class %ZEN.Report.defaultApplication extends %Library.RegisteredObject
The NLS processing for aggregates is ignored if this is true.
Used to tag aggregates in EXCEL mode
if we do not connect to the render server in the amount of time specified in this parameter
then we return an error from rendering
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to connect
The units are seconds.
then we return an error from rendering
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to connect
The units are seconds.
parameter CONTENTTYPE = text/xml;
If SPLITANDMERGE set, along with REPEATINGELEMENT and COUNTREPEATINGELEMENT then the XML file is split on the repeating element called
parameter DATASOURCE;
If defined, this provides a reference to the external
XML data to use in generating the report. If it is
not provided, data will be generated from the
ReportDefinition XData block.
Used on item when copyhtml="true" to specify a default font face
Used on item when copyhtm="true" to specify a default font size
parameter DEFAULTMODE = html;
Specifies the default display mode used for this report if
the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.
parameter DOMAIN;
parameter EMBEDXSL = 0;
Specifies whether XSLT is embedded in XML, if it is we must use explicit namespaces for generated XML
parameter ENCODING = UTF-8;
encoding value
parameter EXCELMODE = element;
parameter EXCELMULTISHEET = 0;
If 1, input XML represents multiple Excel worksheets
If 0, (the default), input XML represents single Excel worksheets
If 0, (the default), input XML represents single Excel worksheets
parameter EXCELSERVER;
specifies ExcelServer port of ExcelServer which renders Excel spreadsheets
Can be overriden by $EXCELSERVER on URL
Can be overriden by $EXCELSERVER on URL
if we do not render to export to Excel through the excel server in the amount of time specified in this parameter
then we return an error from Excel export
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to print
The units are seconds.
then we return an error from Excel export
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to print
The units are seconds.
If defined, this provides a reference to the external
stylesheet to use in generating the EXCEL spreadsheet. If it
is not provided, a stylesheet will be generated from the
Excel XData block.
Life time of file, when exceeded Purge task may delete it
parameter HANG = 0;
If defined, this provides a reference to the external
stylesheet to use in generating the HTML report. If it
is not provided, a stylesheet will be generated from the
ReportDisplay XData block.
parameter INDENT = yes;
value of indent in xsl:output element
default is yes
If provided, this is a string of XML namespace declarations.
For example, "xmlns='http://mydefault' xmlns:ns1='http://namespace1'".
The namespace declarations will go on the root element of the generated XML and also on the stylesheet element of the generated XSL.
For example, "xmlns='http://mydefault' xmlns:ns1='http://namespace1'".
The namespace declarations will go on the root element of the generated XML and also on the stylesheet element of the generated XSL.
parameter NLSIOTABLE = RAW;
This parameter controls the NLS table to use
when streaming characters to the browser for HTML display.
The default value is "RAW"
Old behavior of linefeedOnBreak, where for PDF we issue not a line feed
For Fop only, specifies a file/directory path location for the font cache file with value in OptionCachePath
Here is FOP option
-cache path specifies a file/directory path location for the font cache file
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
Here is FOP option
-cache path specifies a file/directory path location for the font cache file
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
parameter OPTIONCONSERVE = 0;
For Fop only, enable memory-conservation policy (trades memory-consumption for disk I/O) when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-conserve enable memory-conservation policy (trades memory-consumption for disk I/O)
(Note: currently only influences whether the area tree is serialized.)
Here is FOP option
-conserve enable memory-conservation policy (trades memory-consumption for disk I/O)
(Note: currently only influences whether the area tree is serialized.)
parameter OPTIONDPI;
For Fop only, target resolution in dots per inch (dpi) where xxx is a number with value in OptionDPI
Here is FOP option
-dpi xxx target resolution in dots per inch (dpi) where xxx is a number
Here is FOP option
-dpi xxx target resolution in dots per inch (dpi) where xxx is a number
For Fop only, enables accessibility features (Tagged PDF etc., default off) when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-a enables accessibility features (Tagged PDF etc., default off)
Here is FOP option
-a enables accessibility features (Tagged PDF etc., default off)
parameter OPTIONFLUSH = 0;
For Fop only, flushes the current font cache file when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-flush flushes the current font cache file
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
Here is FOP option
-flush flushes the current font cache file
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
parameter OPTIONLANG;
For Fop only, the language to use for user information with value in OptionLang
Here is FOP option
-l lang the language to use for user information
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
Here is FOP option
-l lang the language to use for user information
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without extract text and graphics permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noaccesscontent PDF file will be encrypted without extract text and graphics permission
Here is FOP option
-noaccesscontent PDF file will be encrypted without extract text and graphics permission
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without edit annotation permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noannotations PDF file will be encrypted without edit annotation permission
Here is FOP option
-noannotations PDF file will be encrypted without edit annotation permission
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without assemble the document permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noassembledoc PDF file will be encrypted without assemble the document permission
Here is FOP option
-noassembledoc PDF file will be encrypted without assemble the document permission
For Fop only, disable complex script features when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-nocs disable complex script features
Here is FOP option
-nocs disable complex script features
parameter OPTIONNOCOPY = 0;
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without copy content permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-nocopy PDF file will be encrypted without copy content permission
Here is FOP option
-nocopy PDF file will be encrypted without copy content permission
parameter OPTIONNOEDIT = 0;
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without edit content permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noedit PDF file will be encrypted without edit content permission
Here is FOP option
-noedit PDF file will be encrypted without edit content permission
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without fill in interactive form fields when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-nofillinforms PDF file will be encrypted without fill in interactive form fields permission
Here is FOP option
-nofillinforms PDF file will be encrypted without fill in interactive form fields permission
parameter OPTIONNOPRINT = 0;
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without printing permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noprint PDF file will be encrypted without printing permission
Here is FOP option
-noprint PDF file will be encrypted without printing permission
parameter OPTIONNOPRINTHQ = 0;
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted without print high quality permission when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-noprinthq PDF file will be encrypted without print high quality permission
Here is FOP option
-noprinthq PDF file will be encrypted without print high quality permission
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted with value in OptionOwnerPassword
Here is FOP option
-o [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option owner password
Here is FOP option
-o [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option owner password
For Fop only, PDF file will be generated with the specified profile with value in OptionPDFProfile
Here is FOP option
-pdfprofile prof PDF file will be generated with the specified profile
(Examples for prof: PDF/A-1b or PDF/X-3:2003)
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
Here is FOP option
-pdfprofile prof PDF file will be generated with the specified profile
(Examples for prof: PDF/A-1b or PDF/X-3:2003)
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
parameter OPTIONRELAXED = 0;
For Fop only, relaxed/less strict validation (where available) when true or 1
Here is FOP option
-r relaxed/less strict validation (where available)
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
Here is FOP option
-r relaxed/less strict validation (where available)
Does not work with HotJVM RenderServer
For Fop only, PDF file will be encrypted with value in OptionUserPassword
Here is FOP option
-u [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option user password
Here is FOP option
-u [password] PDF file will be encrypted with option user password
Specify amount of memory used by PDF Merge processing, defaults to 512m
parameter PDFSWITCH = -pdf;
xsl:preserve-space elements value
parameter PRINTSERVER;
specifies PrintServer port of PrintServer which prints PDFs
Can be overriden by $PRINTSERVER on URL
Can be overriden by $PRINTSERVER on URL
if we do not enqueue to print through the print server in the amount of time specified in this parameter
then we return an error from printing
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to print
The units are seconds.
then we return an error from printing
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to print
The units are seconds.
parameter PS;
Postscript Printer or Printer used by pdfprint/PrintServer
parameter REMOVENULLS = 0;
If 1 (set) elements or attributes that contain only NULL are not generated
The default is 0 to preserve past ZEN Report identification of null with empty string, so as not to break existing reports
if we do not render directly to Render Server in RENDERTIMEOUT, Zen Reports renders directly, spawing new JVM
specifies whether we communicate with a render server to generate PDFs rather than directly generating them ourself
Can be overriden by $RENDERSERVER on URL
Can be overriden by $RENDERSERVER on URL
if we do not render through the render server in the amount of time specified in this parameter
then we return an error from rendering
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to render
The units are seconds.
then we return an error from rendering
when this parameter is "" the default or -1, then we can potentially wait forever to render
The units are seconds.
If SPLITANDMERGE set, along with REPEATINGELEMENT and COUNTREPEATINGELEMENT then the XML file is split on the repeating element called
parameter REPORTDIR;
This is the output directory when $REPORTNAME specified on URL
If provided, this is the XML namspace that will be used
for the generated XML report.
If provided, this is the XML namspace prefix that will be used
for the generated XML report.
parameter RESOURCE;
If defined, this is the name of a system Resource for which the current user must
hold the USE privilege in order to view this page or to invoke any
of its server-side methods from the client.
Optionally, this can contain a comma-delimited list of several resource names. In this case, the user must hold the USE privilege on at least one of the resources in the list.
Optionally, this can contain a comma-delimited list of several resource names. In this case, the user must hold the USE privilege on at least one of the resources in the list.
parameter SAXMEMSIZE;
Specify amount of memory used by SAXON processing (especially used when XSLTVERSION=2.0), defaults to 512m
Process wide runtime mode
Set on a sql statement from the runtime mode passed into the ZEN Report if this is 1
If SPLITANDMERGE set, along with REPEATINGELEMENT and COUNTREPEATINGELEMENT then the XML file is split on the repeating element called
REPEATINGELEMENT every COUNTREPEATINGELEMENT elements. REPEATINGELEMENT is an element right under root element.
Let ... be the repeating element.
Then to the renderer the XML file looks like (... )* , 0 or more repetitions of the element ... .
The XML file can contain other sibling elements to as long as they are NOT mentioned in the Report Display.
parameter SQLCACHE = 1;
parameter STRIPPI = 0;
strip processing instruction
parameter STRIPSPACE;
xsl:strip-space elements value
Specifies the default display mode used for this report in the xml-stylesheet XML processing instruction if
the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.
parameter SUPPORTMACROS = 0;
If SUPPORTMACROS is 1 we canocalize the ZEN Report Definition and Display
replacing all single-quoted attributes by double-quoted attributes
Also we allow macros through the macrodef element <macrodef class="classname" xdata="xdataname"/>
TABLEALTCOLOR provides a report-wide overridable setting for the table altcolor attribute
parameter TIMEOUT = 5;
Timeout on opening files
parameter TOOLONGTEXT = unset;
default value for item too-long-text if default is not none
possible values are truncate and wrap
parameter USEHTML5;
Set to true in order to generate HTML5 regardless of browser support
Set to fale in order to *not* generate HTML5 regardless of browser support
parameter USEINSTALLEDFOP = 1;
If USEINSTALLEDFOP is set to 1 and ^%SYS("zenreport") nodes have NOT been set
then use the FOP that comes installed with Cache' for all XSLT transformations for generating HTML and PDF
If true use instance host name (CSP Config/Default Parameters) on relative URLs in ZEN Report Display
when generating PDFs or XSLFO
parameter USESEMAPHORE = 0;
Use semaphore to control rendering to Render Server Port
parameter USETEMPFILES = 0;
Specifies whether XSLT stylesheet is written to temp file for HTML generation
If true, this allows the datasource to be retrieved
from a URL specified at runtime using the $DATASOURCE
URL Parameter. If false, the $DATASOURCE URL parameter
will be ignored.
If defined, name of Helper class used to define evaluate function used in XSLT tranformation when processing XMLSTYLESHEET
If defined, this provides a reference to the external
stylesheet to use in generating the XML. If it
is not provided, the XML will not first be XSLT transformed.
parameter XMLSWITCH = -xml;
If defined, this provides a reference to the external
stylesheet to use in generating the XSL-FO (PDF) report.
If it is not provided, a stylesheet will be generated
from the ReportDisplay XData block.
parameter XSLSWITCH = -xsl;
parameter XSLTMODE = server;
Specifies where XSLT processing is done when html generation occurs - on browser or server
when the URL parameter, $XSLT, is not present.
parameter XSLTVERSION = 1.0;
Specifies version of XSLT processor being used 1.0 or 2.0
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()