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class %iKnow.Classification.Utils

This class bundles a number of methods for validating Text Classifiers against existing data.

Method Inventory


classmethod %RunModelFromDomain(ByRef pResultsId As %Integer, pDefinitionClass As %String, pDomainId As %Integer, pMetadataField As %String, pFilter As %iKnow.Filters.Filter = "", pResultsClass As %String = "%DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult", pTracking As %Boolean = 0, pKeepScoreForClass As %String = "1") as %Status

Validates a Text Classifier against all sources in a domain, optionally filtered through a %iKnow.Filters.Filter filter object pFilter, checking the model outcome against the actual value found in the metadata field named pMetadataField.

Use pResultsClass to define the class (subclass of %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.Result) the results of this batch run will be written to. This defaults to %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult, which stores its data in CacheTemp and therefore gets purged upon restarting the instance.
Results will be stored with their TestId property set to the value of pResultsId if a nonzero, non-null value is provided, or call the GetNewTestId() method of pResultsClass to generate a new one.
If pTracking is true, progress information will be written to ^CacheTemp.ISC.PMML.BgrTask($job), so this method can be run in the background and tracked by a UI.

classmethod %RunModelFromResultSet(ByRef pResultsId As %Integer, pDefinitionClass As %String, pResultSet As %ResultSet, ByRef pFieldMap, pResultsClass As %String = "%DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult", pTracking As %Boolean = 0) as %Status

Validates a Text Classifier against all records returned by a custom ResultSet, looping through the rows and checking the model outcome against the actual value found in the query result. The ResultSet should either return columns named _Text and _Category containing the text to categorize and the actual category value, or a mapping from these mandatory fields to the column names should be provided through pFieldMap.

Use pResultsClass to define the class (subclass of %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.Result) the results of this batch run will be written to. This defaults to %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult, which stores its data in CacheTemp and therefore gets purged upon restarting the instance.
Results will be stored with their TestId property set to the value of pResultsId if a nonzero, non-null value is provided, or call the GetNewTestId() method of pResultsClass to generate a new one.
If pTracking is true, progress information will be written to ^CacheTemp.ISC.PMML.BgrTask($job), so this method can be run in the background and tracked by a UI.

classmethod %RunModelFromSQL(ByRef pResultsId As %Integer, pDefinitionClass As %String, pSQL As %String, ByRef pFieldMap, ByRef pSQLParams, pResultsClass As %String = "%DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult", pTracking As %Boolean = 0) as %Status

Validates a Text Classifier against all records returned by a user-supplied SQL query, looping through the rows and checking the model outcome against the actual value found in the query result. The SQL query should either return columns named _Text and _Category containing the text to categorize and the actual category value, or a mapping from these mandatory fields to the column names should be provided through pFieldMap.

Use pResultsClass to define the class (subclass of %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.Result) the results of this batch run will be written to. This defaults to %DeepSee.PMML.Utils.TempResult, which stores its data in CacheTemp and therefore gets purged upon restarting the instance.
Results will be stored with their TestId property set to the value of pResultsId if a nonzero, non-null value is provided, or call the GetNewTestId() method of pResultsClass to generate a new one.
If pTracking is true, progress information will be written to ^CacheTemp.ISC.PMML.BgrTask($job), so this method can be run in the background and tracked by a UI.