abstract class %CSP.UI.Portal.UtilsNav
This class contains Properties and Methods in support of component tableNavBar in SMP.The purpose is to remember the last Page size and Maximum rows of the tableNavBar If you want to remember these, then do the following:
- Extend your page to this class and add to the
: - (1) saveSizeMax="true"
- (2) onPageSizeChange="zenPage.navPageSizeChanged(value);" if you want to remember page size
- (3) onMaxRowsChange="zenPage.navMaxRowsChanged(value);" if you want to remember max rows
- In %OnAfterCreatePage() of your page, add: Do ..%GetNavTableState()
- use %CSP.UI.Portal.Utils as super class: %CSP.UI.Portal.Processes, %CSP.UI.Portal.ClassList
- use %CSP.UI.Portal.Template as super class: %CSP.UI.Portal.Namespaces, %CSP.UI.Portal.Users (with Filter=true)
Property Inventory
Method Inventory
property Filter as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "*" ];
Filter value user entered into the "Filter" field in the table navigator. This value is saved and reloaded for this page.
Property methods: FilterDisplayToLogical(), FilterGet(), FilterIsValid(), FilterLogicalToDisplay(), FilterLogicalToOdbc(), FilterNormalize(), FilterSet()
property TableMaxRows as %Integer [ InitialExpression = "1000" ];
Max rows value user entered into the "Max rows" field in the table navigator. This value is saved and reloaded for this page.
Property methods: TableMaxRowsDisplayToLogical(), TableMaxRowsGet(), TableMaxRowsIsValid(), TableMaxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), TableMaxRowsNormalize(), TableMaxRowsSet()
property TablePageSize as %Integer [ InitialExpression = "0" ];
Page size value user entered into the "Page size" field in the table navigator. This value is saved and reloaded for this page.
Property methods: TablePageSizeDisplayToLogical(), TablePageSizeGet(), TablePageSizeIsValid(), TablePageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), TablePageSizeNormalize(), TablePageSizeSet()
Call this method from %OnAfterCreatePage to load the last saved values for tableNavBar.
Pass in a special name you used for this page if differ from ..%GetPageName.
For example Mappings is used for Global/Routine/Package Mappings, so the name used for save has MapType in it to distinguish. If tableId is not "table" then pass it in as the second piece delimited by "^" (example: %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.TuneTable).
Pass in a special name you used for this page if differ from ..%GetPageName.
For example Mappings is used for Global/Routine/Package Mappings, so the name used for save has MapType in it to distinguish. If tableId is not "table" then pass it in as the second piece delimited by "^" (example: %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.TuneTable).
Used to Save TableNavigatorBar Values.
Maybe overriden by subclass.
Maybe overriden by subclass.
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Applications.ClientList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Applications.PrivRoutineList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Audit.EventsTemplate
- %CSP.UI.Portal.CSPSessions
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Config.Devices
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Config.MagTapes
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Config.SQLDataTypes
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Config.SubTypes
- %CSP.UI.Portal.DatabaseFreespace
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.DBMirrorAdd
- %CSP.UI.Portal.FileMan
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Installs
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Instances
- %CSP.UI.Portal.JDBCGatewayServer
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Kits
- %CSP.UI.Portal.LDAPs
- %CSP.UI.Portal.LDAPsRO
- %CSP.UI.Portal.LicenseServers
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Machines
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Manifests
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mappings
- %CSP.UI.Portal.OAuth2.Client.ConfigurationList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.OAuth2.Client.ServerList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.OAuth2.Server.ClientList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.ObjectGatewayActivities
- %CSP.UI.Portal.ObjectGateways
- %CSP.UI.Portal.PhoneProviders
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.Home
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.QButtons.IndexAnalyzer
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.QButtons.RuntimeStats
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.TuneTable
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SSLList
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Services
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Shadow
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Users
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Utils
- %CSP.UI.Portal.X509Credentials
- %CSP.UI.Portal.XSLTGatewayServer
- %CSP.UI.Portal.ZenReportExcelServers
- %CSP.UI.Portal.ZenReportPrintServers
- %CSP.UI.Portal.ZenReportRenderServers