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persistent class %Studio.Extension.Menu extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: %Studio_Extension.Menu

Table user top level menu names for use with user defined Studio customisation

Property Inventory


Property methods: MenuBaseGet(), MenuBaseGetObject(), MenuBaseGetObjectId(), MenuBaseGetStored(), MenuBaseGetSwizzled(), MenuBaseIsValid(), MenuBaseNewObject(), MenuBaseOnDelete(), MenuBaseRClose(), MenuBaseRExec(), MenuBaseRFetch(), MenuBaseRelate(), MenuBaseSQLCompute(), MenuBaseSet(), MenuBaseSetObject(), MenuBaseSetObjectId(), MenuBaseUnRelate(), MenuBaseUnSwizzle()
Property methods: MenuItemBuildValueArray(), MenuItemCollectionToDisplay(), MenuItemCollectionToOdbc(), MenuItemDisplayToCollection(), MenuItemGet(), MenuItemGetObject(), MenuItemGetObjectId(), MenuItemGetStored(), MenuItemGetSwizzled(), MenuItemIsValid(), MenuItemOdbcToCollection(), MenuItemSet(), MenuItemSetObject(), MenuItemSetObjectId()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 128, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Resource name of this top level menu item
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Type as %Integer (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = "0" ];
If the type is 0 then this is a regular top level menu. If the type is 1 then this is a context submenu to be added to all the context menus.
Property methods: TypeDisplayToLogical(), TypeGet(), TypeGetStored(), TypeIsValid(), TypeLogicalToDisplay(), TypeNormalize(), TypeSet(), TypeXSDToLogical()


index (NameIdx on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: NameIdxCheck(), NameIdxDelete(), NameIdxExists(), NameIdxOpen(), NameIdxSQLCheckUnique(), NameIdxSQLExists(), NameIdxSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), NameIdxSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (%Studio.Extension.Menu)


Storage Model: Storage (%Studio.Extension.Menu)

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