The %TimeStamp data type class represents a time stamp value.
The logical value of the %TimeStamp data type is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn format.
The function $System.SQL.DATEDIFF() can be used to return intervals between two %TimeStamp values.
The function $System.SQL.DATEADD() can be used to add a certain number of date parts (such as years, hours, or days) to a specified timestamp.
Used for enumerated (multiple-choice) attributes.
Used in conjunction with the VALUELIST parameter for enumerated
(multiple-choice) attributes. DISPLAYLIST, if not null,
represents the display values for the attribute corresponding with
the logical values listed in VALUELIST.
The maximum allowed logical value for the data type.
parameter MINVAL;
The minimum allowed logical value for the data type.
parameter VALUELIST;
Used for enumerated (multiple-choice) attributes.
VALUELIST is either a null string ("") or a delimiter
separated list (where the delimiter is the first character) of logical values.
If a non-null value is present, then the attribute is restricted to values
in the list, and the validation code simply checks to see if the value is in the list.
parameter XMLTIMEZONE = UTC;
XMLTIMEZONE specifies the handling of timezone part of the XML format dateTime.
"UTC" means convert to UTC on input. "IGNORE" means ignore the timezone.
parameter XSDTYPE = dateTime;
Declares the XSD type used when projecting XML Schemas.
Converts the input value %val, which represents a Display timestamp value,
to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.nnnnnnnnn] format.
The Logical value and Display values are the same unless there are VALUELIST and DISPLAYLIST parameters specified.
Returns the value of the input string %val as a Logical timestamp value (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.nnnnnnnnn] format).
Tests if the logical value %val, which represents a timestamp
value in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.nnnnnnnn] format, is valid.
The validation is based on the class parameter settings used for the
class attribute this data type is associated with.
In this case, MAXVAL and MINVAL.
Converts the value of %val, which is in logical format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.nnnnnnnnn], into a display string.
The Logical value and Display values are the same unless there are VALUELIST and DISPLAYLIST parameters specified.
Returns the Display Timestamp value of the Logical Timestamp string %val.