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class Utils.CreateLogs

This class is responsible for creating log files that can be retrieved and collected.

Method Inventory


classmethod AdjustGlobals(save As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ClearUsageInfo()
classmethod GetDirectorySize(directory As %String, readable As %Boolean = 1) as %Decimal
Get the total size of the given directory (if it exists). Currently this method is not supported for Windows, and always returns 0 on Windows systems. If the boolean argument "readable" is set to 1, the result is given in human-readable format including units. If the boolean argument "readable" is set to 0, the result is given in kilobytes.
classmethod GetDocBookMapsSelectable()
Returns 1 if maps in DocBook.block are selectable, 0 otherwise
classmethod GetHaveUpdated() as %Boolean
Returns 1 if we have done a full reload or a safe reload; returns 0 otherwise.
classmethod GetPorts(ByRef return) as %Status
returns a multidimensional array with subscripts WebServerPort and DefaultPort
classmethod GetSunday(hdate As %Integer) as %Integer
classmethod LogContentUpdate(loadtype As %String = "initinstall", elapsedString As %String = "")
classmethod LogInitialContentIfNeeded()
classmethod LogTaskManagerInfo()
classmethod ProcessSessionCountsGlobal(save As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteContentStatsFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteCountFiles(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteMarkerFile(filename As %String = "", contents As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteSettingsFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteUpdatesFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod WriteVersionsFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
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