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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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persistent class %SQL.Manager.QButtons.Base extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: %SQL_Manager_QButtons.Base

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %Utility;
Inherited description: ROWLEVELSECURITY = 1 | <property> means that row level security is active and the list of users/roles for a given instance/row is contained in a generated property. If the value of this parameter is a valid property name then that property will be used as the reader list and only generated if not already defined.
parameter XMLNAME = QButton;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property AllowDelimitedIdentifiers as %Boolean;
Property methods: AllowDelimitedIdentifiersDisplayToLogical(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersGet(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersGetStored(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersIsValid(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersLogicalToDisplay(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersLogicalToXSD(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersNormalize(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersSet(), AllowDelimitedIdentifiersXSDToLogical()
property ClassDefXml as %Stream.GlobalCharacter (CLASSNAME = 2);
Stream containing XML export of all class definitions referenced by the query statement
Property methods: ClassDefXmlDelete(), ClassDefXmlGet(), ClassDefXmlGetObject(), ClassDefXmlGetObjectId(), ClassDefXmlGetStored(), ClassDefXmlGetSwizzled(), ClassDefXmlIsValid(), ClassDefXmlNewObject(), ClassDefXmlOid(), ClassDefXmlOpen(), ClassDefXmlSet(), ClassDefXmlSetObject(), ClassDefXmlSetObjectId(), ClassDefXmlUnSwizzle()
property ClassList as list of %String (MAXLEN = 500);
List of all classes referenced by the query statement
Property methods: ClassListBuildValueArray(), ClassListCollectionToDisplay(), ClassListCollectionToOdbc(), ClassListDisplayToCollection(), ClassListDisplayToLogical(), ClassListGet(), ClassListGetObject(), ClassListGetObjectId(), ClassListGetStored(), ClassListGetSwizzled(), ClassListIsValid(), ClassListLogicalToDisplay(), ClassListLogicalToOdbc(), ClassListNormalize(), ClassListOdbcToCollection(), ClassListSet(), ClassListSetObject(), ClassListSetObjectId()
property DefaultSchema as %String;
Property methods: DefaultSchemaDisplayToLogical(), DefaultSchemaGet(), DefaultSchemaGetStored(), DefaultSchemaIsValid(), DefaultSchemaLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultSchemaLogicalToOdbc(), DefaultSchemaNormalize(), DefaultSchemaSet()
property IncludeResults as %Boolean;
This property has no effect, but remains available for compatibility. Use %SQL.Statement to generate query results
Property methods: IncludeResultsDisplayToLogical(), IncludeResultsGet(), IncludeResultsGetStored(), IncludeResultsIsValid(), IncludeResultsLogicalToDisplay(), IncludeResultsLogicalToXSD(), IncludeResultsNormalize(), IncludeResultsSet(), IncludeResultsXSDToLogical()
property QueryCompileDecomposedStatus as %String;
Property methods: QueryCompileDecomposedStatusCompute(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusDisplayToLogical(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusGet(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusGetStored(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusIsValid(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusLogicalToDisplay(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusLogicalToOdbc(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusNormalize(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusSQLCompute(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusSet(), QueryCompileDecomposedStatusSetT()
property QueryCompileStatus as %Status [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property to tell if QueryPlan was built and is valid, otherwise contains the query's compilation error
Property methods: QueryCompileStatusGet(), QueryCompileStatusGetStored(), QueryCompileStatusIsValid(), QueryCompileStatusLogicalToOdbc(), QueryCompileStatusLogicalToXSD(), QueryCompileStatusSet(), QueryCompileStatusXSDToLogical()
property QueryIntCode as %Stream.GlobalCharacter (CLASSNAME = 2);
Stream containing compiled int code as exported XML
Property methods: QueryIntCodeDelete(), QueryIntCodeGet(), QueryIntCodeGetObject(), QueryIntCodeGetObjectId(), QueryIntCodeGetStored(), QueryIntCodeGetSwizzled(), QueryIntCodeIsValid(), QueryIntCodeNewObject(), QueryIntCodeOid(), QueryIntCodeOpen(), QueryIntCodeSet(), QueryIntCodeSetObject(), QueryIntCodeSetObjectId(), QueryIntCodeUnSwizzle()
property QueryPlan as %Stream.GlobalCharacter (CLASSNAME = 2);
Stream containing the query's plan as built by the optimizer
Property methods: QueryPlanDelete(), QueryPlanGet(), QueryPlanGetObject(), QueryPlanGetObjectId(), QueryPlanGetStored(), QueryPlanGetSwizzled(), QueryPlanIsValid(), QueryPlanNewObject(), QueryPlanOid(), QueryPlanOpen(), QueryPlanSet(), QueryPlanSetObject(), QueryPlanSetObjectId(), QueryPlanUnSwizzle()
property QueryResultData as %Stream.GlobalCharacter (CLASSNAME = 2);
Stream containing the results of the query as %XML.Dataset output
Property methods: QueryResultDataDelete(), QueryResultDataGet(), QueryResultDataGetObject(), QueryResultDataGetObjectId(), QueryResultDataGetStored(), QueryResultDataGetSwizzled(), QueryResultDataIsValid(), QueryResultDataNewObject(), QueryResultDataOid(), QueryResultDataOpen(), QueryResultDataSet(), QueryResultDataSetObject(), QueryResultDataSetObjectId(), QueryResultDataUnSwizzle()
property QueryStatement as %String (MAXLEN = 32000) [ Required ];
Stores the actual query statement, if you really need more than 32k, enable long strings and change the MAXLEN
Property methods: QueryStatementDisplayToLogical(), QueryStatementGet(), QueryStatementGetStored(), QueryStatementIsValid(), QueryStatementLogicalToDisplay(), QueryStatementLogicalToOdbc(), QueryStatementNormalize(), QueryStatementSet()
property TimeInserted as %String;
Property methods: TimeInsertedCompute(), TimeInsertedDisplayToLogical(), TimeInsertedGet(), TimeInsertedGetStored(), TimeInsertedIsValid(), TimeInsertedLogicalToDisplay(), TimeInsertedLogicalToOdbc(), TimeInsertedNormalize(), TimeInsertedSQLCompute(), TimeInsertedSet(), TimeInsertedSetT()
property UserInserted as %String;
Property methods: UserInsertedCompute(), UserInsertedDisplayToLogical(), UserInsertedGet(), UserInsertedGetStored(), UserInsertedIsValid(), UserInsertedLogicalToDisplay(), UserInsertedLogicalToOdbc(), UserInsertedNormalize(), UserInsertedSQLCompute(), UserInsertedSet(), UserInsertedSetT()
property VersionString as %String (MAXLEN = 500) [ Required ];
simply contains $zv
Property methods: VersionStringDisplayToLogical(), VersionStringGet(), VersionStringGetStored(), VersionStringIsValid(), VersionStringLogicalToDisplay(), VersionStringLogicalToOdbc(), VersionStringNormalize(), VersionStringSet()
property WRCNumber as %Integer [ Required ];
WRC Number provided by the user
Property methods: WRCNumberDisplayToLogical(), WRCNumberGet(), WRCNumberGetStored(), WRCNumberIsValid(), WRCNumberLogicalToDisplay(), WRCNumberNormalize(), WRCNumberSet(), WRCNumberXSDToLogical()


classmethod %SecurityPolicy(UserInserted As %String) as %String [ SQLProc = Base_sys_SecurityPolicy ]
Projected as the stored procedure: Base_sys_SecurityPolicy
method BuildClassList() as %Status
This method uses the mtc array created by the query compilation process to find all the classes referenced by the query statement
classmethod ClearData(wrcnum As %String = "") as %Status
Delete any previous queries that have been added to the report
classmethod ClearRow(filter As %String) as %Status
classmethod ConsumeReport(filename As %String, qspec As %String = "ck", loadcode As %Boolean = 1, NameSpace As %String) as %Status
consume report. This is intended to be used by Intersystems Support to consume the report generated by the customer It is best to run this in an empty namespace as it will import and compile class definitions and routines
classmethod FindQueryById(id As %String) as %String
classmethod InsertQuery(query As %String = "", wrcnum As %String = "NoWRCProvided", includeresults As %Boolean = 0, debug As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Adds a query to the report, writes out report if a file name is provided This is the main method customer will use to generate reports to be sent to InterSystems Support
classmethod ListCharStrip(ByRef stream As %Stream.TmpCharacter)
method LoadClassDefs(qspec As %String = "ck", ByRef loadedlist) as %Status
Import and compile the class definitions in the report
method LoadIntCode(qspec As %String = "ck", ByRef loadedlist) as %Status
Import and compile the query routine int code in the report
classmethod WRCRowExists(wrc As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod WriteAllToFile(wrcnum As %String, ByRef filename As %String) as %Status
Writes XML report of all queries added so far


query SavedQueries()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, IncludeResults, TimeInserted, WRCNumber, QueryStatement, QueryCompileDecomposedStatus, AllowDelimitedIdentifiers, DefaultSchema FROM %SQL_Manager_QButtons.Base ORDER BY WRCNumber


index ($Base on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (%RLI on %READERLIST(ELEMENTS)) [Type = bitmap];
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%SQL.Manager.QButtons.Base)

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