Announcement about the Future of Caché and Ensemble Maintenance
InterSystems policy is to provide Product Support (Technical Assistance) to customers on all products, new and old, indefinitely. InterSystems IRIS was released in 2018 and it is the successor to Caché and Ensemble. Many Caché/Ensemble customers have migrated to InterSystems IRIS or have plans to do so within the next few years. The following information is intended for customers continuing to operate Caché or Ensemble:
Product Support will be available indefinitely and at the same response level as all other products.
Caché/Ensemble maintenance releases will continue for the next 4 years — through the first quarter of 2027. Maintenance releases address critical defects, security vulnerabilities, and platform support for newer versions of Windows and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), at the discretion of InterSystems. (Please note that the vast majority of our customers run on Windows or RHEL.) InterSystems plans to provide a maintenance release every twelve months, plus additional security releases as needed. For more information regarding the release cadence for InterSystems products, refer to the following InterSystems Developer Community article: in a new tab
Consistent with long-standing policy, ad hoc corrections will be provided on a best-effort basis. What this means is that corrections (but not features) from future releases may be integrated into existing Caché/Ensemble releases at the discretion of InterSystems, contingent upon the risk and complexity of doing so. Our intent is always to do our best to help our customers.
If you have a question, please contact your Sales Account Manager or the WRC.