abstract class Ens.Alerting.NotificationOperation extends Ens.BusinessOperation
Base class that implements some simple helper methods that actual Notification Operations can make use of.Property Inventory
Method Inventory
parameter SETTINGS = SystemName:Basic,IncludeUTCTimes:Basic;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file
format is a comma separated list of property names
property IncludeUTCTimes as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Flag to control whether UTC times should be included in the text of notifications addition to the time of the local system.
Property methods: IncludeUTCTimesDisplayToLogical(), IncludeUTCTimesGet(), IncludeUTCTimesIsValid(), IncludeUTCTimesLogicalToDisplay(), IncludeUTCTimesNormalize(), IncludeUTCTimesSet()
property InstanceName as %String [ InitialExpression = ##class(%SYS.System).GetInstanceName() ];
The current instance name.
Property methods: InstanceNameDisplayToLogical(), InstanceNameGet(), InstanceNameIsValid(), InstanceNameLogicalToDisplay(), InstanceNameLogicalToOdbc(), InstanceNameNormalize(), InstanceNameSet()
property SystemName as %String;
Name of the system for inclusion in notifications sent from this system.
If this value is empty, then the default value will be the value of InstanceName.
Property methods: SystemNameDisplayToLogical(), SystemNameGet(), SystemNameIsValid(), SystemNameLogicalToDisplay(), SystemNameLogicalToOdbc(), SystemNameNormalize(), SystemNameSet()
method GetSystemInfo(pManagedAlert As Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert = "", Output pSystemName As %String, Output pInstanceName As %String, Output pNodeName As %String) as %Status
Helper method to get information about the system where the alert originated.
method GetUpdateText(pNotificationRequest As Ens.Alerting.NotificationRequest, Output pUpdateText As %String) as %Status
Helper method to get a text message describing the update that has been requested.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %AlertStartTime
- %ConfigName
- %ConfigQueueName
- %LastActionTime
- %LastHandledTime
- %LastReportedError
- %QuitTask
- %RequestHeader
- %SessionId
- %SuperSession
- %WarnedLatest
- %isShadow
- Adapter
- AlertGroups
- AlertOnError
- AlertRetryGracePeriod
- ArchiveIO
- BusinessPartner
- DeferResponse
- FailureTimeout
- IOLogEntry
- InactivityTimeout
- NoFailWhileDisconnected
- QueueCountAlert
- QueueWaitAlert
- ReplyCodeActions
- Retry
- RetryCount
- RetryInterval
- SendSuperSession
- SuspendMessage
- ThrottleDelay
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnClose()
- %OnNew()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SuperSessionSet()
- %ValidateObject()
- AdapterName()
- AssignOneSetting()
- CloseIOLogEntry()
- DeferResponse()
- EnumerateSettingsClose()
- EnumerateSettingsExecute()
- EnumerateSettingsFetch()
- GenerateSuperSession()
- GetDeferredResponseToken()
- GetMessageList()
- GetProductionSettingValue()
- GetProductionSettings()
- GetPropertyConnections()
- GetSettings()
- GetShadowInstance()
- IncludeSuperSession()
- NewIOLogEntry()
- OnError()
- OnFailureTimeout()
- OnGenerateSuperSession()
- OnGetConnections()
- OnGetReplyAction()
- OnInit()
- OnKeepalive()
- OnMessage()
- OnMonitor()
- OnProductionStart()
- OnProductionStop()
- OnTearDown()
- QueueName()
- SaveIOLogEntry()
- SendAlert()
- SendDeferredResponse()
- SendRequestAsync()
- SendRequestSync()