persistent class %Dictionary.CompiledClass extends %Library.Persistent, %Dictionary.CompiledClassQuery
SQL Table Name: %Dictionary.CompiledClass
Property Inventory
- Abstract
- Ancestry
- CacheVersion
- ClassCompileError
- ClassDefinitionError
- ClassType
- Classes
- ClientDataType
- ClientDataTypeEnum
- ClientInfo
- ClientName
- CompilationSignature
- CompileAfter
- CompileNamespace
- ConstraintClass
- Constraints
- DdlAllowed
- DependsOn
- Deployed
- Deprecated
- Description
- DisableIncremental
- Dynamic
- EmbeddedClass
- Extents
- Final
- ForeignKeys
- GeneratedBy
- HasCPP
- Hash
- Hidden
- Import
- Importall
- IncludeCode
- IncludeCodeAll
- IncludeGenerator
- IncludeMGenAll
- IndexClass
- Indices
- Inheritance
- InitialValue
- InstanceVars
- KeywordError
- KeywordModified
- Language
- LegacyInstanceContext
- Manifest
- MemberSuper
- Methods
- ModificationAuxiliary
- ModificationLevel
- Modified
- Name
- NoContext
- NoExtent
- OdbcType
- OldHash
- Owner
- Parameters
- PrimarySuper
- ProcedureBlock
- Procedures
- ProjectionClass
- Projections
- Properties
- PropertyClass
- Queries
- QueryClass
- RandomSig
- RoutineCount
- Routines
- ServerOnly
- SlotCount
- SoapBindingStyle
- SoapBodyUse
- SqlCategory
- SqlQualifiedNameQ
- SqlRoutinePrefix
- SqlRowIdName
- SqlRowIdPrivate
- SqlSchemaName
- SqlTableName
- StorageStrategy
- Storages
- Structure
- Super
- System
- Tables
- TimeChanged
- TimeCreated
- TriggerClass
- Triggers
- UDLTexts
- ViewQuery
- Views
- XDatas
- XMLData
Method Inventory
parameter SQLENABLED = 1;
property Abstract as %Boolean;
Specifies that the class cannot have instances; for datatypes, specifies that the class cannot be used as an attribute type.
Property methods: AbstractDisplayToLogical(), AbstractGet(), AbstractIsValid(), AbstractLogicalToDisplay(), AbstractNormalize(), AbstractSet()
property Ancestry as %CacheString;
Property methods: AncestryGet(), AncestryIsValid(), AncestrySet()
property CacheVersion as %CacheString;
The version of Cache this class was compiled on.
Property methods: CacheVersionGet(), CacheVersionIsValid(), CacheVersionSet()
property ClassCompileError as %CacheString;
Status code from this class compile if there is an error
Property methods: ClassCompileErrorGet(), ClassCompileErrorIsValid(), ClassCompileErrorSet()
property ClassDefinitionError as %Boolean;
Set to true if there is a problem serializing the class so the compiler knows not to compile this.
Property methods: ClassDefinitionErrorDisplayToLogical(), ClassDefinitionErrorGet(), ClassDefinitionErrorIsValid(), ClassDefinitionErrorLogicalToDisplay(), ClassDefinitionErrorNormalize(), ClassDefinitionErrorSet()
property ClassType as %CacheString;
Specifies how this class is to be used.
Property methods: ClassTypeGet(), ClassTypeIsValid(), ClassTypeSet()
property Classes as array of %CacheString;
Array of items generated by this class.
Property methods: ClassesBuildValueArray(), ClassesCollectionToDisplay(), ClassesCollectionToOdbc(), ClassesDisplayToCollection(), ClassesGet(), ClassesGetObject(), ClassesGetObjectId(), ClassesGetSwizzled(), ClassesIsValid(), ClassesOdbcToCollection(), ClassesSet(), ClassesSetObject(), ClassesSetObjectId()
property ClientDataType as %CacheString;
In the case of a datatype class, specifies the type used when exposed via ActiveX or Java. Datatype classes must specify a client datatype.
Property methods: ClientDataTypeGet(), ClientDataTypeIsValid(), ClientDataTypeSet()
property ClientDataTypeEnum as %Integer;
Property methods: ClientDataTypeEnumDisplayToLogical(), ClientDataTypeEnumGet(), ClientDataTypeEnumIsValid(), ClientDataTypeEnumLogicalToDisplay(), ClientDataTypeEnumNormalize(), ClientDataTypeEnumSet()
property ClientInfo as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: ClientInfoBuildValueArray(), ClientInfoCollectionToDisplay(), ClientInfoCollectionToOdbc(), ClientInfoDisplayToCollection(), ClientInfoGet(), ClientInfoGetObject(), ClientInfoGetObjectId(), ClientInfoGetSwizzled(), ClientInfoIsValid(), ClientInfoOdbcToCollection(), ClientInfoSet(), ClientInfoSetObject(), ClientInfoSetObjectId()
property ClientName as %CacheString;
This gives an alternate name for the class if it projected, for example, to Java.
Property methods: ClientNameGet(), ClientNameIsValid(), ClientNameSet()
property CompilationSignature as %CacheString;
Property methods: CompilationSignatureGet(), CompilationSignatureIsValid(), CompilationSignatureSet()
property CompileAfter as %CacheString;
Indicates that the class compiler should compile this class after the specified classes.
Property methods: CompileAfterGet(), CompileAfterIsValid(), CompileAfterSet()
property CompileNamespace as %CacheString;
The namespace when this class is compiled, used to help dependency checking.
Property methods: CompileNamespaceGet(), CompileNamespaceIsValid(), CompileNamespaceSet()
property ConstraintClass as %CacheString;
Additional constraint member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: ConstraintClassGet(), ConstraintClassIsValid(), ConstraintClassSet()
relationship Constraints as array of %Dictionary.CompiledConstraint [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledConstraint","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: ConstraintsGet(), ConstraintsGetObject(), ConstraintsGetObjectId(), ConstraintsGetSwizzled(), ConstraintsIsEmpty(), ConstraintsIsValid(), ConstraintsNewObject(), ConstraintsRClose(), ConstraintsRExec(), ConstraintsRFetch(), ConstraintsRelate(), ConstraintsSQLCompute(), ConstraintsSet(), ConstraintsUnRelate()
property DdlAllowed as %Boolean;
In the case of a persistent class, indicates whether or not DDL statements can be used to alter or delete the class definition.
Property methods: DdlAllowedDisplayToLogical(), DdlAllowedGet(), DdlAllowedIsValid(), DdlAllowedLogicalToDisplay(), DdlAllowedNormalize(), DdlAllowedSet()
property DependsOn as %CacheString;
List of classes that this class depends on being runable in order for this class to compile.
Property methods: DependsOnGet(), DependsOnIsValid(), DependsOnSet()
property Deployed as %Integer;
Indicates whether the class has been deployed, that is, disassociated from the source that was used to build it.
Property methods: DeployedDisplayToLogical(), DeployedGet(), DeployedIsValid(), DeployedLogicalToDisplay(), DeployedNormalize(), DeployedSet()
property Deprecated as %Boolean;
True if this class is deprecated.
Property methods: DeprecatedDisplayToLogical(), DeprecatedGet(), DeprecatedIsValid(), DeprecatedLogicalToDisplay(), DeprecatedNormalize(), DeprecatedSet()
property Description as %CacheString;
Specifies a description of the class.
Property methods: DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionSet()
property DisableIncremental as %Boolean;
Property methods: DisableIncrementalDisplayToLogical(), DisableIncrementalGet(), DisableIncrementalIsValid(), DisableIncrementalLogicalToDisplay(), DisableIncrementalNormalize(), DisableIncrementalSet()
property Dynamic as %Boolean;
Property methods: DynamicDisplayToLogical(), DynamicGet(), DynamicIsValid(), DynamicLogicalToDisplay(), DynamicNormalize(), DynamicSet()
property EmbeddedClass as %CacheString;
If specified in a member type class is the name of the class which forms the embedded superclass
Property methods: EmbeddedClassGet(), EmbeddedClassIsValid(), EmbeddedClassSet()
property Extents as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: ExtentsBuildValueArray(), ExtentsCollectionToDisplay(), ExtentsCollectionToOdbc(), ExtentsDisplayToCollection(), ExtentsGet(), ExtentsGetObject(), ExtentsGetObjectId(), ExtentsGetSwizzled(), ExtentsIsValid(), ExtentsOdbcToCollection(), ExtentsSet(), ExtentsSetObject(), ExtentsSetObjectId()
property Final as %Boolean;
Specifies that the class cannot have subclasses.
Property methods: FinalDisplayToLogical(), FinalGet(), FinalIsValid(), FinalLogicalToDisplay(), FinalNormalize(), FinalSet()
relationship ForeignKeys as array of %Dictionary.CompiledForeignKey [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledForeignKey","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: ForeignKeysGet(), ForeignKeysGetObject(), ForeignKeysGetObjectId(), ForeignKeysGetSwizzled(), ForeignKeysIsEmpty(), ForeignKeysIsValid(), ForeignKeysNewObject(), ForeignKeysRClose(), ForeignKeysRExec(), ForeignKeysRFetch(), ForeignKeysRelate(), ForeignKeysSQLCompute(), ForeignKeysSet(), ForeignKeysUnRelate()
property GeneratedBy as %CacheString;
If this class is generated by some other component then this is the name of the item that generated this class
Property methods: GeneratedByGet(), GeneratedByIsValid(), GeneratedBySet()
property HasCPP as %CacheString;
True if this class has C++ methods.
Property methods: HasCPPGet(), HasCPPIsValid(), HasCPPSet()
property Hash as %CacheString;
A hash of this class so we can detect when it is changed.
Property methods: HashGet(), HashIsValid(), HashSet()
property Hidden as %Boolean;
Specifies that this class is not typically listed when viewing the contents of the class dictionary.
Property methods: HiddenDisplayToLogical(), HiddenGet(), HiddenIsValid(), HiddenLogicalToDisplay(), HiddenNormalize(), HiddenSet()
property Import as %CacheString;
Supplies a list of class packages to import for this class.
Property methods: ImportGet(), ImportIsValid(), ImportSet()
property Importall as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: ImportallBuildValueArray(), ImportallCollectionToDisplay(), ImportallCollectionToOdbc(), ImportallDisplayToCollection(), ImportallGet(), ImportallGetObject(), ImportallGetObjectId(), ImportallGetSwizzled(), ImportallIsValid(), ImportallOdbcToCollection(), ImportallSet(), ImportallSetObject(), ImportallSetObjectId()
property IncludeCode as %CacheString;
Specifies an optional list of Cache include files used when compiling this class.
Property methods: IncludeCodeGet(), IncludeCodeIsValid(), IncludeCodeSet()
property IncludeCodeAll as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: IncludeCodeAllBuildValueArray(), IncludeCodeAllCollectionToDisplay(), IncludeCodeAllCollectionToOdbc(), IncludeCodeAllDisplayToCollection(), IncludeCodeAllGet(), IncludeCodeAllGetObject(), IncludeCodeAllGetObjectId(), IncludeCodeAllGetSwizzled(), IncludeCodeAllIsValid(), IncludeCodeAllOdbcToCollection(), IncludeCodeAllSet(), IncludeCodeAllSetObject(), IncludeCodeAllSetObjectId()
property IncludeGenerator as %CacheString;
Specifies an optional list of Cache include files used when compiling the method generator methods of this class.
Property methods: IncludeGeneratorGet(), IncludeGeneratorIsValid(), IncludeGeneratorSet()
property IncludeMGenAll as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: IncludeMGenAllBuildValueArray(), IncludeMGenAllCollectionToDisplay(), IncludeMGenAllCollectionToOdbc(), IncludeMGenAllDisplayToCollection(), IncludeMGenAllGet(), IncludeMGenAllGetObject(), IncludeMGenAllGetObjectId(), IncludeMGenAllGetSwizzled(), IncludeMGenAllIsValid(), IncludeMGenAllOdbcToCollection(), IncludeMGenAllSet(), IncludeMGenAllSetObject(), IncludeMGenAllSetObjectId()
property IndexClass as %CacheString;
Additional index member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: IndexClassGet(), IndexClassIsValid(), IndexClassSet()
relationship Indices as array of %Dictionary.CompiledIndex [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledIndex","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: IndicesGet(), IndicesGetObject(), IndicesGetObjectId(), IndicesGetSwizzled(), IndicesIsEmpty(), IndicesIsValid(), IndicesNewObject(), IndicesRClose(), IndicesRExec(), IndicesRFetch(), IndicesRelate(), IndicesSQLCompute(), IndicesSet(), IndicesUnRelate()
property Inheritance as %CacheString;
Define the inheritance order when using multiple inheritance, if a member exists in multiple superclasses which one will take precedence.
Property methods: InheritanceGet(), InheritanceIsValid(), InheritanceSet()
property InitialValue as %CacheString;
If specified the initial serial value for a new object
Property methods: InitialValueGet(), InitialValueIsValid(), InitialValueSet()
relationship InstanceVars as array of %Dictionary.CompiledInstanceVar [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledInstanceVar","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: InstanceVarsGet(), InstanceVarsGetObject(), InstanceVarsGetObjectId(), InstanceVarsGetSwizzled(), InstanceVarsIsEmpty(), InstanceVarsIsValid(), InstanceVarsNewObject(), InstanceVarsRClose(), InstanceVarsRExec(), InstanceVarsRFetch(), InstanceVarsRelate(), InstanceVarsSQLCompute(), InstanceVarsSet(), InstanceVarsUnRelate()
property KeywordError as %Boolean;
Property methods: KeywordErrorDisplayToLogical(), KeywordErrorGet(), KeywordErrorIsValid(), KeywordErrorLogicalToDisplay(), KeywordErrorNormalize(), KeywordErrorSet()
property KeywordModified as %Boolean;
Property methods: KeywordModifiedDisplayToLogical(), KeywordModifiedGet(), KeywordModifiedIsValid(), KeywordModifiedLogicalToDisplay(), KeywordModifiedNormalize(), KeywordModifiedSet()
property Language as %CacheString [ SqlFieldName = _Language ];
The default language used to implement methods for this class.
Property methods: LanguageGet(), LanguageIsValid(), LanguageSet()
property LegacyInstanceContext as %Boolean;
If true then pass %this as first argument of all instance methods
Property methods: LegacyInstanceContextDisplayToLogical(), LegacyInstanceContextGet(), LegacyInstanceContextIsValid(), LegacyInstanceContextLogicalToDisplay(), LegacyInstanceContextNormalize(), LegacyInstanceContextSet()
property Manifest as array of %CacheString;
Array of items projected with this class which need to be included in any deployment package we create from this class
Property methods: ManifestBuildValueArray(), ManifestCollectionToDisplay(), ManifestCollectionToOdbc(), ManifestDisplayToCollection(), ManifestGet(), ManifestGetObject(), ManifestGetObjectId(), ManifestGetSwizzled(), ManifestIsValid(), ManifestOdbcToCollection(), ManifestSet(), ManifestSetObject(), ManifestSetObjectId()
property MemberSuper as %CacheString;
This is the class to inherit if this class is used as a member class in member inheritance
Property methods: MemberSuperGet(), MemberSuperIsValid(), MemberSuperSet()
relationship Methods as array of %Dictionary.CompiledMethod [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledMethod","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: MethodsGet(), MethodsGetObject(), MethodsGetObjectId(), MethodsGetSwizzled(), MethodsIsEmpty(), MethodsIsValid(), MethodsNewObject(), MethodsRClose(), MethodsRExec(), MethodsRFetch(), MethodsRelate(), MethodsSQLCompute(), MethodsSet(), MethodsUnRelate()
property ModificationAuxiliary as %CacheString;
Property methods: ModificationAuxiliaryGet(), ModificationAuxiliaryIsValid(), ModificationAuxiliarySet()
property ModificationLevel as %Integer;
Property methods: ModificationLevelDisplayToLogical(), ModificationLevelGet(), ModificationLevelIsValid(), ModificationLevelLogicalToDisplay(), ModificationLevelNormalize(), ModificationLevelSet()
property Modified as %CacheString;
If set to 0 then class is always modified, and so it is always saved.
Property methods: ModifiedGet(), ModifiedIsValid(), ModifiedSet()
property Name as %Dictionary.CacheClassname [ Required ];
The name of the class.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameSet()
property NoContext as %Boolean;
Property methods: NoContextDisplayToLogical(), NoContextGet(), NoContextIsValid(), NoContextLogicalToDisplay(), NoContextNormalize(), NoContextSet()
property NoExtent as %Boolean;
If TRUE will prevent this class from instantiating a persistent extent.
Property methods: NoExtentDisplayToLogical(), NoExtentGet(), NoExtentIsValid(), NoExtentLogicalToDisplay(), NoExtentNormalize(), NoExtentSet()
property OdbcType as %CacheString;
In the case of a datatype class, specifies the type used when exposed via ODBC or JDBC. Datatype classes must specify an ODBC type.
Property methods: OdbcTypeGet(), OdbcTypeIsValid(), OdbcTypeSet()
property OldHash as %CacheString;
Keep track of old hash values so we can modify a class without marking it as out of date.
Property methods: OldHashGet(), OldHashIsValid(), OldHashSet()
property Owner as %CacheString;
Specifies the owner of the class and its corresponding table. By default, classes and tables are owned by _SYSTEM.
Property methods: OwnerGet(), OwnerIsValid(), OwnerSet()
relationship Parameters as array of %Dictionary.CompiledParameter [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledParameter","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: ParametersGet(), ParametersGetObject(), ParametersGetObjectId(), ParametersGetSwizzled(), ParametersIsEmpty(), ParametersIsValid(), ParametersNewObject(), ParametersRClose(), ParametersRExec(), ParametersRFetch(), ParametersRelate(), ParametersSQLCompute(), ParametersSet(), ParametersUnRelate()
property PrimarySuper as %CacheString;
Property methods: PrimarySuperGet(), PrimarySuperIsValid(), PrimarySuperSet()
property ProcedureBlock as %Boolean;
Specifies that the class uses procedure block for method code.
Property methods: ProcedureBlockDisplayToLogical(), ProcedureBlockGet(), ProcedureBlockIsValid(), ProcedureBlockLogicalToDisplay(), ProcedureBlockNormalize(), ProcedureBlockSet()
property Procedures as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: ProceduresBuildValueArray(), ProceduresCollectionToDisplay(), ProceduresCollectionToOdbc(), ProceduresDisplayToCollection(), ProceduresGet(), ProceduresGetObject(), ProceduresGetObjectId(), ProceduresGetSwizzled(), ProceduresIsValid(), ProceduresOdbcToCollection(), ProceduresSet(), ProceduresSetObject(), ProceduresSetObjectId()
property ProjectionClass as %CacheString;
Additional projection member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: ProjectionClassGet(), ProjectionClassIsValid(), ProjectionClassSet()
relationship Projections as array of %Dictionary.CompiledProjection [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledProjection","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: ProjectionsGet(), ProjectionsGetObject(), ProjectionsGetObjectId(), ProjectionsGetSwizzled(), ProjectionsIsEmpty(), ProjectionsIsValid(), ProjectionsNewObject(), ProjectionsRClose(), ProjectionsRExec(), ProjectionsRFetch(), ProjectionsRelate(), ProjectionsSQLCompute(), ProjectionsSet(), ProjectionsUnRelate()
relationship Properties as array of %Dictionary.CompiledProperty [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledProperty","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: PropertiesGet(), PropertiesGetObject(), PropertiesGetObjectId(), PropertiesGetSwizzled(), PropertiesIsEmpty(), PropertiesIsValid(), PropertiesNewObject(), PropertiesRClose(), PropertiesRExec(), PropertiesRFetch(), PropertiesRelate(), PropertiesSQLCompute(), PropertiesSet(), PropertiesUnRelate()
property PropertyClass as %CacheString;
Additional property member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: PropertyClassGet(), PropertyClassIsValid(), PropertyClassSet()
relationship Queries as array of %Dictionary.CompiledQuery [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledQuery","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: QueriesGet(), QueriesGetObject(), QueriesGetObjectId(), QueriesGetSwizzled(), QueriesIsEmpty(), QueriesIsValid(), QueriesNewObject(), QueriesRClose(), QueriesRExec(), QueriesRFetch(), QueriesRelate(), QueriesSQLCompute(), QueriesSet(), QueriesUnRelate()
property QueryClass as %CacheString;
Additional query member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: QueryClassGet(), QueryClassIsValid(), QueryClassSet()
property RandomSig as %CacheString;
Random value that is updated each time the class is compiled
Property methods: RandomSigGet(), RandomSigIsValid(), RandomSigSet()
property RoutineCount as %Integer;
Property methods: RoutineCountDisplayToLogical(), RoutineCountGet(), RoutineCountIsValid(), RoutineCountLogicalToDisplay(), RoutineCountNormalize(), RoutineCountSet()
property Routines as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: RoutinesBuildValueArray(), RoutinesCollectionToDisplay(), RoutinesCollectionToOdbc(), RoutinesDisplayToCollection(), RoutinesGet(), RoutinesGetObject(), RoutinesGetObjectId(), RoutinesGetSwizzled(), RoutinesIsValid(), RoutinesOdbcToCollection(), RoutinesSet(), RoutinesSetObject(), RoutinesSetObjectId()
property ServerOnly as %CacheString;
Property methods: ServerOnlyGet(), ServerOnlyIsValid(), ServerOnlySet()
property SlotCount as %Integer;
Property methods: SlotCountDisplayToLogical(), SlotCountGet(), SlotCountIsValid(), SlotCountLogicalToDisplay(), SlotCountNormalize(), SlotCountSet()
property SoapBindingStyle as %CacheString;
Specifies the SOAP Binding used by this class when it is used to send and receive mnessages via SOAP.
Property methods: SoapBindingStyleGet(), SoapBindingStyleIsValid(), SoapBindingStyleSet()
property SoapBodyUse as %CacheString;
Specifies the encoding used for SOAP messages.
Property methods: SoapBodyUseGet(), SoapBodyUseIsValid(), SoapBodyUseSet()
property SqlCategory as %CacheString;
In the case of a datatype class, specifies a type to use for calculations in SQL. Datatype classes must specify an SQL Category.
Property methods: SqlCategoryGet(), SqlCategoryIsValid(), SqlCategorySet()
property SqlQualifiedNameQ as %CacheString;
Property methods: SqlQualifiedNameQGet(), SqlQualifiedNameQIsValid(), SqlQualifiedNameQSet()
property SqlRoutinePrefix as %CacheString;
Property methods: SqlRoutinePrefixGet(), SqlRoutinePrefixIsValid(), SqlRoutinePrefixSet()
property SqlRowIdName as %CacheString;
In the case of a persistent class, specifies an altername field name used for the ID column. By default the ID is called ID.
Property methods: SqlRowIdNameGet(), SqlRowIdNameIsValid(), SqlRowIdNameSet()
property SqlRowIdPrivate as %Boolean;
In the case of a persistent class, specifies whether the ID column is projected to ODBC as a hidden field.
Property methods: SqlRowIdPrivateDisplayToLogical(), SqlRowIdPrivateGet(), SqlRowIdPrivateIsValid(), SqlRowIdPrivateLogicalToDisplay(), SqlRowIdPrivateNormalize(), SqlRowIdPrivateSet()
property SqlSchemaName as %CacheString;
Property methods: SqlSchemaNameGet(), SqlSchemaNameIsValid(), SqlSchemaNameSet()
property SqlTableName as %CacheString;
In the case of a persistent class, specifies the table name used to identify the class in its SQL projection. By default, the SQL table name is the same as the class name.
Property methods: SqlTableNameGet(), SqlTableNameIsValid(), SqlTableNameSet()
property StorageStrategy as %CacheString;
Specifies the name of the storage strategy used to control persistence for this class.
Property methods: StorageStrategyGet(), StorageStrategyIsValid(), StorageStrategySet()
relationship Storages as array of %Dictionary.CompiledStorage [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledStorage","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: StoragesGet(), StoragesGetObject(), StoragesGetObjectId(), StoragesGetSwizzled(), StoragesIsEmpty(), StoragesIsValid(), StoragesNewObject(), StoragesRClose(), StoragesRExec(), StoragesRFetch(), StoragesRelate(), StoragesSQLCompute(), StoragesSet(), StoragesUnRelate()
property Structure as %CacheString;
Hash of class 'structure' so we can detect when SQL related classes need to be recompiled.
Property methods: StructureGet(), StructureIsValid(), StructureSet()
property Super as %CacheString;
Specifies one or more superclasses for the class.
Property methods: SuperGet(), SuperIsValid(), SuperSet()
property System as %CacheString;
Specifies that the class is internal to the implementation of Cache. Users should not mark their classes with this keyword.
Property methods: SystemGet(), SystemIsValid(), SystemSet()
property Tables as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: TablesBuildValueArray(), TablesCollectionToDisplay(), TablesCollectionToOdbc(), TablesDisplayToCollection(), TablesGet(), TablesGetObject(), TablesGetObjectId(), TablesGetSwizzled(), TablesIsValid(), TablesOdbcToCollection(), TablesSet(), TablesSetObject(), TablesSetObjectId()
property TimeChanged as %CacheString;
Gives the time the last change was made to the class.
Property methods: TimeChangedGet(), TimeChangedIsValid(), TimeChangedSet()
property TimeCreated as %CacheString;
Gives the time the class was first created.
Property methods: TimeCreatedGet(), TimeCreatedIsValid(), TimeCreatedSet()
property TriggerClass as %CacheString;
Additional trigger member super classes to inherit.
Property methods: TriggerClassGet(), TriggerClassIsValid(), TriggerClassSet()
relationship Triggers as array of %Dictionary.CompiledTrigger [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledTrigger","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: TriggersGet(), TriggersGetObject(), TriggersGetObjectId(), TriggersGetSwizzled(), TriggersIsEmpty(), TriggersIsValid(), TriggersNewObject(), TriggersRClose(), TriggersRExec(), TriggersRFetch(), TriggersRelate(), TriggersSQLCompute(), TriggersSet(), TriggersUnRelate()
relationship UDLTexts as array of %Dictionary.CompiledUDLText [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledUDLText","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: UDLTextsGet(), UDLTextsGetObject(), UDLTextsGetObjectId(), UDLTextsGetSwizzled(), UDLTextsIsEmpty(), UDLTextsIsValid(), UDLTextsNewObject(), UDLTextsRClose(), UDLTextsRExec(), UDLTextsRFetch(), UDLTextsRelate(), UDLTextsSQLCompute(), UDLTextsSet(), UDLTextsUnRelate()
property ViewQuery as %CacheString;
Gives the SQL query used for View definition of this class.
Property methods: ViewQueryGet(), ViewQueryIsValid(), ViewQuerySet()
property Views as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: ViewsBuildValueArray(), ViewsCollectionToDisplay(), ViewsCollectionToOdbc(), ViewsDisplayToCollection(), ViewsGet(), ViewsGetObject(), ViewsGetObjectId(), ViewsGetSwizzled(), ViewsIsValid(), ViewsOdbcToCollection(), ViewsSet(), ViewsSetObject(), ViewsSetObjectId()
relationship XDatas as array of %Dictionary.CompiledXData [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("%Dictionary.CompiledXData","parent",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = parent , Cardinality = children ];
Property methods: XDatasGet(), XDatasGetObject(), XDatasGetObjectId(), XDatasGetSwizzled(), XDatasIsEmpty(), XDatasIsValid(), XDatasNewObject(), XDatasRClose(), XDatasRExec(), XDatasRFetch(), XDatasRelate(), XDatasSQLCompute(), XDatasSet(), XDatasUnRelate()
property XMLData as array of %CacheString;
Property methods: XMLDataBuildValueArray(), XMLDataCollectionToDisplay(), XMLDataCollectionToOdbc(), XMLDataDisplayToCollection(), XMLDataGet(), XMLDataGetObject(), XMLDataGetObjectId(), XMLDataGetSwizzled(), XMLDataIsValid(), XMLDataOdbcToCollection(), XMLDataSet(), XMLDataSetObject(), XMLDataSetObjectId()
classmethod %Exists(oid As %ObjectIdentity) as %Boolean
Inherited description: Checks to see if the object identified by the OID oid exists in the extent.
Returns %Boolean TRUE if it exists, FALSE if it does not.
Inherited description: Obtain an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type
of lock obtained is determined by shared. This method is normally generated by
the storage class for persistent classes using %Library.CacheStorage or %Library.CacheSQLStorage.
Inherited description: Release an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type
of lock released is determined by shared. If this method is not overridden
then the default implementation returns an error. This method is normally generated by
the storage class for persistent classes using %Library.CacheStorage or %Library.CacheSQLStorage.
index (IDKEY on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
trigger OnDelete (BEFORE event DELETE);
trigger OnInsertUpdate (BEFORE event INSERT/UPDATE);
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %BuildIndices()
- %CheckConstraints()
- %CheckConstraintsForExtent()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ComposeOid()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteExtent()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %ExistsId()
- %Extends()
- %GUID()
- %GUIDSet()
- %GetLock()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %Id()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %KillExtent()
- %LockExtent()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %Oid()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PurgeIndices()
- %Reload()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %RollBack()
- %Save()
- %SaveDirect()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SortBegin()
- %SortEnd()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %UnlockExtent()
- %ValidateIndices()
- %ValidateObject()
- MemberSummaryClose()
- MemberSummaryExecute()
- MemberSummaryFetch()
- SummaryClose()
- SummaryExecute()
- SummaryFetch()