abstract class EnsLib.EDI.Segment extends EnsLib.EDI.Document
Common base class for VDoc classes that have Separators and are non-persistent, being objects representing Segments that compose an instance of a "Segmented" VDoc classProperty Inventory
Method Inventory
- FindValues()
- FindValuesArray()
- GetNextIndex()
- GetValueAt()
- IsChildHolder()
- SaveData()
- SetValueAt()
- Validate()
property Count as %Integer [ Calculated , ReadOnly ];
Number of Fields
Property methods: CountDisplayToLogical(), CountIsValid(), CountLogicalToDisplay(), CountNormalize()
property ID as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Index into Segment Storage
Property methods: IDDisplayToLogical(), IDGet(), IDIsValid(), IDLogicalToDisplay(), IDLogicalToOdbc(), IDNormalize()
property IsMutable as %Boolean [ ReadOnly ];
We clear this property to prevent saving or modifying of already-saved document objects
Property methods: IsMutableDisplayToLogical(), IsMutableGet(), IsMutableIsValid(), IsMutableLogicalToDisplay(), IsMutableNormalize()
property Separators as %String;
All Separators as a single String
Property methods: SeparatorsDisplayToLogical(), SeparatorsGet(), SeparatorsIsValid(), SeparatorsLogicalToDisplay(), SeparatorsLogicalToOdbc(), SeparatorsNormalize(), SeparatorsSet()
method FindValues(pPropertyPath As %String = "", pSeparators As %String, pValSepString As %String = "<>", pSchemaCategory As %String, Output pStatus As %Status = $$$OK) as %String
method FindValuesArray(pPropertyPath As %String = "", pSeparators As %String, ByRef pArray As %String, pSchemaCategory As %String, Output pStatus As %Status = $$$OK, ByRef pLongArray As %String)
abstract method GetNextIndex(pPath As %String, pIndex As %String, ByRef pStatus As %Status) as %String
Gets the next index in an array by path
abstract method GetValueAt(pPropertyPath As %String = "", pSeparators As %String = "", Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Returns the value at the specified property path. The seperaters argument is used to specify the
separators to be used when a non-atomic value is returned. Status is returned via the Status output variable.
Finally implementation specific type information may be returned as the TypeInfo output parameter
abstract method SaveData() as %Status
method SetValueAt(pValue As %String, pPropertyPath As %String = "", pKey As %String = "", pAction As %String = "set") as %Status
Sets a value at the specified property path. Typically the key is used to specify arguments which may
be matched at run-time with place-holders in the property path. The action corresponds to the actions in the
DTL statement
Validate a segment item
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- DocType
- DocTypeCategory
- DocTypeName
- Identifier
- Name
- OriginalDocId
- RawContent
- Source
- TimeCreated
- TypeVersion
- UserValues
Inherited Methods
- CopyValues()
- DrawFormButtons()
- DrawHTMLContentsForm()
- DrawHTMLForm()
- EnumerateDocTypesClose()
- EnumerateDocTypesExecute()
- EnumerateDocTypesFetch()
- EnumerateTypeCategoriesClose()
- EnumerateTypeCategoriesExecute()
- EnumerateTypeCategoriesFetch()
- EnumerateVDocsClose()
- EnumerateVDocsExecute()
- EnumerateVDocsFetch()
- GetAlias()
- GetContentArray()
- GetManagerLinks()
- GetNewManagerLinks()
- PokeDocType()
- TypeVersionGet()
- getTestNewArg()