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persistent class %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Worksheet extends %DeepSee.UserLibrary.FolderItem

SQL Table Name: %DeepSee_UserLibrary.Worksheet

This class represents a DeepSee Worksheet within a DeepSee folder.
This class also provides the APIs for working with DeepSee "worksheets". A worksheet can be used in several ways:
1) You can use a worksheet to define a specialized KPI containing user-entered data that drives other dashboard widgets.
2) You can use a worksheet to feed values into other DeepSee components, such as pivot tables.
3) You can use a worksheet to enter and display a grid of values.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ICON = deepsee/ds2_list_44.png;
Inherited description: URL of icon for this item
parameter ITEMTYPE = worksheet;
This is the extension returned by this type from the Finder.
parameter LARGEICON = deepsee/ds2_list_44.png;
Inherited description: URL of large icon for this item
parameter XMLNAME = worksheet;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property borders as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify whether cell borders should be "all" (the default) or "none".
Property methods: bordersDisplayToLogical(), bordersGet(), bordersGetStored(), bordersIsValid(), bordersLogicalToDisplay(), bordersLogicalToOdbc(), bordersNormalize(), bordersSet()
property cells as list of WorksheetCell (XMLNAME = "cellDef", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
This contains the definition of (overridden) cells for this worksheet.
Property methods: cellsBuildValueArray(), cellsCollectionToDisplay(), cellsCollectionToOdbc(), cellsDisplayToCollection(), cellsGet(), cellsGetObject(), cellsGetObjectId(), cellsGetStored(), cellsGetSwizzled(), cellsIsValid(), cellsOdbcToCollection(), cellsSet(), cellsSetObject(), cellsSetObjectId()
property columnHeaderStyle as (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Additional style to apply to column headers in this grid.
Property methods: columnHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), columnHeaderStyleGet(), columnHeaderStyleGetStored(), columnHeaderStyleIsValid(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), columnHeaderStyleNormalize(), columnHeaderStyleSet()
property columnHeaders as list of WorksheetAxis (XMLNAME = "columnHeader", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
This contains the definition of the column headers for this worksheet.
Property methods: columnHeadersBuildValueArray(), columnHeadersCollectionToDisplay(), columnHeadersCollectionToOdbc(), columnHeadersDisplayToCollection(), columnHeadersGet(), columnHeadersGetObject(), columnHeadersGetObjectId(), columnHeadersGetStored(), columnHeadersGetSwizzled(), columnHeadersIsValid(), columnHeadersOdbcToCollection(), columnHeadersSet(), columnHeadersSetObject(), columnHeadersSetObjectId()
property columnWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
Default column width.
Property methods: columnWidthDisplayToLogical(), columnWidthGet(), columnWidthGetStored(), columnWidthIsValid(), columnWidthLogicalToDisplay(), columnWidthLogicalToOdbc(), columnWidthNormalize(), columnWidthSet()
property dataConnector as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Name of data connector class used by the grid (in "dataSource" mode).
Property methods: dataConnectorDisplayToLogical(), dataConnectorGet(), dataConnectorGetStored(), dataConnectorIsValid(), dataConnectorLogicalToDisplay(), dataConnectorLogicalToOdbc(), dataConnectorNormalize(), dataConnectorSet()
property format as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Default format to apply to cells in this worksheet.
Property methods: formatDisplayToLogical(), formatGet(), formatGetStored(), formatIsValid(), formatLogicalToDisplay(), formatLogicalToOdbc(), formatNormalize(), formatSet()
property gridMode as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Data mode for the worksheet: "dataSet" or "dataSource".
Property methods: gridModeDisplayToLogical(), gridModeGet(), gridModeGetStored(), gridModeIsValid(), gridModeLogicalToDisplay(), gridModeLogicalToOdbc(), gridModeNormalize(), gridModeSet()
property pageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Page size used by the grid (in "dataSource" mode).
Property methods: pageSizeDisplayToLogical(), pageSizeGet(), pageSizeGetStored(), pageSizeIsValid(), pageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), pageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), pageSizeNormalize(), pageSizeSet()
property rowHeaderStyle as (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Additional style to apply to row headers in this grid.
Property methods: rowHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), rowHeaderStyleGet(), rowHeaderStyleGetStored(), rowHeaderStyleIsValid(), rowHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), rowHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), rowHeaderStyleNormalize(), rowHeaderStyleSet()
property rowHeaders as list of WorksheetAxis (XMLNAME = "rowHeader", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
This contains the definition of the row headers for this worksheet.
Property methods: rowHeadersBuildValueArray(), rowHeadersCollectionToDisplay(), rowHeadersCollectionToOdbc(), rowHeadersDisplayToCollection(), rowHeadersGet(), rowHeadersGetObject(), rowHeadersGetObjectId(), rowHeadersGetStored(), rowHeadersGetSwizzled(), rowHeadersIsValid(), rowHeadersOdbcToCollection(), rowHeadersSet(), rowHeadersSetObject(), rowHeadersSetObjectId()
property showColumnLabels as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specifies whether column labels should be displayed.
Property methods: showColumnLabelsDisplayToLogical(), showColumnLabelsGet(), showColumnLabelsGetStored(), showColumnLabelsIsValid(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), showColumnLabelsLogicalToXSD(), showColumnLabelsNormalize(), showColumnLabelsSet(), showColumnLabelsXSDToLogical()
property showRowLabels as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specifies whether row labels should be displayed.
Property methods: showRowLabelsDisplayToLogical(), showRowLabelsGet(), showRowLabelsGetStored(), showRowLabelsIsValid(), showRowLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), showRowLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), showRowLabelsLogicalToXSD(), showRowLabelsNormalize(), showRowLabelsSet(), showRowLabelsXSDToLogical()
property showZebra as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify whether zebra striping should be applied to the grid.
Property methods: showZebraDisplayToLogical(), showZebraGet(), showZebraGetStored(), showZebraIsValid(), showZebraLogicalToDisplay(), showZebraLogicalToOdbc(), showZebraLogicalToXSD(), showZebraNormalize(), showZebraSet(), showZebraXSDToLogical()
property style as (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Additional style to apply to cells in this worksheet.
Property methods: styleDisplayToLogical(), styleGet(), styleGetStored(), styleIsValid(), styleLogicalToDisplay(), styleLogicalToOdbc(), styleNormalize(), styleSet()
property xmlCells as list of %String (XMLNAME = "cell", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT") [ Transient ];
This is used to hold cell values when they are exported to XML.
Property methods: xmlCellsBuildValueArray(), xmlCellsCollectionToDisplay(), xmlCellsCollectionToOdbc(), xmlCellsDisplayToCollection(), xmlCellsDisplayToLogical(), xmlCellsGet(), xmlCellsGetObject(), xmlCellsGetObjectId(), xmlCellsGetSwizzled(), xmlCellsIsValid(), xmlCellsLogicalToDisplay(), xmlCellsLogicalToOdbc(), xmlCellsNormalize(), xmlCellsOdbcToCollection(), xmlCellsSet(), xmlCellsSetObject(), xmlCellsSetObjectId()
property xmlValues as list of %String (XMLNAME = "value", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT") [ Transient ];
This is used to hold cell (resolved) values when they are exported to XML.
Property methods: xmlValuesBuildValueArray(), xmlValuesCollectionToDisplay(), xmlValuesCollectionToOdbc(), xmlValuesDisplayToCollection(), xmlValuesDisplayToLogical(), xmlValuesGet(), xmlValuesGetObject(), xmlValuesGetObjectId(), xmlValuesGetSwizzled(), xmlValuesIsValid(), xmlValuesLogicalToDisplay(), xmlValuesLogicalToOdbc(), xmlValuesNormalize(), xmlValuesOdbcToCollection(), xmlValuesSet(), xmlValuesSetObject(), xmlValuesSetObjectId()


method %GetTypeName() as %String
Return the localized type name for this item.
method %GetURL() as %String
Return the URL for this item.
method %Lookup(pIdent As %String) as %String
Formula function: Lookup the value of the given identifier.
method %OnAfterImport(pNewName As %Library.String) as %Status
Notification that this item has just been imported.
method XMLBeforeExport()
Notification before xml export.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (%DeepSee.UserLibrary.FolderItem)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Worksheet)

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