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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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class %IO.Socket extends %IO.DeviceStream, %IO.IParts.SocketIO, %IO.SocketCommon

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Host as %String (MAXLEN = 500);
Property methods: HostDisplayToLogical(), HostGet(), HostIsValid(), HostLogicalToDisplay(), HostLogicalToOdbc(), HostNormalize(), HostSet()


method Close(Output pSC As %Status, pIntentional As %Boolean = 1, pSCReason As %Status = $$$OK) as %Boolean
Disconnect and close the current connection
method Open(pHost As %String = "", pPort As %String = "", ByRef pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pSC As %Status) as %Boolean
Establish a TCP connection to the given host computer on the given port number, if possible within pTimeout.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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