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Method Inventory


classmethod createServer(serverDef As %DynamicObject) as %DynamicObject
Create a new server. This function requires the %Admin_ExternalLanguageServerEdit resource.
classmethod deleteServer(serverName As %String) as %DynamicObject
Delete an existing server. This function requires the %Admin_ExternalLanguageServerEdit resource.
classmethod getActivity(serverName As %String, entryCount As %Integer = 10, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Library.DynamicArray
Return a dynamic array containing the specified number of ActivityLog entries for the specified External Language Server. If verbose is true then those rows will also be displayed on the current device.
classmethod getServer(serverName As %RawString) as %Library.DynamicObject
Return a dynamic object containing the configuraton for the specified External Language Server
classmethod getServerLanguageVersion(serverName As %RawString) as %String
Return the configured external language version string for an External Language Server configuration. This function does not establish a connection to the external language server in most cases. It simply returns the language version from the configuration. This function may execute an external command but it does not start the external language server.
classmethod getServers() as %Library.DynamicArray
Return a %DynamicArray containing the names of all defined External Language Servers
classmethod isServerRunning(arg As %RawString) as %Boolean
Return true if the requested server is running, false otherwise.
classmethod modifyServer(serverDef As %DynamicObject) as %DynamicObject
Modify an existing server. This function requires the %Admin_ExternalLanguageServerEdit resource.
classmethod serverExists(serverName As %RawString) as %Boolean
return 1 if the server exists, 0 otherwise
classmethod startServer(serverName As %String) as %Boolean
Start the External Language Server
classmethod stopServer(serverName As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0, pTimeout As %Integer = 0) as %Boolean
Stop the External Language Server pTimeout: 0 (default) means hard shutdown, -1 means soft shutdown without waiting. Any other value means soft shutdown with this value for timeout. After timeout elapses, we will perform a hard shutdown if the server is still running.


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