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class %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceWSAPI extends %iKnow.Queries.AbstractWSAPI

This is an automatically generated class, offering a functionally equivalent set of methods and queries as %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceAPI, exposed as WebMethod methods.

See the classdocs for %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceAPI for more information.

This class was generated by : %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceAPI.cls

Method Inventory


parameter NAMESPACE =;
Inherited description: NAMESPACE - Should be an unique URI Override this parameter in the subclass with the unique namespace URI of your organization. Override this parameter in the subclass.
parameter SERVICENAME = iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceWSAPI;
Inherited description: SERVICENAME - Should be the name of the service for which this is a proxy. Override this parameter in the subclass.
Inherited description: When USECLASSNAMESPACES = 1, then the WSDL of the Web service reflects the namespaces defined for the referenced classes by the NAMESPACE parameters of those classes. The default, for compatibility with previous versions, is that the NAMESPACE parameters of the referenced classes are ignored when creating the WSDL. If USECLASSNAMESPACES has no value, then the default value from ^ISCSOAP("USECLASSNAMESPACES") is used.


classmethod AddEntityToBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Adds an existing entity (by ID) to a BlackList. For cross-domain blacklists, use AddStringToBlackList()
classmethod AddStringToBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, string As %String) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Adds a string to a BlackList, adding it as an entity if it didn't exist in the domain before.
classmethod AddUserDictionaryEntry(userDictId As %Integer, rewriteFrom As %String, rewriteTo As %String, position As %Integer = 0) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]

Adds a single entry to a User Dictionary at position. If position <= 0 (default), it is added at the bottom of the list, otherwise at the requested position, shifting existing entries down if it was already taken.

Deprecated: please use AddEntry() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod BlacklistContainsElement(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer) as %Library.Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Returns whether or not the BlackList identified by blackListId contains the supplied entity.
classmethod BlacklistContainsString(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entity As %String) as %Library.Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Returns whether or not the BlackList identified by blackListId contains the supplied entity.
classmethod ClearBlackList(pDomainId As %Integer, pBlackListId As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Clears the contents of a single BlackList.
classmethod CreateBlackList(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, description As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

Create a new BlackList entry with the given name and description

classmethod CreateUserDictionary(name As %String, description As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]

This method creates a User Dictionary with a given name and optional description and returns the created user dictionary ID afterwards. This method will return -1 if an error occurred, which is passed by reference as sc.

Deprecated: please use %New() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod DropBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Drops a BlackList (entities part of the list will not be deleted from the domain)
classmethod DropUserDictionary(userDictId As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
This method drops the User Dictionary identified by the supplied userDictId, including all its entries.

Deprecated: please use %DeleteId() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod GetBlackListElements(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer) as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
Retrieves a list of all the strings in the specified BlackList
classmethod GetBlackListId(domainId As %Integer, name As %String) as %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]
Finds the BlackList ID corresponding to the supplied name.
classmethod GetBlackLists(domainId As %Integer, pIncludeCrossDomain As %Boolean = 0) as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
Retrieves a list of all the BlackLists registered in this domain.
classmethod GetUserDictionaries() as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
Returns a list of all the User Dictionaries in this namespace.

Deprecated: please use %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod GetUserDictionaryEntries(userDictId As %Integer) as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]

Returns the contents of a User Dictionary.

Deprecated: please use GetEntries() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod GetUserDictionaryId(name As %String) as %Library.Integer [ WebMethod ]
Returns the ID corresponding to the supplied User Dictionary name.

Deprecated: please use NameIndexOpen() %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod HasBlackLists(pDomainId As %Integer) as %Library.Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Returns whether or not there are any blacklists in the domain
classmethod RemoveEntityFromBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Removes an entity (by ID) from a BlackList (but not from the domain) For cross-domain blacklists, use RemoveStringFromBlackList()
classmethod RemoveStringFromBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, string As %String) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
Removes a string from a BlackList (but not from the domain)
classmethod RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(userDictId As %Integer, position As %Integer) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]

Removes the User Dictionary entry registered at position. This method will not impact the order or position of any remaning entries.

Deprecated: please use RemoveEntry() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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