serial class %SQL.StatementColumn extends %Library.SerialObject
%SQL.StatementColumn - contains the metadata for a statement column whose column type is SQLRESULTCOL.Property Inventory
- ODBCType
- clientType
- colName
- isAliased
- isAutoIncrement
- isCaseSensitive
- isCurrency
- isExpression
- isHidden
- isIdentity
- isKeyColumn
- isNullable
- isReadOnly
- isRowId
- isRowVersion
- isUnique
- label
- precision
- property
- qualifier
- scale
- schemaName
- tableName
- typeClass
Method Inventory
property ODBCType as %Integer;
The column ODBC type integer:
Property methods: ODBCTypeDisplayToLogical(), ODBCTypeGet(), ODBCTypeIsValid(), ODBCTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ODBCTypeNormalize(), ODBCTypeSet()
property clientType as %Integer;
Returns the type of column n in the result set where type is an integer associated with
the client datatype. If the type cannot be determined, 0 (zero) is returned.
1 | BINARY | |
2 | DATE | |
3 | DOUBLE | |
4 | HANDLE | |
5 | INTEGER | |
6 | LIST | |
8 | TIME | |
10 | VARCHAR | |
11 | STATUS | |
14 | NUMERIC | |
15 | CURRENCY | |
16 | BOOLEAN | |
17 | OID | |
18 | BIGINT | |
19 | FDATE | |
Property methods: clientTypeDisplayToLogical(), clientTypeGet(), clientTypeIsValid(), clientTypeLogicalToDisplay(), clientTypeNormalize(), clientTypeSet()
property colName as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
The column name.
Property methods: colNameDisplayToLogical(), colNameGet(), colNameIsValid(), colNameLogicalToDisplay(), colNameLogicalToOdbc(), colNameNormalize(), colNameSet()
property isAliased as %Boolean;
Property methods: isAliasedDisplayToLogical(), isAliasedGet(), isAliasedIsValid(), isAliasedLogicalToDisplay(), isAliasedNormalize(), isAliasedSet()
property isAutoIncrement as %Boolean;
Property methods: isAutoIncrementDisplayToLogical(), isAutoIncrementGet(), isAutoIncrementIsValid(), isAutoIncrementLogicalToDisplay(), isAutoIncrementNormalize(), isAutoIncrementSet()
property isCaseSensitive as %Boolean;
Property methods: isCaseSensitiveDisplayToLogical(), isCaseSensitiveGet(), isCaseSensitiveIsValid(), isCaseSensitiveLogicalToDisplay(), isCaseSensitiveNormalize(), isCaseSensitiveSet()
property isCurrency as %Boolean;
Property methods: isCurrencyDisplayToLogical(), isCurrencyGet(), isCurrencyIsValid(), isCurrencyLogicalToDisplay(), isCurrencyNormalize(), isCurrencySet()
property isExpression as %Boolean;
Property methods: isExpressionDisplayToLogical(), isExpressionGet(), isExpressionIsValid(), isExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), isExpressionNormalize(), isExpressionSet()
property isHidden as %Boolean;
Property methods: isHiddenDisplayToLogical(), isHiddenGet(), isHiddenIsValid(), isHiddenLogicalToDisplay(), isHiddenNormalize(), isHiddenSet()
property isIdentity as %Boolean;
Property methods: isIdentityDisplayToLogical(), isIdentityGet(), isIdentityIsValid(), isIdentityLogicalToDisplay(), isIdentityNormalize(), isIdentitySet()
property isKeyColumn as %Boolean;
Property methods: isKeyColumnDisplayToLogical(), isKeyColumnGet(), isKeyColumnIsValid(), isKeyColumnLogicalToDisplay(), isKeyColumnNormalize(), isKeyColumnSet()
property isNullable as %Boolean;
isNullable is TRUE (1) if the column value can be NULL.
Property methods: isNullableDisplayToLogical(), isNullableGet(), isNullableIsValid(), isNullableLogicalToDisplay(), isNullableNormalize(), isNullableSet()
property isReadOnly as %Boolean;
Property methods: isReadOnlyDisplayToLogical(), isReadOnlyGet(), isReadOnlyIsValid(), isReadOnlyLogicalToDisplay(), isReadOnlyNormalize(), isReadOnlySet()
property isRowId as %Boolean;
Property methods: isRowIdDisplayToLogical(), isRowIdGet(), isRowIdIsValid(), isRowIdLogicalToDisplay(), isRowIdNormalize(), isRowIdSet()
property isRowVersion as %Boolean;
Property methods: isRowVersionDisplayToLogical(), isRowVersionGet(), isRowVersionIsValid(), isRowVersionLogicalToDisplay(), isRowVersionNormalize(), isRowVersionSet()
property isUnique as %Boolean;
Property methods: isUniqueDisplayToLogical(), isUniqueGet(), isUniqueIsValid(), isUniqueLogicalToDisplay(), isUniqueNormalize(), isUniqueSet()
property label as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
Property methods: labelDisplayToLogical(), labelGet(), labelIsValid(), labelLogicalToDisplay(), labelLogicalToOdbc(), labelNormalize(), labelSet()
property precision as %Integer;
Property methods: precisionDisplayToLogical(), precisionGet(), precisionIsValid(), precisionLogicalToDisplay(), precisionNormalize(), precisionSet()
property property as %Dictionary.CompiledProperty;
If this column corresponds to a property from the class that projected
the tableName table. This property is NULL if the column cannot be linked
to a property.
Property methods: propertyGet(), propertyGetObject(), propertyGetObjectId(), propertyGetSwizzled(), propertyIsValid(), propertyNewObject(), propertySet(), propertySetObject(), propertySetObjectId(), propertyUnSwizzle()
property qualifier as %String;
Property methods: qualifierDisplayToLogical(), qualifierGet(), qualifierIsValid(), qualifierLogicalToDisplay(), qualifierLogicalToOdbc(), qualifierNormalize(), qualifierSet()
property scale as %Integer;
Property methods: scaleDisplayToLogical(), scaleGet(), scaleIsValid(), scaleLogicalToDisplay(), scaleNormalize(), scaleSet()
property schemaName as %String;
The schema qualifier of tableName.
Property methods: schemaNameDisplayToLogical(), schemaNameGet(), schemaNameIsValid(), schemaNameLogicalToDisplay(), schemaNameLogicalToOdbc(), schemaNameNormalize(), schemaNameSet()
property tableName as %String;
The table where this column originates.
Property methods: tableNameDisplayToLogical(), tableNameGet(), tableNameIsValid(), tableNameLogicalToDisplay(), tableNameLogicalToOdbc(), tableNameNormalize(), tableNameSet()
property typeClass as %Dictionary.CompiledClass;
The Cache Objects type class
Property methods: typeClassGet(), typeClassGetObject(), typeClassGetObjectId(), typeClassGetSwizzled(), typeClassIsValid(), typeClassNewObject(), typeClassSet(), typeClassSetObject(), typeClassSetObjectId(), typeClassUnSwizzle()
method %ToDynamicObject(target As %DynamicObject = "", ignoreUnknown=0) as %Library.DynamicObject
Default mechanism for mapping the fields of a registered object to
the key-value pairs of a dynamic entity. This method exists only to provide the user
with the ability to override the default composition of a dynamic object from a registered object.
method %ToJSONValue(Output outstr="") as %String
Default behavior of the JSON generation facility. Map the current
registered object into a dynamic one via $toAbstractObject() and
output the JSON representation of the abstract object. Subclasses
may wish to override this routine to perform post processing on the
abstract object prior to JSON generation, or dispense with the
abstract layer entirely in favor of direct, local JSON output
method IsNumeric() as %Boolean
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %ValidateObject()
- LogicalToOdbc()
- OdbcToLogical()