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persistent class DeepSee.Study.PatientAllergy1 extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: DeepSee_Study.PatientAllergy1

This class is part of the DeepSee Patients sample, whose purpose is to provide sample data for use with DeepSee.

An allergy has multiple pieces of information, which you can use separately or in combination to create dimensions, depending on what you want to see.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Allergen as DeepSee.Study.Allergen;
A substance to which the patient is allergic.
Property methods: AllergenGet(), AllergenGetObject(), AllergenGetObjectId(), AllergenGetStored(), AllergenGetSwizzled(), AllergenIsValid(), AllergenNewObject(), AllergenSet(), AllergenSetObject(), AllergenSetObjectId(), AllergenUnSwizzle()
property DiagnosedBy as DeepSee.Study.Doctor;
Doctor who recorded this allergic reaction.
Property methods: DiagnosedByGet(), DiagnosedByGetObject(), DiagnosedByGetObjectId(), DiagnosedByGetStored(), DiagnosedByGetSwizzled(), DiagnosedByIsValid(), DiagnosedByNewObject(), DiagnosedBySet(), DiagnosedBySetObject(), DiagnosedBySetObjectId(), DiagnosedByUnSwizzle()
property Patient as DeepSee.Study.Patient;
Patient who has this allergy
Property methods: PatientGet(), PatientGetObject(), PatientGetObjectId(), PatientGetStored(), PatientGetSwizzled(), PatientIsValid(), PatientNewObject(), PatientSet(), PatientSetObject(), PatientSetObjectId(), PatientUnSwizzle()
property Severity as DeepSee.Study.AllergySeverity;
Severity of this allergic reaction.
Property methods: SeverityGet(), SeverityGetObject(), SeverityGetObjectId(), SeverityGetStored(), SeverityGetSwizzled(), SeverityIsValid(), SeverityNewObject(), SeveritySet(), SeveritySetObject(), SeveritySetObjectId(), SeverityUnSwizzle()


classmethod CreateOne(patient As DeepSee.Study.Patient, allergen As DeepSee.Study.Allergen = "", severity As DeepSee.Study.AllergySeverity = "", diagnosedBy As DeepSee.Study.Doctor = "") as %Status


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (DeepSee.Study.PatientAllergy1)

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