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The Web Service Wizard

We can create our Web Service class using the Web Service Wizard.

Click File–>New on the Studio menu bar. Click the General category and then the Web Service icon. This launches the Caché Web Service Wizard.

generated description: webservicewizard 20121

Enter the following information in the Wizard:

  1. Package Name: “CInfo” (The package name for the class the Wizard will create).

  2. Class Name: “WebService” (The class name of the class the Wizard will create).

  3. Web Service Name: “CompanyInfo” (The name of the Web Service).

  4. Service Namespace: Leave this as “” for now. (This has nothing to do with Japanese food—it is a URL used to qualify any XML namespaces used with the service description generated for the Web Service. In a real Web Service you would use a URL that guarantees uniqueness for your service names, method names, etc.).

  5. Service Methods: The names of any Web Service methods you want to create, one per line. You can add more later. Enter “GetCompanyInfo” on the first line and “CreateCompanies” on the second.

When you have filled out the fields, click Finish.

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