class SYS.Mirror extends %SYSTEM.Help
This class contains the public interface (unless otherwise noted) to the Mirroring subsystem. It contains methods that return information and provide control for customer scripts.This class can only be used by programs running in %SYS. %SYSTEM.Mirror contains public methods which can be called by programs running in any namespace.
Method Inventory
- ActivateMirroredDatabase()
- AddDatabase()
- AddFailoverMember()
- AsyncDejournalStart()
- AsyncDejournalStatus()
- AsyncDejournalStop()
- BecomePrimary()
- CatchupDB()
- CreateNewMirrorSet()
- DatabasesLatency()
- DefaultSystemName()
- DejournalPauseDatabase()
- Demote()
- DemotePartner()
- DistanceFromPrimaryDatabases()
- DistanceFromPrimaryJournalFiles()
- GetFailoverMemberStatus()
- GetPrimaryJournalPosition()
- IsMirrorStarted()
- JoinMirrorAsAsyncMember()
- JoinMirrorAsFailoverMember()
- JournalFilesLatency()
- JrnPurgeDefaultWait()
- Promote()
- PromoteWithNoPartner()
- PromoteWithPartner()
- PromoteWithSelectedPartner()
- PurgeJournalFiles()
- RemoveMirroredDatabase()
- StartMirror()
- StopMirror()
- UpdateDNinMirrorSetMember()
- UpdateMirrorSSL()
- VerifyMirrorSSLCertificates()
Used when a mirrored database is moved to a home on a system or when it is copied between instances (perhaps restored from a backup) to mark it as "active". A database which is not marked as active is read/only, even on the primary, and it is not kept up to date on a backup. After a database is activated, CatchupDB() is used to get it caught up so it can become part of the active mirror.
Can only be run on the primary mirror member.
Input Parameters:
- Directory is the path to the database to add to the mirror. This database must be listed in the dataset section of the configuration file or an error is returned.
- MirrorDBName if specified is the name to assign to the database in the mirror. If omitted this defaults to the database name which points to this database in the [Databases] section of the configuration file. This must be between 1 and 62 characters and must not contain any ':' characters.
- enableJournalOK if specified as FALSE means that if the target database does not have journaling enabled, the operation will fail. If this parameter is omitted or specified as TRUE, then journaling will be enabled for the target database (if it isn't already) as part of adding it to the mirror.
If the operation succeeds, the database will be mounted and journaling will be enabled. If the operation fails, the target database may be mounted and journaling may be enabled (assuming EnableJournalOK is not FALSE) depending on where the error occured.
- MirrorSetName is the name of the mirror set to be processed. This name is converted to uppercase before being processed. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed to be in the mirror set name. When this name is omitted or a null string system will find the mirror set name configured.
- InstanceName is the instance name of the failover member to be added.
- AgentAddress is the ISCAgent address of the failover member to be added.
- AgentPort is the ISCAgent port of the failover member to be added, the default value is 2188 if it is omitted.
Input Parameters:
- MirrorName is required when the async tracks more than one mirror and is the name of the mirror to stop dejournaling. If omitted and the async tracks multiple mirrors, an error is returned.
Input Parameters:
- MirrorName is required when the async tracks more than one mirror and is the name of the mirror to stop dejournaling. If omitted and the async tracks multiple mirrors, "missing mirror name" is returned.
- "" (null string) - system is not an async mirror member
- missing - dejournaling hasn't been initialized/member has not established contact with its server
- running - dejournaling is up and running
- stopped - dejournaling stopped for some reason. More inforrmation is recorded in the console log.
- shut down - dejournaling shut down by user requst. Must be manually started before it will resume.
- error - dejournaling has shut down due to an error while applying changes to a database. More information is recorded in the console log and a ^%ET error trap record was generated in %SYS.
- notmember - not a member of the specified mirror
- missing mirror name - the MirrorName parameter was omitted and this async member tracks multiple mirrors.
Dejournaling can also be controlled on a per database basis using DejournalPauseDatabase().
Input Parameters:
- MirrorName is required when the async tracks more than one mirror and is the name of the mirror to stop dejournaling. If omitted and the async tracks multiple mirrors, an error is returned.
Turn the local node into the primary mirror member when
it is currently the backup.
This method does not force the node
to become the primary "at all costs", it is designed for normal takeover when
some external code has determined that the other node is either
down or has failed, or the user simply wants this node to become the primary.
This method will override the "cstop nofailover"
state which may have been declared when the other node shut down. This method
works by forcing the other node down.
Return Value:
TRUE = node is now the primary (could have already been the primary)
FALSE = failed to become the primary
Input Parameters:
- DBList is a $list() of sfn's we want to "catchup".
This is passed as a list, not an array, because that allows us to job this off (a $Piece list would be fine too) - JournalLocation is a $list() of the locations of the mirror journal files to be restored, it is only used for non-mirror member. The mirror member will ignore this because it will find the journal file through the agent of the mirror system. If this is null it defaults to the current/alternate journal directories of the running system.
- DBErrList is a variable passed by reference which receives a $list() sfns which were not caught up.
Return Value:
0 - Failed - no databases were caught up
1 - Success, at least one database was caught up - DBErrList contains a $LIST() of
         the sfn's which were not caught up as part of the operation. The list is empty
         if all of the requested databases have been caught up.
         Additional information regarding errors might be found in the console log.
Allocates a block of dejournaling memory and uses the C based dejournaler to apply journal records to the mirrored databases.
This can be used by non-mirror members, but they must have a copy of the mirror journal log available so they can build a list of journal files to restore.
On active mirror members the databases become "active" at the end of a successful operation. On a backup this means they're linked into the active dejournaling system. On the primary this means transaction rollback is performed and then the databases are marked read/write and are available for use.
Input Parameters:
- MirrorSetName is the name of the mirror set to be created. This name is converted to uppercase before storing. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed to be in the mirror set name. This name can not be a null string.
- SystemName is the mirror system name of the local system to be created.
This is the name by which the system is known in the mirror. The name must
not contain any colons (:) and is converted to uppercase before storing.
Mirror system names must be unique across all
mirror members as some mirror members (eg. relay and async members) may
participate in multiple mirrors and they will have the same system name
in all of the mirrors. If this name is omitted or a null string, the system will
create a system name for it.
But if the default system name (value of $SYSTEM) is over 32 in length then passing null
for SystemName will cause a failure in this call. So it is recommended that
caller should call DefaultSystemName() to check its return value before passing null to this parameter.
- MirrorInfo Array of properties to create the mirror information in
[Mirrors], [MapMirrors] sections of configuration file. If the value is not set, system uses the default
value to create it. This is a pass-by-reference parameter.
- MirrorInfo("ArbiterNode") property in [Mirrors] section, an address for the arbiter node used by this mirror, default value is null string.
- MirrorInfo("QOSTimeout") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is 8000.
- MirrorInfo("UseSSL") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is 0.
- MirrorInfo("VirtualAddress") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is null string.
- MirrorInfo("CompressionForFailoverMembers") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is 0 as 'System Selected'.
- MirrorInfo("CompressionForAsyncMembers") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is 0 as 'System Selected'.
- MirrorInfo("AllowParallelDejournaling") property in [Mirrors] section, default value is 0 as 'Failover Members and DR'.
- MirrorInfo("VirtualAddressInterface") property in [MirrorMember] section, it depends on the value of 'VirtualAddress'.
If 'VirtualAddress' is null string then this will be a null string. If 'VirtualAddress' is not a null string then this must be
set as an valid network interface name in the system.
- MirrorInfo("ECPAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the SuperServer Address, default value is result of $System.INetInfo.LocalHostName().
- MirrorInfo("MirrorAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Mirror Private Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- MirrorInfo("AgentAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Agent Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- MirrorInfo("ArbiterNode") property in [Mirrors] section, an address for the arbiter node used by this mirror, default value is null string.
- SSLInfo Array of properties to create the Mirror SSL configuration. If MirrorInfo("UseSSL") is not set then this parameter is ignored.
If the Mirror SSL has been configured then users do not need to specify this parameter.
This is a pass-by-reference parameter. Please see detail of the array in UpdateMirrorSSL().
On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication of how up to date (in seconds) the active databases are with respect to the journal data we've received from the primary.
Return Value:
- -1,error text = Error, this node is not connected to the primary mirror member (this node could be the primary or it could be disconnected).
- 0 = The databases are caught up to the current end of the journal data
- positive # means we're restoring the current journal file and this is the time remainining for the file to be restored
Dejournaling is restarted when the system is restarted or when the CatchupDB() is used to restore the missing data to the database and link it into the active journaling system. It is not an error to call this on a database which is requires catchup or if the journaling system is shut down.
On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication of how up to date the active databases are with respect to the journal data we've received from the primary.
Return Value:
- 0 = Error, this node is not connected to the primary mirror member (this node could be the primary or it could be disconnected).
- 1 = The databases are caught up to the current end of the journal data
- negative # is the # of journal files behind the last one. -1 would mean the journal file prior to the last file is being restore, -2 the file prior to that, etc.
- positive # means we're restoring the current journal file and this is the number of bytes remainining in the file to be restored
On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication of how up to date the node is with respect to retrieving journal data from the current primary.
Return Value:
- 0 = Error, this node is not connected to the primary mirror member (this node could be the primary or it could be disconnected).
- 1 = This node is caught up to the current end of the journal file on the primary.
- negative # is the # of journal files behind the primary we are. -1 would mean we're receiving the file prior to the current file, -2 the file prior to that, etc.
- positive # means we're receiving the current journal file on the primary and this is the # of bytes in the file we're behind.
Returned member information in $List format.
It contains $LB(MirrorMemberName,AgentIP,Primary/Backup,Status,MirrorAddress,ECPAddress).
MirrorSetName: The mirror set name of the primary member.
JournalPosition: Returned journal position of the primary, it will be a null string if it is not success. The returned string conatained MirrorJournalFileCount^JournalOffset^TimeStampOfJournalBlock.
MirrorName needs to be specified and it has to be a non null value for this method.
Returned 1 if the specific mirror set is started, otherwise returned 0.
Input Parameters:
- MirrorSetName is the name of the mirror set to be tracked. This name is converted to uppercase before storing. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed to be in the mirror set name. This name can not be a null string.
- SystemName is the mirror system name of the local system to be created.
This is the name by which the system is known in the mirror. The name must
not contain any colons (:) and is converted to uppercase before storing.
Mirror system names must be unique across all
mirror members as some mirror members (eg. relay and async members) may
participate in multiple mirrors and they will have the same system name
in all of the mirrors. If this name is omitted or a null string, the system will
create a system name for it if it has not been created.
But if the default system name (value of $SYSTEM) is over 32 in length then passing null
for SystemName will cause a failure in this call. So it is recommended that
caller should call DefaultSystemName() to check its return value before passing null to this parameter.
If it has been created then this parameter will be ignored.
- InstanceName is the instance name of the failover member to join to.
- AgentAddress is the ISCAgent address of the failover member to join to.
- AgentPort is the ISCAgent port of the failover member to join to, the default value is 2188 if it is omitted.
- AsyncMemberType is the type of this async member to be created, 0 - Disaster Recovery (DR), 1 - Read-Only Reporting, 2 - Read-Write Reporting. The default value is 0 if it is omitted. This value will be ignored if the async member has been setup, that means this method is used to add new mirror set for tracking.
- LocalInfo Array of properties to create the mirror information in
[MirrorMember], [MapMirrors] sections of configuration file of the local system. If the value is not set, system uses the default
value to create it.
- LocalInfo("VirtualAddressInterface") property in [MirrorMember] section, it depends on the value of 'VirtualAddress' retrieved from the primary.
If 'VirtualAddress' is null string then this will be a null string. If 'VirtualAddress' is not a null string then this must be
set as an valid network interface name in the system.
- LocalInfo("ECPAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the SuperServer Address, default value is result of $System.INetInfo.LocalHostName().
- LocalInfo("MirrorAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Mirror Private Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- LocalInfo("AgentAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Agent Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- LocalInfo("EncryptCommunication") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the outgoing/incoming encryption flag,
see description of this property in Config.MapMirrors default value is 0.
- LocalInfo("VirtualAddressInterface") property in [MirrorMember] section, it depends on the value of 'VirtualAddress' retrieved from the primary.
If 'VirtualAddress' is null string then this will be a null string. If 'VirtualAddress' is not a null string then this must be
set as an valid network interface name in the system.
- SSLInfo Array of properties to create the Mirror SSL configuration. If "UseSSL" of remote system is not set then this parameter is ignored.
If the Mirror SSL has been configured then users do not need to specify this parameter.
This is a pass-by-reference parameter. Please see detail of the array in UpdateMirrorSSL().
If UseSSL is not set in the configuration then this method will automatically ask the primary to add this new failover member to its configuration. So users don't need to call AddFailoverMember() method in the primary member to add this member in. Input Parameters:
- MirrorSetName is the name of the mirror set to be joined. This name is converted to uppercase before storing. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed to be in the mirror set name. This name can not be a null string.
- SystemName is the mirror system name of the local system to be created.
This is the name by which the system is known in the mirror. The name must
not contain any colons (:) and is converted to uppercase before storing.
Mirror system names must be unique across all
mirror members as some mirror members (eg. relay and async members) may
participate in multiple mirrors and they will have the same system name
in all of the mirrors. If this name is omitted or a null string, the system will
create a system name for it.
But if the default system name (value of $SYSTEM) is over 32 in length then passing null
for SystemName will cause a failure in this call. So it is recommended that
caller should call DefaultSystemName() to check its return value before passing null to this parameter.
- InstanceName is the instance name of the primary member to join to.
- AgentAddress is the ISCAgent address of the primary member to join to.
- AgentPort is the ISCAgent port of the primary member to join to, the default value is 2188 if it is omitted.
- LocalInfo Array of properties to create the mirror information in
[MirrorMember], [MapMirrors] sections of configuration file of the local system. If the value is not set, system uses the default
value to create it.
- LocalInfo("VirtualAddressInterface") property in [MirrorMember] section, it depends on the value of 'VirtualAddress' retrieved from the primary.
If 'VirtualAddress' is null string then this will be a null string. If 'VirtualAddress' is not a null string then this must be
set as an valid network interface name in the system.
- LocalInfo("ECPAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the SuperServer Address, default value is result of $System.INetInfo.LocalHostName().
- LocalInfo("MirrorAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Mirror Private Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- LocalInfo("AgentAddress") property in [MapMirrors] section, this is the Agent Address, default value is same as ECPAddress.
- LocalInfo("VirtualAddressInterface") property in [MirrorMember] section, it depends on the value of 'VirtualAddress' retrieved from the primary.
If 'VirtualAddress' is null string then this will be a null string. If 'VirtualAddress' is not a null string then this must be
set as an valid network interface name in the system.
- SSLInfo Array of properties to create the Mirror SSL configuration. If "UseSSL" of remote system is not set then this parameter is ignored.
If the Mirror SSL has been configured then users do not need to specify this parameter.
This is a pass-by-reference parameter. Please see detail of the array in UpdateMirrorSSL().
On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication of how up to date the node is with respect to retrieving journal data from the current primary in time (seconds)
Return Value:
- -1 = Error, this node is not connected to the primary mirror member (this node could be the primary or it could be disconnected).
- 0 = This node is caught up to the current end of the journal file on the primary.
- Positive # is the # of seconds behind the primary we are.
Set or get default value for how many days the mirror journal files are
kept for non-failover/async nodes to connect and sync with failover members.
If no param specified, the current value is returned.
Returns an error if this member cannot contact the agents of any of the failover members, or if this member is not a DR async member.
If this method returns an error ($$$FailoverNoAgent) due to one or more failover members being unavailable, UnavailableMembers will be non-null and contain a comma-delimited list of the member names which could not be contacted.
This method returns an error ($$$NeedVIPInterface) if the Virtual IP address is configured for the mirror but this member does not have a network interface defined for it in its configuration.
To avoid this error, if using Virtual IP, use Config.MirrorMember to set the VirtualAddressInterface property with the interface name supporting the virtual IP.
If there is no network interface supporting the virtual IP, and you wish to promote it anyway, set the VirtualAddressInterface to "NoMatchedSubnet", and this member becomes primary, it will skip acquiring the virtual IP.
If a running primary is found, this method returns error.
This member attempts to automatically demote the other failover member(s) to DR Async. IMPORTANT: On success, UnavailableMembers will contain a comma-delimited list of the failover member names that could not be automatically demoted. Before you restart those unavailable members, you must manually edit their cache.cpf configuration files, and in the [MirrorMember] section set ValidatedMember=0. Failure to do so could result in having two primary members running simultaneously.
If Flags = 1, then the mirror is set into "no failover" mode and this member will wait for it to be cleared before becoming primary.
This method returns an error ($$$NeedVIPInterface) if the Virtual IP address is configured for the mirror but this member does not have a network interface defined for it in its configuration.
To avoid this error, if using Virtual IP, use Config.MirrorMember to set the VirtualAddressInterface property with the interface name supporting the virtual IP.
If there is no network interface supporting the virtual IP, and you wish to promote it anyway, set the VirtualAddressInterface to "NoMatchedSubnet", and this member becomes primary, it will skip acquiring the virtual IP.
IMPORTANT: On success, check the value of UnavailableMembers. If non-null, it contains the name of the failover member that could not be automatically demoted. Before you restart that member, you must manually edit its cache.cpf configuration file, and in the [MirrorMember] section set ValidatedMember=0. Failure to do so could result in having two primary members running simultaneously.
This method returns an error ($$$FailoverNoAgent) upon failure to contact a failover member's agent that is required for this operation. In that case, UnavailableMembers will be non-null and contain a comma-delimited list of the failover member names which could not be contacted. Unlike the success case, however, no changes were made to the mirror configuration and there is no need to manipulate the configuration file of the unavailable members.
This method returns an error ($$$NeedVIPInterface) if the Virtual IP address is configured for the mirror but this member does not have a network interface defined for it in its configuration.
To avoid this error, if using Virtual IP, use Config.MirrorMember to set the VirtualAddressInterface property with the interface name supporting the virtual IP.
If there is no network interface supporting the virtual IP, and you wish to promote it anyway, set the VirtualAddressInterface to "NoMatchedSubnet", and this member becomes primary, it will skip acquiring the virtual IP.
IMPORTANT: On success, UnavailableMembers will contain a comma-delimited list of the failover member names whose configuration could not be automatically updated. Before you restart those unavailable members, you must manually edit their cache.cpf configuration file, and in the [MirrorMember] section set ValidatedMember=0. Failure to do so could result in having two primary members running simultaneously.
This method returns an error ($$$NeedVIPInterface) if the Virtual IP address is configured for the mirror but this member does not have a network interface defined for it in its configuration.
To avoid this error, if using Virtual IP, use Config.MirrorMember to set the VirtualAddressInterface property with the interface name supporting the virtual IP.
If there is no network interface supporting the virtual IP, and you wish to promote it anyway, set the VirtualAddressInterface to "NoMatchedSubnet", and this member becomes primary, it will skip acquiring the virtual IP.
Optionally purges and returns information on mirror journal files which were/can be
purged because they are no longer required by the mirrored databases on this, or by
other mirror members.
Called from the purge routine in ^JRNUTIL when journal files are purged
to see if we can remove the mirror journal files corresponding to the same
criteria (e.g. a date, a backup, a filename, etc). Calling this method
directly bypasses the consideration of subsystems outside of mirroring
(eg. backups) which may require older journal files than are required to
support mirroring.
A journal file is eligible to be purged if it is not required on this node for
transaction rollback or journal restore and we have sent the journal file to the other
failover members or we can determine that they do not require it.
For reporting async members we only keep the journal files they require if they
have connected within a certain time frame specified by the
maxdisconnecttime parameter.
- CheckOnly TRUE means report on what files would be deleted if they were purged. FALSE means purge the files and report on the files which were deleted.
- StartFile if specified this is the latest file we want to purge (eg. purge this file and older files). The starting point of the purge can still be moved earlier if this file is required by one or more of the other mirror members.
- maxdisconnecttime (0 means infinite)
If a non-failover node has not connected within this period then we do not consider what journal files it hasn't seen when choosing files to purge. - mirrorname Not required on failover members which are only a member of a single mirror. Required on non-failover members to indicate which mirror's journal files should be checked.
- PurgedCount Passed by reference receives the # of journal files deleted.
- PurgedMB Passed by reference returns the # of MB reclaimed by deleting the journal files.
- PurgedRange Passed by reference has the value $LB(first,last) where first and last are the mirror journal file #'s of the first and last journal files purged. This value only has meaning when PurgedCount is not 0.
Updates a database so that it is no longer considered part of a mirror so that it can be mounted read/write on any Cache' instance (eg. not just the primary member of the mirror it was a part of).
Typically used in cases where a mirrored database is moved to a non-mirror member or when a mirror member is removed from the mirror and the former mirrored databases need to be mounted read/write.
When MirrorName is null it must be a initial startup. Otherwise it is a restart. Returns $$$ERROR(reason) if we fail to startup the mirror. Otherwise returns $$$OK.
Only Backup or Reporting node could be shutdown. Primary node Shutdown is not allowed.
When MirrorName is null it will shutdown all mirrors for Reporting node. The Timeout is time (in seconds) to wait on the shutdown to be completed. Returns $$$ERROR(reason) if we fail to stop the mirror. Otherwise returns $$$OK.
- SSLInfo Array of properties to create the Mirror SSL configurations.
For creating the configuration if the property is not specified, a default value will be assigned to the property.
For modifying the configuration if the property is not specified, the property won't be changed.
This is a pass-by-reference parameter. You could see more detail of each property in Security.SSLConfigs>/class>.
- SSLInfo("CAFile") File containing X.509 certificate(s) of trusted Certificate Authorities. This must not be a null string.
- SSLInfo("CRLFile") File containing X.509 Certificate Revocation List for trusted Certificate Authorities. Default is a null string.
- SSLInfo("CertificateFile") File containing this configuration's X.509 certificate. Default is a null string.
If not null, PrivateKeyFile must also be specified.
- SSLInfo("CipherList") Colon-delimited list of enabled ciphersuites. Default is "ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2".
- SSLInfo("PrivateKeyFile") File containing this configuration's private key. Default is a null string.
If not null, CertificateFile must also be specified.
- SSLInfo("PrivateKeyPassword") Optional password used to decrypt this configuration's private key. Default is a null string.
If not null, PrivateKeyFile and CertificateFile must also be specified.
- SSLInfo("PrivateKeyType") Private key type. 1 - DSA, 2 - RSA. Default value is 2.
- SSLInfo("Protocols") Protocols enabled. Sum of: 1 - SSLv2, 2 - SSLv3, 4 - TLSv1.0, 8 - TLSv1.1,
16 - TLSv1.2. Default value is 28 (TLSv1.0+TLSv1.1+TLSv1.2).
- SSLInfo("CAFile") File containing X.509 certificate(s) of trusted Certificate Authorities. This must not be a null string.
- MirrorSetName The name of mirror set to be verified.
- AllMembers When this is set, it verifies mirror SSL certificates between each mirror members in the mirror set except between async members. When AllMembers is not set, it verifies the mirror SSL certificate of local member against other members. Note that if the local member is an async member then it verifies against all failover members, otherwise it verifies against all other members.
This method returns all detected errors if there is any.
- MemberName: The system name of the mirror member.
- CurrentRole: The current role of the mirror member. It could be 'Primary', 'Backup', 'Async' or 'Unknown'. The returned text is localized.
- CurrentStatus: The current status of the mirror member. It could be 'Active', 'Restart', 'Trouble', 'Failover', 'Recovery', 'Deciding', 'Exit', 'Catchup', 'Async', 'Inactive' or 'Down'. The returned text is localized.
- JournalLatency: On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication
of how up to date the node is with respect to retrieving journal data from the current primary. For an
active backup, this is "Active" to indicate that it must be in sync with the primary.
- DatabaseLatency: On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication
of how up to date the active databases are with respect to the journal data we've received from the primary.
- JournalTimeLatency: On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication
of how up to date the node is with respect to retrieving journal data from the current primary in time (seconds). For an
active backup, this is "Active" to indicate that it must be in sync with the primary.
- DatabaseTimeLatency: On a connected backup or async member this returns an indication
of how up to date (in seconds) the active databases are with respect to the journal data we've received from the primary.
- DisplayType: This is similar to CurrentRole but has a slightly different set of values which match the localized values returned from the GetMemberType method in %SYSTEM.Mirror. This is used in the mirror monitor displays.
- DisplayStatus: This is similar to CurrentStatus but has value which match the localized values returned from the GetMemberStatus method in %SYSTEM.Mirror. This is used in the mirror monitor displays.
DBName: The database name to be returned, default is "*" for all mirrored databases to be returned .
MirrorSetName: The mirror set name to be retured, default is "*" for all mirror sets.
Name: The database name returned in the column.
Directory: The database directory path returned in the column.
MirrorName: The mirror set name returned in the column.
MirrorStatus: The current "mirror state" of the database, it could be one of the following values.
'Normal' - (Primary Only) The mirrored database is writable (if not a read-only database) and global updates are being journaled.
'Dejournaling' - (Backup and Async) The database has been activated and caught up and mirroring is applying journal data to the database.
'Needs Catchup' - The database has been activated but not caught up yet; the Catchup operation is needed.
'Needs Activation' - The database has not been activated yet; the Activate and Catchup operations are needed.
'Obsolete' - The mirrored database is obsolete and should be removed from the mirror.
'Dejournaling Stopped' - Dejournaling has been stopped by an operator or an error.
'Database Dismounted' - The database is dismounted.
'Catchup Running' - The Catchup operation is running on the database.
'Orphaned' - The mirrored database is missing in primary.
Latency: This is an indication of how up to date the databases are with respect to the journal data we've received from the primary.