Table of SQL Error Codes and Messages
Table of SQL Error Codes and Messages
For ease of use, the SQL Error Codes Table has been divided into the following sub-tables:
SQL Error Codes -1 to -99
Error Code | Description |
-1 | Invalid SQL statement |
-2 | Exponent digits missing after 'E' |
-3 | Closing quote (") missing |
-4 | A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %STRING, %UPPER, $$, :, +, -, (, NOT, EXISTS, or FOR |
-5 | Column number specified in ORDER does not match SELECT list |
-6 | ORDER BY column after UNION not found as SELECT column |
-7 | Exponent out of range |
-8 | Invalid DATEPART code for DATEPART(), DATENAME(), DATEADD(), or DATEDIFF() |
-9 | Incompatible SELECT lists used in UNION |
-10 | The SELECT list of the subquery must have exactly one item |
-11 | A scalar expression expected, not a condition |
-12 | A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$, :, (, +, -, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %STRING, or %UPPER |
-13 | An expression other than a subquery expected here |
-14 | A comparison operator is required here |
-15 | A condition expected after NOT |
-16 | Quantifier SOME expected after the FOR in the for-expression |
-17 | A for-condition expected after the ( in the for-expression |
-18 | IS (or IS NOT) NULL predicate can be applied only to a field |
-19 | An aggregate function cannot be used in a WHERE or GROUP BY clause |
-20 | Name conflict in the FROM list over label |
-21 | Pointer->Field reference may not be modified by an INSERT or UPDATE statement |
-22 | ORDER must specify column names, not numbers, when after 'SELECT *' |
-23 | Label is not listed among the applicable tables |
-24 | Ambiguous sort column |
-25 | Input encountered after end of query |
-26 | Missing FROM clause |
-27 | Field is ambiguous among the applicable tables |
-28 | Host variable name must begin with either % or a letter |
-29 | Field not found in the applicable tables |
-30 | Table or view not found |
-31 | Field not (found/unique) in table(s) |
-32 | Outer-join symbol ( =* or *= ) must be between two fields |
-33 | No field(s) found for table |
-34 | Optimizer failed to find a usable join order |
-35 | INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not allowed for non-updateable view |
-36 | WITH CHECK OPTION (CHECKOPTION class parameter) not allowed for non-updateable views |
-37 | SQL Scalar/Aggregate/Unary function not supported for Stream fields |
-38 | No master map for table |
-39 | No RowID field for table |
-40 | ODBC escape extension not supported |
-41 | An extrinsic function call must have the form '$$tag^routine(...)' |
-42 | Closing quotes ("") missing following pattern match |
-43 | Table is ambiguous within #IMPORT schema name list |
-44 | Duplicate method or query characteristic |
-45 | Duplicate method in ObjectScript query body |
-46 | Required method missing in ObjectScript query body |
-47 | Invalid method or query characteristic |
-48 | Invalid trigger REFERENCING clause for the trigger's event |
-49 | Trigger REFERENCING clause cannot be specified when trigger language not SQL |
-50 | Trigger specifies UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause when trigger language not SQL |
-51 | SQL statement expected |
-52 | Cursor (Already/Was Not) DECLAREd |
-53 | Constant or variable expected as new value |
-54 | Array designator (last subscript omitted) expected after VALUES |
-55 | Invalid GRANT <role> TO or REVOKE <role> FROM |
-56 | GRANT/REVOKE Action not applicable to an object of this type |
-57 | Trigger specifies WHEN clause when trigger language not SQL |
-58 | Duplicate field found in trigger UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause |
-59 | Cannot have more than one field |
-60 | An action (%ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) expected |
-61 | Cursor not updateable |
-62 | Additional new values expected for INSERT/UPDATE |
-63 | Data exception - invalid escape character |
-64 | Incompatible SELECT list is used in INSERT |
-65 | Positive integer constant or variable expected |
-66 | Redundant fields found in SELECT list |
-67 | Implicit join (arrow syntax) not supported in ON clause |
-68 | Legacy outer join (=*, *=) not supported in ON clause |
-69 | SET <field> = <value expression> not allowed with WHERE CURRENT OF <cursor> |
-70 | Multi-Line field only valid for LIKE, Contains ([), or NULL Comparison. |
-71 | Multi-Line field must be the left operand of the Comparison. |
-72 | Multi-Line field not valid in ORDER BY clause |
-73 | Aggregates not supported in ORDER BY clause |
-74 | Duplicate <select-list> alias names found |
-75 | <trim_spec> and/or <trim_char> required before FROM in TRIM function. |
-76 | Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-list. |
-77 | Qualified column reference not allowed in this JOIN context. |
-78 | Invalid transaction state. |
-79 | Referencing key and referenced key must be the same size |
-80 | Integer expected |
-81 | Column Constraint expected |
-82 | Multiple table %DESCRIPTION definitions found |
-83 | Multiple table %FILE definitions found |
-84 | Multiple table %NUMROWS definitions found |
-85 | Multiple table %ROUTINE definitions found |
-86 | Invalid field definition, no datatype defined |
-87 | Invalid table name |
-88 | Invalid field name |
-89 | Invalid index name |
-90 | Invalid view name |
-91 | Transaction mode cannot be specified more than once |
-92 | Level of isolation cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED or READ VERIFIED if READ WRITE specified |
-93 | number of conditions for the DIAGNOSTICS SIZE must be exact numeric |
-94 | Unsupported usage of OUTER JOIN |
-95 | Operation disallowed by operation table |
-96 | Specified level of isolation is not supported |
-97 | Duplicate select-list names found. |
-98 | License violation |
-99 | Privilege violation |
SQL Error Codes -101 to -399
Error Code | Description |
-101 | Attempt to open a cursor that is already open |
-102 | Operation (FETCH/CLOSE/UPDATE/DELETE/...) attempted on an unopened cursor |
-103 | Positioned UPDATE or DELETE attempted, but the cursor is not positioned on any row |
-104 | Field validation failed in INSERT, or value failed to convert in DisplayToLogical or OdbcToLogical |
-105 | Field validation failed in UPDATE |
-106 | Row to DELETE not found |
-107 | Cannot UPDATE RowID or RowID based on fields |
-108 | Required field missing; INSERT or UPDATE not allowed |
-109 | Cannot find the row designated for UPDATE |
-110 | Locking conflict in filing |
-111 | Cannot INSERT into a 'Default Only' RowID or RowID based on field |
-112 | Access violation |
-113 | %THRESHOLD violation |
-114 | One or more matching rows is locked by another user |
-115 | Cannot INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on a read only table |
-116 | Cardinality mismatch on INSERT/UPDATE between values list and number of table columns. |
-117 | Aggregates not supported in views |
-118 | Unknown or non-unique User or Role |
-119 | UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint failed uniqueness check upon INSERT |
-120 | UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint failed uniqueness check upon UPDATE |
-121 | FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon INSERT of row in referencing table |
-122 | FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referencing table |
-123 | FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referenced table |
-124 | FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table |
-125 | UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint failed uniqueness check upon creation of the constraint |
-126 | REVOKE with RESTRICT failed. |
-127 | FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon creation of the constraint |
-128 | Argument to scalar function %OBJECT() must be a stream field |
-129 | Illegal value for SET OPTION locale property |
-130 | Before Insert trigger failed |
-131 | After Insert trigger failed |
-132 | Before Update trigger failed |
-133 | After Update trigger failed |
-134 | Before Delete trigger failed |
-135 | After Delete trigger failed |
-136 | View's WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in INSERT |
-137 | View's WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in UPDATE |
-138 | Cannot INSERT/UPDATE a value for a read only field |
-139 | Concurrency failure on update: row versions not the same |
-140 | Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function |
-141 | Invalid input value passed to the CONVERT function |
-142 | Cardinality mismatch between the view-column-list and view query's SELECT clause |
-143 | ORDER BY not valid in a view's query |
-144 | A subquery is not allowed in an insert statement's set/values clause |
-145 | SQLPREVENTFULLSCAN class parameter is 1 for this table. Query that performs full scan of data map is not allowed |
-146 | Unable to convert date input to a valid logical date value |
-147 | Unable to convert time input to a valid logical time value |
-148 | CREATE VIEW, ALTER VIEW, or a view's query may not contain host variable references |
-149 | SQL Function encountered an error |
-150 | Optimistic concurrency locking for a class definition failed |
-151 | Index is not found within tables used by this statement |
-152 | Index is ambiguous within tables used by this statement |
-161 | References to an SQL connection must constitute a whole subquery |
-162 | SQL Connection is not defined |
-201 | Table or view name not unique |
-220 | Gateway query error |
-221 | Gateway query GetConnection() failed |
-222 | Gateway query AllocStatement() failed |
-223 | Gateway query Prepare() failed |
-225 | Gateway query BindParameters() failed |
-226 | Gateway query Execute() failed |
-227 | Gateway query Fetch() failed |
-228 | Gateway query GetData() failed |
-241 | Parallel query queue error |
-242 | Parallel query run-time error |
-300 | DDL not allowed on this table definition |
-301 | No Savepoint name |
-302 | Savepoint names starting with "SYS" are reserved |
-303 | No implicit conversion of Stream value to non-Stream field in UPDATE assignment is supported |
-304 | Attempt to add a NOT NULL field with no default value to a table which contains data |
-305 | Attempt to make field required when the table has one or more rows where the column value is NULL |
-306 | Column with this name already exists |
-307 | Primary key already defined for this table |
-308 | Identity column already defined for this table |
-309 | The left operand of %CONTAINS is not a property that supports the %Text interface |
-310 | Foreign key references non-existent table |
-311 | Foreign key with same name already defined for this table |
-312 | Invalid schema name. Must use delimited identifiers to reference this schema name |
-313 | Condition expression not supported for Stream fields |
-314 | Foreign key references non-unique key/column collection |
-315 | Constraint or Key not found |
-316 | Foreign key references non-existent key/column collection |
-317 | Cannot DROP Constraint - One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this Unique constraint |
-319 | Referenced table has no primary key defined |
-320 | Cannot DROP table - One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this table |
-321 | Cannot DROP view - One or more views reference this view |
-322 | Cannot DROP column — column is defined on one or more indexes or constraints |
-324 | Index with this name already defined for this table |
-325 | Index cannot be dropped because it is the IDKEY index and the table has data |
-333 | No such index defined |
-334 | Index name is ambiguous. Index found in multiple tables. |
-340 | No such database (namespace) defined |
-341 | Database file already exists |
-342 | Cannot delete system namespace |
-343 | Invalid database name |
-344 | Cannot drop database that you are currently using or connected to |
-350 | An unexpected error occurred executing SqlComputeCode |
-356 | SQL Function (function stored procedure) is not defined to return a value |
-357 | SQL Function (function stored procedure) is not defined as a function procedure |
-358 | SQL Function (function stored procedure) name not unique |
-359 | SQL Function (function stored procedure) not found |
-360 | Class not found |
-361 | Method or Query name not unique |
-362 | Method or Query not found |
-363 | Trigger not found |
-364 | Trigger with same EVENT, TIME, and ORDER already defined |
-365 | Trigger name not unique |
-366 | Schema name mismatch between trigger name and table name |
-370 | SQL CALL, more arguments specified than defined in the stored procedure |
-371 | :HVar = CALL ... Specified for a procedure which does not return a value |
-372 | Support for extrinsic function calls are disabled |
-373 | An extrinsic function call may not call a % routine |
-374 | Cannot alter the datatype of a field to/from a stream type when the table contains data |
-375 | Cannot ROLLBACK to unestablished savepoint |
-376 | Unsupported CAST target specified |
-377 | Field appears more than once in assignment list of insert or update statement |
-378 | Datatype mismatch, explicit CAST is required |
-380 | Invalid or Missing argument to scalar function |
-381 | Too many arguments to scalar function |
SQL Error Codes -400 to -500
Error Code | Description |
-400 | Fatal error occurred |
-401 | Fatal Connection error |
-402 | Invalid Username/Password |
-405 | Unable to read from communication device |
-406 | Unable to Write to Server |
-407 | Unable to Write to Server Master |
-408 | Unable to start server |
-409 | Invalid server function |
-410 | Invalid Directory |
-411 | No stream object defined for field |
-412 | General stream error |
-413 | Incompatible client/server protocol |
-415 | Fatal error occurred within the SQL filer |
-416 | CacheInfo Error |
-417 | Security Error |
-422 | SELECT request processed via ODBC, JDBC, or Dynamic SQL cannot contain an INTO clause |
-425 | Error processing stored procedure request |
-426 | Error preparing stored procedure |
-427 | Invalid stored procedure name |
-428 | Stored procedure not found |
-429 | Invalid number of input/output parameters for stored procedure |
-430 | Cannot initialize procedure context |
-431 | Stored procedure parameter type mismatch |
-432 | Function returned multiple rows when only a single value is expected |
-450 | Request timed out due to user timeout |
-451 | Unable to receive server message |
-452 | Message sequencing error |
-453 | Error in user initialization code |
-454 | Error sending external interrupt request |
-459 | Kerberos authentication failure |
-460 | General error |
-461 | Communication link failure |
-462 | Memory allocation failure |
-463 | Invalid column number |
-464 | Function sequence error |
-465 | Invalid string or buffer length |
-466 | Invalid parameter number |
-467 | Column type out of range |
-468 | Fetch type out of range |
-469 | Driver not capable |
-470 | Option value changed |
-471 | Duplicate cursor name |
-472 | A collection-valued property was expected |
-478 | Query recompiled: Result Set mismatch |
-500 | Fetch row count limit reached |
WinSock Error Codes -10050 to -11002
Error Code | Description |
-10050 | WinSock: Network is down |
-10051 | WinSock: Network is unreachable |
-10052 | WinSock: Net dropped connection or reset |
-10054 | WinSock: Connection reset by peer (due to timeout or reboot) |
-10055 | WinSock: No buffer space available |
-10056 | WinSock: Socket is already connected |
-10057 | WinSock: Socket is not connected |
-10058 | WinSock: Cannot send after socket shutdown |
-10060 | WinSock: Connection timed out |
-10061 | WinSock: Connection refused |
-10064 | WinSock: Host is down |
-10065 | WinSock: No route to host |
-10070 | WinSock: Stale NFS file handle |
-10091 | WinSock: Network subsystem is unavailable |
-10092 | WinSock: WINSOCK DLL version out of range |
-10093 | WinSock: Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed |
-11001 | WinSock: Host not found |
-11002 | WinSock: Nonauthoritative host not found |