class %ZEN.Component.accordionMenu extends %ZEN.Component.component, %ZEN.Component.dataView
Implements a simple HTML5 accordion menu component.This is an HTML5 component; it will only correctly run on HTML5 compliant browsers.
Property Inventory
Method Inventory
- adjustParentMenuSize()
- getMenuHTML()
- getModel()
- menuActionHandler()
- menuClickHandler()
- notifyViewHandler()
- renderContents()
- selectItem()
parameter DEFAULTENCLOSINGCLASS = zam-menu;
Inherited description: Subclasses can set this to change default enclosingClass used for this
parameter SYSMODULE;
Do not include in "form" module.
property ongetdata as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ongetdata event handler:
If defined, this event is returns an array of items to be displayed within the menu.
Property methods: ongetdataDisplayToLogical(), ongetdataGet(), ongetdataIsValid(), ongetdataLogicalToDisplay(), ongetdataLogicalToOdbc(), ongetdataNormalize(), ongetdataSet()
property onselect as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onselect event handler:
If defined, this event is fired when
the user clicks on a item within the menu.
Property methods: onselectDisplayToLogical(), onselectGet(), onselectIsValid(), onselectLogicalToDisplay(), onselectLogicalToOdbc(), onselectNormalize(), onselectSet()
property selectedIndex as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Current selected item.
This is a string of the form 'index1,index2,...', where each index is the 0-based ordinal position of a menu, its first level child, etc.
This is a string of the form 'index1,index2,...', where each index is the 0-based ordinal position of a menu, its first level child, etc.
Property methods: selectedIndexDisplayToLogical(), selectedIndexGet(), selectedIndexIsValid(), selectedIndexLogicalToDisplay(), selectedIndexLogicalToOdbc(), selectedIndexNormalize(), selectedIndexSet()
property style as %ZEN.Datatype.style;
Additional style to apply to items in the menu.
Property methods: styleDisplayToLogical(), styleGet(), styleIsValid(), styleLogicalToDisplay(), styleLogicalToOdbc(), styleNormalize(), styleSet()
clientmethod adjustParentMenuSize(menuId, level, id) [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust the size of a menu item's parents.
clientmethod getMenuHTML(content, menuId) [ Language = javascript ]
Get HTML for a dynamic menu based on the given content object graph.
Each node in the graph may define key, caption,action,
targetId, image, and children.
clientmethod getModel() [ Language = javascript ]
Get the model used to drive the menu.
Action handler for menu item.
User click on a menu item.
clientmethod notifyViewHandler(reason, data1, data2, data3) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that the dataController associated with this grid
has raised an event.
clientmethod renderContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render this component.
clientmethod selectItem(index) [ Language = javascript ]
Select a given menu item and expand it (if it has children).
index is the index number of the menu item (0-based).
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %condition
- %controller
- %import
- %includeFiles
- %page
- %resource
- align
- aux
- composite
- containerStyle
- controller
- controllerId
- dragEnabled
- dropEnabled
- enclosingClass
- enclosingStyle
- error
- height
- hidden
- hint
- hintClass
- hintStyle
- id
- index
- label
- labelClass
- labelDisabledClass
- labelStyle
- name
- onafterdrag
- onbeforedrag
- ondrag
- ondrop
- onhide
- onnotifyView
- onrefresh
- onshow
- onupdate
- parent
- showLabel
- slice
- title
- tuple
- valign
- visible
- width
- window
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %Attr()
- %BindExport()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawComponentHTML()
- %DrawHTML()
- %DrawJSStrings()
- %EnclosingDivId()
- %Eval()
- %EvalC()
- %Extends()
- %ForceClientRender()
- %GetEventHandlers()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetXMLName()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %MakeId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnAddToPageAfter()
- %OnAddToPageBefore()
- %OnDrawEnclosingDiv()
- %OnDrawObjectProperties()
- %OnObjectSynch()
- %OnZENDeserialize()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %Self()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- dragFinishHandler()
- dragHandler()
- dragNotifyHandler()
- dragStartHandler()
- dropHandler()
- dropStartHandler()
- exposeComponent()
- findElement()
- fireOnUpdateEvent()
- getController()
- getEnclosingDiv()
- getHidden()
- getHintElement()
- getLabelElement()
- getProperty()
- getSettings()
- getType()
- invokeSuper()
- isOfType()
- makeId()
- onCreate()
- onDelete()
- onDisplayHandler()
- onEndModalHandler()
- onPopupAction()
- onRefreshContents()
- onSerialize()
- onStartModalHandler()
- onloadHandler()
- onunloadHandler()
- onupdateHandler()
- refreshContents()
- render()
- renderSVG()
- sendEventToController()
- setControllerId()
- setHidden()
- setOverlayMode()
- setProperty()
- startProgressBar()
- stopProgressBar()