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abstract class DeepSee.Utils.MDXAutoFiltersKPI extends %DeepSee.KPI

Use this superclass to create an MDX-based KPI that automatically adds a %FILTER clause to your MDX query. The %FILTER clause includes any selections in any filters that use levels from the appropriate cube.

To use this superclass:

Or, if you want more control over the form of the query, override %OnGetMDX() as usual and include the following line after creating your basic MDX query:

set pMDX=pMDX_..FilterBuilder()

This method gets the current filter state, creates the %FILTER clause, and tacks it on to the end of your query.

If you want more control over the members of one or more filters, override %OnGetFilterMembers() as usual. To get all the members for a given level/filter, use this:

set sc=..%GetMembersForFilter(..#CUBE,pFilter,.pMembers)

And then do something different as needed in other scenarios.

To add additional filters (to be used in a different way):

Method Inventory


parameter CUBE;
Specifies the cube that this KPI uses. Specify the logical cube name.


classmethod %OnGetFilterList(Output pFilters As %List, pDataSourceName As %String = "") as %Status
Inherited description: Callback to get additional possible filters for this KPI. This drives the list of filter selections for widget connected to this KPI. This takes the form:
classmethod %OnGetFilterMembers(pFilter As %Library.String, Output pMembers As %Library.List, pSearchKey As %Library.String = "", pDataSourceName As %Library.String = "", ByRef pFilterValues As %Library.String) as %Status
Implementation; can be overridden.
method %OnGetMDX(ByRef pMDX As %String) as %Status
Implementation; can be overridden.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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