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Map globals to namespaces.


[Map.w]    Global_name(s)=Database,Collation,LockLocation


Caché adds entries to the CPF file automatically when you define mappings for globals using the Management Portal (see the instructions below). The entries appear in a section called [Map.w] where w is the namespace to which the global is being mapped.

Each entry provides comma-separated values that map a global to a namespace. From left to right:

  • Database location of the global.

  • Collation of the global (Default=5, Caché standard collation).

  • Lock database location for the global (Default=Database location). (It is recommended that the lock database be the same as the Database location.).

The collation setting is ignored if the global is not mapped at the subscript level. If the actual collation of the global does not match the defined collation in the namespace definition (for subscript level mapped globals), a <COLLATEMISMATCH> error is generated when it is referenced. This is because Caché requires the global to have the same collation across all the databases it lives in, regardless of the default collation for the particular database.

Only the first field is required. If the other fields are not specified, they are set to the system default.

Note that if a subscript mapping is specified, a higher level mapping of the global itself must also exist. So if you want to create a mapping ^X(9), then a mapping for ^X must also exist.

Subscripts (s) can be specified as part of the global name. s can be any of the following:



(1):(5) — from 1 up to, but not including 5

("A"):("Z") — from A up to, but not including, Z

(BEGIN):("X") — from the beginning up to, but not including, X

("Y"):(END) — from Y up to the end


Map the global ^SALES to the SALES Database:


Subscript map the global ^SALES(“MA”) to the SALESMA database:


Map the global ^ACCOUNT to the database ACCOUNTS:


Subscript map the global ^ACCOUNT(1) up to but not including ACCOUNT(5) to database ACCOUNTS1TO4:


Map all globals starting with ABC to database ABC:

Range of Values

Valid global, namespace, and database names.

Management Portal

On the page System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Namespaces, select Global Mappings for the namespace you want to explore. To add a new entry, select New Global Mapping. To edit an existing entry, select Edit in that entry's row.

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