn,!  QUIT}
  WRITE "Running the code",!!
  DO ^myobj

The source parameter can be an unsubscripted local variable name, or a possibly subscripted global name.

If source(0) is undefined, the system generates an <UNDEFINED> error, regardless of the %SYSTEM.Process.Undefined()Opens in a new tab method setting.

If a source(0) value is larger than the number of lines of source code, or a consecutive source code line is missing, the system generates an <UNDEFINED> error, followed by the name of the missing source code line. This behavior can be changed by setting the %SYSTEM.Process.Undefined()Opens in a new tab method. These types of errors are shown in the following examples:

  SET src(0)=4,src(1)="TestA ",src(2)=" WRITE 123",src(3)=" WRITE 456,!"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs,TestA)    /* generates <UNDEFINED> *src(4) */
  SET src(0)=4,src(1)="TestA ",src(3)=" WRITE 123",src(4)=" WRITE 456,!"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs,TestA)    /* generates <UNDEFINED> *src(2) */
  SET src(0)=3,src(1)="TestA ",src(3)=" WRITE 123",src(4)=" WRITE 456,!"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs,TestA)    /* generates <UNDEFINED> *src(2) */


The language mode specifying the type of source to be compiled. Common values are:

  • 0 = ObjectScript

  • 9 = Caché Basic

  • 11 = Caché MVBasic

Other values specify legacy ObjectScript modes and should be used only after consultation with InterSystems support.


An unsubscripted local variable that is set to any errors detected by the compiler. Any existing value is killed. If no errors are detected, the variable is set to the empty string (""). If errors are detected, the errors variable is set to a $LIST structure with one element for each error. Each error is itself a $LIST structure with the format $LISTBUILD(line,offset,errnum,text) where:

  • line = the line number where the error was detected

  • offset = the offset in the source line of the error

  • errnum = an error number for the type of error

  • text = text describing the error

The Basic compilers add two more elements to the list, with text describing the location of the error, and the source line itself.


An array that receives the object code output of the compiler. The object parameter can be an unsubscripted local variable name, or a possibly subscripted global name. The contents of the object array are described above.


The routine name that specifies where the object code should saved in the ^rOBJ subscripted global. $COMPILE kills any existing contents of ^rOBJ(rname) before saving the new object code. In the following examples, rname=”myobj”:

To view the OBJ code:

  WRITE ^rOBJ("myobj")


  ZWRITE ^rOBJ("myobj")

To execute the OBJ code:

  DO ^myobj

To list the creation timestamp and length of the OBJ code:

  ZWRITE ^rINDEX("myobj")

Note that ^rINDEX() only list an OBJ code line, because code created by $COMPILE has no corresponding stored MAC or INT code version.

Interrupting a Compile

You can issue a Ctrl-C or invoke the ^RESJOB utility to interrupt a compile in progress. These compile interrupts are supported for all language modes.


The following example compiles a four-line ObjectScript program using the first $COMPILE format:

  SET src(0)=4
  SET src(1)="TestA "
  SET src(2)=" WRITE ""Hello "" "
  SET src(3)=" WRITE ""World"",!"
  SET src(4)=" QUIT"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs,TestA)
  IF stat=0 {WRITE "Compile successful" }
  ELSE {WRITE "status=",stat,!
        WRITE "number of compile errors=",$LISTLENGTH(errs) }

The following example compiles the same four-line ObjectScript program using the second $COMPILE format:

  SET src(0)=4
  SET src(1)="TestB "
  SET src(2)=" WRITE ""Hello "" "
  SET src(3)=" WRITE ""World"",!"
  SET src(4)=" QUIT"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs,,,,"TestB")
  IF stat=0 {WRITE "Compile successful",!
             DO ^TestB }
  ELSE {WRITE "status=",stat,!
        WRITE "number of compile errors=",$LISTLENGTH(errs) }

The following example performs compilation error checking on a seven-line ObjectScript program. Note that this $COMPILE only tests for errors; it does not provide a variable to receive the object code from a successful compile. In this example every line of source code contains an error; $COMPILE only returns the compile-time errors in lines 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7, not runtime errors such as a divide-by-zero error (line 2) or an undefined variable error (line 4):

  SET src(0)=7
  SET src(1)="?TestC "
  SET src(2)=" SET a=2/0"
  SET src(3)=" SET b=3+#2"
  SET src(4)=" SET c=xxx"
  SET src(5)=" SET? d=5"
  SET src(6)=" SET 123=""abc"""
  SET src(7)=" SETT f=7"
  SET stat=$COMPILE(src,0,errs)
  IF stat {WRITE $LISTLENGTH(errs)," Compile Errors ",!
    FOR i=1:1:$LISTLENGTH(errs) {
      WRITE !,i,": " 
      SET errn=$LIST(errs,i)
      FOR j=1:1:$LISTLENGTH(errn) {
        WRITE $LIST(errn,j)," "
  ELSE {WRITE "Compile successful",!
        WRITE "but no object code generated" }

See Also

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