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abstract class %DeepSee.Component.ScoreCardContent

This utility class supplies the methods needed to control a scoreCard using a navigator component.

Method Inventory


clientmethod scorecardCloseButtonClick(navigator, chart, key) [ Language = javascript ]
Button clicked in navigator close button.
clientmethod scorecardDataArrange(navigator, chart, key, swap, final) [ Language = javascript ]
This is called when a list within the navigator is rearranged. key is the key for the item and swap indicates what items to rearrange. final is true if this is the final value (controls such as a slider may provide intermediate values as well while the user is actively dragging it).
clientmethod scorecardDataChange(navigator, svg, chart, key, value, final) [ Language = javascript ]
This is called when a data value within the navigator is changed. key is the key for the item and value is the new value. final is true if this is the final value (controls such as a slider may provide intermediate values as well while the user is actively dragging it).
clientmethod scorecardGetContentForLevel(navigator, chart, level, key, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an object describing what to display for this level.
clientmethod scorecardHeaderButtonClick(navigator, chart, key) [ Language = javascript ]
Button clicked in navigator header.


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