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persistent class Ens.Config.Production extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: Ens_Config.Production

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter XMLIGNORENULL = 1;
Inherited description: XMLIGNORENULL allows the programmer to override the default XML handling of empty strings for properties of type %String. By default (XMLIGNORENULL = 0), empty strings in the XML input are stored as $c(0) and $c(0) is written to XML as an empty tag. A missing tag in the XML input is always stored as "" and "" is always output to XML as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = 1, then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "", and both "" and $c(0) are output as empty tags (i.e. <tag></tag>).

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = "inputonly", then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "". Output of "" and $c(0) are for XMLIGNORENULL = 0: $c(0) is output as an empty tag (i.e. <tag></tag>) and "" is output as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime" (runtime is not case sensitive), then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by the format parameter of XMLExport, XMLImport and %XML.Reader.OpenFile. The default behavior for XMLIGNORENULL="runtime is the same as XMLIGNORENULL=0. Adding "ignorenull" to the format argument changes the behavior to that of XMLIGNORENULL=1. "ignorenull" shoud be separated by a comma from literal/encoded part of the format. Example values for format are "", ",ignorenull", "literal,ignorenull" and "encoded,ignorenull". Note that "inputonly" is equivalent to using ,ignorenull for XMLExport and not for %XML.Reader.
parameter XMLNAME = Production;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property ActorPoolSize as %Integer (MAXVAL = 128, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Actor pool size for the production. This is the number of jobs that will be shared by business processes not configured to use a private job pool.
Property methods: ActorPoolSizeDisplayToLogical(), ActorPoolSizeGet(), ActorPoolSizeGetStored(), ActorPoolSizeIsValid(), ActorPoolSizeLogicalToDisplay(), ActorPoolSizeNormalize(), ActorPoolSizeSet(), ActorPoolSizeXSDToLogical()
property Description as %String (MAXLEN = 500, TRUNCATE = 1);
Description of the production.
Property methods: DescriptionDisplayToLogical(), DescriptionGet(), DescriptionGetStored(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), DescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), DescriptionNormalize(), DescriptionSet()
property Items as list of Ens.Config.Item (XMLNAME = "Item", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Property methods: ItemsBuildValueArray(), ItemsCollectionToDisplay(), ItemsCollectionToOdbc(), ItemsDisplayToCollection(), ItemsGet(), ItemsGetObject(), ItemsGetObjectId(), ItemsGetStored(), ItemsGetSwizzled(), ItemsIsValid(), ItemsOdbcToCollection(), ItemsSet(), ItemsSetObject(), ItemsSetObjectId()
property LogGeneralTraceEvents as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Log trace events that are not associated with any particular config item.
Property methods: LogGeneralTraceEventsDisplayToLogical(), LogGeneralTraceEventsGet(), LogGeneralTraceEventsGetStored(), LogGeneralTraceEventsIsValid(), LogGeneralTraceEventsLogicalToDisplay(), LogGeneralTraceEventsLogicalToXSD(), LogGeneralTraceEventsNormalize(), LogGeneralTraceEventsSet(), LogGeneralTraceEventsXSDToLogical()
property ModifiedSettings as list of Ens.Config.Setting (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ Transient ];
Same format as Settings, You must call PopulateModifiedSettings() to populate this collection The collection contains the list of settings that are either defined in the production, or have default setting overrides.
Property methods: ModifiedSettingsBuildValueArray(), ModifiedSettingsCollectionToDisplay(), ModifiedSettingsCollectionToOdbc(), ModifiedSettingsDisplayToCollection(), ModifiedSettingsGet(), ModifiedSettingsGetObject(), ModifiedSettingsGetObjectId(), ModifiedSettingsGetSwizzled(), ModifiedSettingsIsValid(), ModifiedSettingsOdbcToCollection(), ModifiedSettingsSet(), ModifiedSettingsSetObject(), ModifiedSettingsSetObjectId()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 128, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Settings as list of Ens.Config.Setting (XMLNAME = "Setting", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Production settings
Property methods: SettingsBuildValueArray(), SettingsCollectionToDisplay(), SettingsCollectionToOdbc(), SettingsDisplayToCollection(), SettingsGet(), SettingsGetObject(), SettingsGetObjectId(), SettingsGetStored(), SettingsGetSwizzled(), SettingsIsValid(), SettingsOdbcToCollection(), SettingsSet(), SettingsSetObject(), SettingsSetObjectId()
property SubProductions as list of Ens.Config.SubProduction (XMLNAME = "SubProduction", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Property SubProductions As list Of Ens.Config.Production(XMLNAME = "SubProduction", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLREFERENCE = "id");
Property methods: SubProductionsBuildValueArray(), SubProductionsCollectionToDisplay(), SubProductionsCollectionToOdbc(), SubProductionsDisplayToCollection(), SubProductionsGet(), SubProductionsGetObject(), SubProductionsGetObjectId(), SubProductionsGetStored(), SubProductionsGetSwizzled(), SubProductionsIsValid(), SubProductionsOdbcToCollection(), SubProductionsSet(), SubProductionsSetObject(), SubProductionsSetObjectId()
property TestingEnabled as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Enable testing infrastructure for the production.
Property methods: TestingEnabledDisplayToLogical(), TestingEnabledGet(), TestingEnabledGetStored(), TestingEnabledIsValid(), TestingEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), TestingEnabledLogicalToXSD(), TestingEnabledNormalize(), TestingEnabledSet(), TestingEnabledXSDToLogical()
property VirtualSettings as list of %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ Transient ];
Contains the list of settings, value, value_type, default, default_type and other meta information Must call PopulateVirtualSettings() to populate this collection The format of value of each element is the following $lb(Target,Name,Value,ValueType,Default,DefaultType,Description,Type,MAXLEN,MINVAL,MAXVAL,VALUELIST,DISPLAYLIST,IsRequired)
Property methods: VirtualSettingsBuildValueArray(), VirtualSettingsCollectionToDisplay(), VirtualSettingsCollectionToOdbc(), VirtualSettingsDisplayToCollection(), VirtualSettingsDisplayToLogical(), VirtualSettingsGet(), VirtualSettingsGetObject(), VirtualSettingsGetObjectId(), VirtualSettingsGetSwizzled(), VirtualSettingsIsValid(), VirtualSettingsLogicalToDisplay(), VirtualSettingsLogicalToOdbc(), VirtualSettingsNormalize(), VirtualSettingsOdbcToCollection(), VirtualSettingsSet(), VirtualSettingsSetObject(), VirtualSettingsSetObjectId()


classmethod %OnDelete(oid As %ObjectIdentity) as %Status
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the %Delete() method to provide notification that the object specified by oid is being deleted.

If this method returns an error then the object will not be deleted.

method %OnNew(initvalue) as %Status
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the %New() method to provide notification that a new instance of an object is being created.

If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.

It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call. When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New(). For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:

Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status If instead of returning a %Status code this returns an oref and this oref is a subclass of the current class then this oref will be the one returned to the caller of %New method.

method ActorDebugSetting(pKeyword As %String) as %Boolean
method Checksum() as %Integer
Checksum used in updating production.
classmethod CreateDocumentHTML(ProductionClass As %String, IncludeIntro As %Boolean = 1, Output URL As %String, Output LogFileName As %String) as %Status
Create a HTML document containing the production configuration details. The HTML document appears in InterSystems online documentation style and provide links into the online documentation set in DOCBOOK.
How to use: Invoke this method passing the production name ProductionClass and a flag IncludeIntro to include a terminology introduction chapter (default is true). The method returns a status code. It also returns as output parameters the URL to display the documentation in a browser and the LogFileName to be checked in case an error occurs (if an error status code is returned).
    Set status = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).CreateDocumentHTML("Demo.Loan.FindRateProduction",1,.URL,.ErrLog)
Once the documentation is created, it will be available to be viewed from the Productions page of the Ensemble Management Portal, or by pointing a browser to the returned URL.
The document is built by applying a XSL transformation to create a document expressed as DocBook XML, then using the InterSystems' DocBook utilities to load the book.
The documentation may be removed by invoking RemoveDocumentHTML().
classmethod CreateDocumentPDF(ProductionClass As %String, IncludeIntro As %Boolean = 1, ByRef PDFFileName As %String, Output LogFileName As %String, PDFRenderer As %String, ByRef Params As %String) as %Status
Create a PDF file containing the production configuration details. The generated PDF file allows customization of the cover page (logo image, company name and address) and of the colors used for the titles and links.
How to use: Invoke this method passing the production name ProductionClass, a flag IncludeIntro to include a terminology introduction chapter (default is true), the file name PDFFileName on the Ensemble server where the PDF output should be written to, and an optional array Params of customization parameters in case you wish to override the defaults.
You may also pass a PDFRenderer as an optional string containing the full pathname of the script that runs the FOP or RenderX (XEP) rendering engine. If a PDF renderer is already configured for Zen, it will be used by default, so if you wish to use it there's no need to provide it as a parameter. If no PDF renderer is configured for Zen, the built-in FOP renderer will be used.
    Set status = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).CreateDocumentPDF("Demo.Loan.FindRateProduction",1,"C:\Temp\DemoFindRate.pdf",.ErrLog)
The example below shows how to provide a PDF renderer and custom parameters:
    Set Config("title-color") = "green"
    Set Config("href-color") = "red"
    Set Config("logo-image") = "C:\MyLogo.jpg"
    Set Config("logo-name") = "ACME Inc."
    Set Config("logo-address1") = "1 Main St"
    Set Config("logo-address2") = "1st floor"
    Set Config("logo-citystatezip") = "Anytown, USA"
    Set Config("logo-website") = ""
    Set Production = "ACME.Test.Production"
    Set status = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).CreateDocumentPDF(Production,0,"C:\Temp\ACME.pdf",.ErrLog,"C:\fop\fop-0.95\fop.bat",.Config)
classmethod CreateStudioProject(pProductionName As %String = "", pProjectName As %String = "", Output pProject As %Studio.Project) as %Status
Create and save a studio project that contains all the detectable elements of the named Production.
classmethod CreateStudioProjectFromConfigItem(pConfigItem As Ens.Config.Item, pProjectName As %String = "", Output pProject As %Studio.Project) as %Status
Create and save a studio project that contains all the detectable elements related to the named config item
classmethod EnumerateAlertGroupsClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateAlertGroupsExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, Production As %String) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateAlertGroupsFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateCategoriesClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateCategoriesExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, Production As %String) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateCategoriesFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemNamesClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemNamesExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, Production As %String = "", ClassName As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemNamesFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemsClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemsExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, Production As %String = "", ItemType As %Integer = "", PrimaryOnly As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateConfigItemsFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
method FindItemByConfigName(pConfigItemName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status = $$$OK) as Ens.Config.Item
Locate the config item matching the given config name. It may be a simple name or a fully qualified one as described in ParseConfigName()
method FindSettingByName(pName As %String, pTarget As %String = "") as Setting
Locate the first setting with a given name.
classmethod FindStudioProjectItems(pProductionName As %String = "", Output pProjectItems) as %Status
method GetCallTargets(pItem As Ens.Config.Item, ByRef pArray) as %Status
classmethod GetConnections(ByRef array As %String, rootclass As %String, item As Ens.Config.Item)
For given business class, return an array of business classes it talks to (left to right)
classmethod GetRuntimePortsArray(ByRef pArray) as %Status
Get an array of all ports in use by the running Production. Value = config id|code|agentInterface Code "o" = TCP Outbound (in listen mode), "i" = TCP Inbound, "L" = Agent Listener Relay port, "C" = Agent Connect Relay port
method GetStaticSettings(ByRef pList) as %Status
Return a list of all the common static settings properties for the current Production
classmethod LoadFromClass(pClassName As %String)
This method loads the production from the XData of a class
classmethod OpenItemByConfigName(pConfigItemName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status = $$$OK) as Ens.Config.Item
Open the config item matching the given config name. It may be a simple name or a fully qualified one as described in ParseConfigName()
method PopulateModifiedSettings() as %Status
Call this method to initialize the ModifiedSettings collection. The collection includes Settings defined in production as well as those ones with default setting overrides.
method PopulateVirtualSettings() as %Status
Populate the VirtualSettings collection
classmethod ProductionStateToText(pState As %Integer = $$$eProductionStateUnknown, pLocalize As %Boolean = 1) as %String
API to convert the numeric production status value in pState into the corresponding text string. By default, the string is localized, but if pLocalize is passed in as 0, the English string is returned irrespective of the user's current language settings.
classmethod ProductionStatusClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ProductionStatusExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ProductionStatusFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod ProductionTextToState(pText As %String, pLanguage As %String = $$$SessionLanguage) as %Integer
API to convert the text of a production status in pText into the corresponding state value, which serves as a partial inverse to ProductionStateToText()(). It only serves as a partial inverse as the status text can depend on the language settings at the time of the original conversion from a state integer to a status text. If the language is known, it can be supplied in pLanguage, otherwise it will default to the current language for the process.
classmethod RemoveDocumentHTML(ProductionClass As %String) as %Status
Remove the HTML documentation for a given production in the current namespace. This method may be used in case you wish to remove the HTML documentation that was created for a given production.
method RemoveItem(target As Ens.Config.Item = $$$NULLOREF)
Remove the given config item from the production
method SaveToClass(pItem As Ens.Config.Item = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
This method saves the production into the XData of the corresponding class
classmethod SetModified(pProduction As %String = "") as %Integer
Wrapper method to ensure that we only increment the production modification counter when pProduction is currently running in this namespace.
method UpdateSettings(pArray) as %Status
This method updates the Settings collection with the data from pArray Settings collection is cleared first, then the entries in pArray is used to update it. The format of pArray is of the following: pArray = total number of entries pArray(i) = $lb(Target, Name, Value)
classmethod addClass(class, pNewClasses, pExistingList) as %Status
classmethod addSchema(pType, pName, ByRef pSchemas)
classmethod createStudioProjectFromArray(Output pProject As %Studio.Project, pProjectItems As %String, pProjectName As %String = "", pDescription As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod expandProjectArray(pProjectItems As %String, pExistingClasses As %String) as %Status
classmethod expandProjectArrayAuxiliary(pProjectItems As %String, pExistingClasses As %String) as %Status
expandProjectArrayAuxiliary merges all the classes in pProjectItems into pExistingClasses before starting it also updates pExistingClasses with all the new classes it added before exiting
classmethod findClassXDATATagAttributeValue(pClassname, pXDATAname, pTagname, pAttributename, pResults) as %Status
classmethod findcall(defclass, line, method, argument) as %String
classmethod getActionDelegateTransform(pAction As Ens.Rule.Model.action, pNewRules, pTransformations) as %Status
classmethod getDTLSchemas(ByRef tTransforms, ByRef pSchemas) as %Status
classmethod getDependentPredecessor(pClasses, pNewClasses, pExistingClasses) as %Status
classmethod getItemSchema(pItem As Ens.Config.Item, ByRef pSchemas) as %Status
classmethod getProjectArrayFromConfigItem(pConfigItem As Ens.Config.Item, Output pProjectItems) as %Status
classmethod getProjectArrayFromProduction(pProduction As Ens.Config.Production, Output pProjectItems) as %Status
classmethod getRoutingRuleDelegatesAndTransformations(pRules, pNewRules, pTransformations) as %Status
classmethod scanmethod(defclass, class, method, array)


query EnumerateAlertGroups(Production As %String)
Selects AlertGroup As %String
Returns an alphabetically sorted list of all non-blank Alert Groups that are used by host items in the identified production.
query EnumerateCategories(Production As %String)
Selects Category As %String
Returns an alphabetically sorted list of all non-blank category names that are used by host items in the identified production.
query EnumerateConfigItemNames(Production As %String = "", ClassName As %String = "")
Selects Production As %String, ConfigName As %String, ClassName As %String, Comment As %String, Enabled As %Boolean
Enumerate all configuration item names whose underlying class is a subclass of the class specified by ClassName, for the given Production. This is used, for example, to list all business metrics within a given production, to support the DeepSee widget finder. It is more lightweight and faster than EnumerateConfigItems, but returns less data. If the Production string is an empty string ("") list all config item names of a particular class for all productions.
query EnumerateConfigItems(Production As %String = "", ItemType As %Integer = "", PrimaryOnly As %Boolean = 1)
Selects ConfigName As %String, CommentOrClassName As %String, Enabled As %Boolean, BusinessType As %Integer, ClassName As %String, RequestClasses As %String, ResponseClasses As %String, Production As %String, ItemId As %Integer, SeqNum As %String, BusPartner As %String, Categories As %String, AlertGroups As %String
Enumerate all config items in the given Production. Passing ItemType restricts the results to only items of the given type, for example $$$eHostTypeService. Prefixing the type with a minus sign restricts the results to all except those of the given type, for example -$$$eHostTypeService. Passing PrimaryOnly=0 will return multiple items with the same name if any exist. Otherwise only the primary (i.e. enabled) item will be returned.
query Extent()
Selects ID As %Library.CacheString
SQL Query:
SELECT ID FROM Ens_Config.Production
This is a system provided query that provides a result set containing every instance within this extent.
query ProductionStatus()
Selects Production As %String, Status As %String, LastStartTime As %String, LastStopTime As %String, StatusEnum As %String


index (indexName on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: indexNameCheck(), indexNameDelete(), indexNameExists(), indexNameOpen(), indexNameSQLCheckUnique(), indexNameSQLExists(), indexNameSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), indexNameSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()


trigger OnChange (AFTER event INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE);
Ensure we update the modified flag after SQL changes.
trigger OnDelete (BEFORE event DELETE);

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Ens.Config.Production)



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