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persistent class Config.MapRoutines extends %Library.Persistent, Config.CommonMapMethods, Config.CommonMapProperties, %SYSTEM.Help [ Final ]

SQL Table Name: Config.MapRoutines

This class allows you to modify and view routine mappings in the [] section of the CPF file through programatic APIs. While properties are usually modified through the System Management portal, there may be some occasion where modifying them through the API's is best for your system. In all the Config methods, if you do not specify the CPFFile parameter, the currently active CPF file is used. If you wish to modify a CPF file which is not the currently active one, then specify the CPFFile you wish to modify in the method call.
The Flags parameter does not normally need to be specified; the defaults are usually sufficient for most cases.
You can use either the provided API's (Create/Get/Modify/Delete) to modify the properties by passing in the correct parameters, or use Object sytax to open and directly manipulate the config objects (Open() and Exists()). Most objects created here need only to specify the Name of the object, and 1 or 2 properties since the the defaults are what are commonly used for most cases.


; Use class methods to create a routine mapping in namespace USER to the SAMPLES database
%SYS>s Namespace="USER"
%SYS>s Properties("Database")="SAMPLES"
%SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Create(Namespace,Name,.Properties)
%SYS>i 'Status w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)
; Use class methods to modify properties
%SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Get(Namespace,Name,.Properties)
%SYS>i 'Status w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)
%SYS>zw Properties
%SYS>s Properties("Database")="TEST"
%SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Modify(Namespace,Name,.Properties)
%SYS>i 'Status w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)
; Now use Objects to modify properties
%SYS>s Obj=##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Open(Namespace,Name)
; We could have used i ##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Exists(Namespace,Name,.Obj) instead of Open()
%SYS>w Obj.Database
%SYS>s Obj.Database="SAMPLES"
%SYS>s Status=Obj.%Save()
%SYS>i 'Status w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)
; Now delete the object we just created
%SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.MapRoutines).Delete(Namespace,Name)
%SYS>i 'Status w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)

Property Inventory


property Database as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
Database to map routine to.
Property methods: DatabaseDisplayToLogical(), DatabaseGet(), DatabaseGetStored(), DatabaseIsValid(), DatabaseLogicalToDisplay(), DatabaseLogicalToOdbc(), DatabaseNormalize()


query List(Namespace As %String, Names As %String = "*", CPFFile As %String = "", Flags As %Integer = 0)
Selects Name As %String, Routine As %String, Type As %String, Database As %String
List MapRoutines in a CPF file.

Names - Comma separated list of MapRoutine names
"*" - All records match
"String,String1" - Any records matching one of these elements
"String*" - Any record starting with "String"
"String,String1*,String2" - Any record mathing one of these elements, or starting with "String1"
CPFFile - Name of the CPF file to use. A null string means use the active CPF file.
Flags - Currently ignored.
0 - Standard report list format
1 - ^CONFIG global format
2 - CPF file format format
Note: This query may change in future versions


index (CPFNameSectionHeaderNspName on CPFName,SectionHeader,Namespace,Name) [IdKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameCheck(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameDelete(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameExists(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameOpen(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameSQLCheckUnique(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameSQLExists(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), CPFNameSectionHeaderNspNameSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Config.MapRoutines)

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