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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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class EnsLib.SOAP.CST.Common extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Counted String Tree wire transport format implementation Version 1 - original version Version 1.1 - add support for: CR/LF in End-of-Object marker, null object properties, binary Streams, array collections no collection count for 'collection=stream', client-optional structure signature-match header

Method Inventory


classmethod exportCST(pObj As %RegisteredObject, Output pLen As %Integer, pVersion As %String = "1.1") as %Status
classmethod getSignature(pClass As %String, pSigType As %String = "b") as %String
classmethod importCST(pClassname As %String, Output pObj As %RegisteredObject, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pVersion As %String, Output pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod readObj(ByRef pObj As %RegisteredObject, pClassname As %String, pTimeout As %Numeric, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod readProp(pObj As %RegisteredObject, pProp As %Dictionary.CompiledProperty, pTimeout As %Numeric, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod readStream(pStream As %Stream.Object, pTimeout As %Numeric, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod readString(Output pStr As %String, pTimeout As %Numeric, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod writeObj(pObj As %RegisteredObject, pClassname As %String, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod writeProp(pObj As %RegisteredObject, pProp As %Dictionary.CompiledProperty, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod writeStream(pStream As %Stream.Object, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod writeString(pStr As %String, pVersion As %String, ByRef pLen As %Integer) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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