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Caché SOAP Log

Caché SOAP Log

To log the SOAP calls made to or from a Caché namespace, set the following nodes of the ^ISCSOAP global in that namespace:

Node Purpose
^ISCSOAP("Log") Specifies kind of logging. Use one of the following values (case-sensitive):
  • "i" — Log inbound messages

  • "o" — Log outbound messages

  • "s" — Log security information. Note that this option provides more detail than is generally contained in the SOAP fault, which is intentionally vague to prevent follow-on security attacks.

  • "h" — Headers only (no SOAP body). If you use "h" with "i" and/or "o", then the log includes only the SOAP Envelope element and SOAP headers (if any).

You can also use a string that contains any combination of these values, for example: "iosh"
^ISCSOAP("LogFile") Specifies the complete path and filename of the log file to create.

The log indicates the sender or the recipient as appropriate, so that you can see which web service or client participated in the exchange.

The following shows a partial example of a log file with line breaks added for readability:

01/05/2010 13:27:02 *********************
Output from web client with SOAP action =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' 
      <Security xmlns="">

01/05/2010 13:27:33 *********************
Input to web client with SOAP action =

ERROR #6059: Unable to open TCP/IP socket to server localhost:8080

Note the following points:

  • With Caché XML tools, you can validate signatures of signed XML documents and decrypt encrypted XML documents. If you perform these tasks in this namespace, the log contains details for them as well. See Using Caché XML Tools.

  • The Caché SOAP log captures SOAP calls even when no message is sent on the wire (that is, when the service and client are both on a single machine).

  • If a severe error occurs, the system stops writing to the SOAP log. See the console log instead. For information, see “Monitoring Log Files” in the Caché Monitoring Guide.

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