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Represents a "filter" pre/postkey action: Set out = $bitop(a&b) or $bitop(a&^b) if InvertFilter = 1 Documented in AK887

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parameter NodeRef = asl(..AslPk.AslMod.Index, ..AslPk.Type, ..AslPk.Index, "filter");
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property AslPk as AslPk;
The pre/postkey containing this action
Property methods: AslPkGet(), AslPkGetSwizzled(), AslPkIsValid(), AslPkNewObject(), AslPkSet()


method A() as MtVal
The first chunk
method B() as MtVal
The second chunk
method Invert() as %Boolean
Complement (NOT) the second chunk before applying
method Out() as MtVal
The output
method SetA(a As MtVal)
method SetB(b As MtVal)
method SetInvert(invert As %Boolean)
method SetOut(out As MtVal)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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