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deprecated class %ZEN.Component.dragGroup extends

A specialized type of group that can be placed within a desktop group. A drag group displays a header (which can include various buttons). The user can drag the group around within its containing desktop group.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DEFAULTCLOSEIMAGE = images/grayDragClose.png;
Default image for close group button.
parameter DEFAULTCONTRACTIMAGE = images/grayDragContract.png;
Default image for contract group button.
parameter DEFAULTENCLOSINGCLASS = dragGroup;
Subclasses can set this to change default css class for a group.
parameter DEFAULTEXPANDIMAGE = images/grayDragExpand.png;
Default image for expand group button.
Default header layout pattern
parameter DEFAULTLAYOUT = none;
Subclasses can set this to change default layout for a group.
parameter DEFAULTMAXIMAGE = images/grayDragMax.png;
Default image for maximize group button.
parameter DEFAULTMINIMAGE = images/grayDragMin.png;
Default image for minimize group button.
Default resize icon size in pixels
parameter DEFAULTRESIZEIMAGE = images/grayDragResize.png;
Default image for maximize group button.


property centerHeader as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If set, this boolean flag indicates that the title section of the header should be centered over the dragGroup
Property methods: centerHeaderDisplayToLogical(), centerHeaderGet(), centerHeaderIsValid(), centerHeaderLogicalToDisplay(), centerHeaderLogicalToOdbc(), centerHeaderLogicalToXSD(), centerHeaderNormalize(), centerHeaderSet(), centerHeaderXSDToLogical()
property colSpan as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If used as a child of a snapGroup, this specifies the (initial static) width of the widget in columns
Property methods: colSpanDisplayToLogical(), colSpanGet(), colSpanIsValid(), colSpanLogicalToDisplay(), colSpanLogicalToOdbc(), colSpanNormalize(), colSpanSet()
Title to display in header section for this group.
Property methods: headerDisplayToLogical(), headerGet(), headerIsValid(), headerLogicalToDisplay(), headerLogicalToOdbc(), headerNormalize(), headerSet()
property headerLayout as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTHEADERLAYOUT ];
The header layout pattern determines the order in which control windows are added to the header section of the dragGroup window frame. This is encoded as a five character string consisting of the following tokens
'I' represents the Iconify button
'T' represents the Title section with both application logo and header caption
'F' represents the Full screen button
'C' represents the Close button
'U' represents the User content div (if desired)
This string allows one to restructure the location of the controls with a single call and might be useful if the page designer is trying to match the look and feel of a given operating system. For example, MS-Windows systems follow the pattern of 'TIFC' whereas MacOS adopts the standard of CIFT with the title centered (cf. centerHeader) The Title section represent something of a breakpoint in the header layout. Everything prior to the header floats from the left end of the header; Everything after the header, floats from the right end.
Property methods: headerLayoutDisplayToLogical(), headerLayoutGet(), headerLayoutIsValid(), headerLayoutLogicalToDisplay(), headerLayoutLogicalToOdbc(), headerLayoutNormalize(), headerLayoutSet()
property homeCol as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If used as a child of a snapGroup, this specifies the (initial static) row hosting the left edge of the widget
Property methods: homeColDisplayToLogical(), homeColGet(), homeColIsValid(), homeColLogicalToDisplay(), homeColLogicalToOdbc(), homeColNormalize(), homeColSet()
property homeRow as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If used as a child of a snapGroup, this specifies the (initial static) row hosting the top of the widget
Property methods: homeRowDisplayToLogical(), homeRowGet(), homeRowIsValid(), homeRowLogicalToDisplay(), homeRowLogicalToOdbc(), homeRowNormalize(), homeRowSet()
URI of image to display for the close group button.
Property methods: imageAppLogoDisplayToLogical(), imageAppLogoGet(), imageAppLogoIsValid(), imageAppLogoLogicalToDisplay(), imageAppLogoLogicalToOdbc(), imageAppLogoNormalize(), imageAppLogoSet()
property imageAppLogoWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the close group button.
Property methods: imageAppLogoWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageAppLogoWidthGet(), imageAppLogoWidthIsValid(), imageAppLogoWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageAppLogoWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageAppLogoWidthNormalize(), imageAppLogoWidthSet()
property imageClose as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTCLOSEIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the close group button.
Property methods: imageCloseDisplayToLogical(), imageCloseGet(), imageCloseIsValid(), imageCloseLogicalToDisplay(), imageCloseLogicalToOdbc(), imageCloseNormalize(), imageCloseSet()
property imageCloseHover as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
URI of image to display for the close group button when mouse is present.
Property methods: imageCloseHoverDisplayToLogical(), imageCloseHoverGet(), imageCloseHoverIsValid(), imageCloseHoverLogicalToDisplay(), imageCloseHoverLogicalToOdbc(), imageCloseHoverNormalize(), imageCloseHoverSet()
property imageCloseWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 16 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the close group button.
Property methods: imageCloseWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageCloseWidthGet(), imageCloseWidthIsValid(), imageCloseWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageCloseWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageCloseWidthNormalize(), imageCloseWidthSet()
property imageContract as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTCONTRACTIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the contract group button.
Property methods: imageContractDisplayToLogical(), imageContractGet(), imageContractIsValid(), imageContractLogicalToDisplay(), imageContractLogicalToOdbc(), imageContractNormalize(), imageContractSet()
property imageContractHover as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
URI of image to display for the contract group button when mouse is present.
Property methods: imageContractHoverDisplayToLogical(), imageContractHoverGet(), imageContractHoverIsValid(), imageContractHoverLogicalToDisplay(), imageContractHoverLogicalToOdbc(), imageContractHoverNormalize(), imageContractHoverSet()
property imageContractWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 16 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the contract group button.
Property methods: imageContractWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageContractWidthGet(), imageContractWidthIsValid(), imageContractWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageContractWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageContractWidthNormalize(), imageContractWidthSet()
property imageExpand as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTEXPANDIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the expand group button.
Property methods: imageExpandDisplayToLogical(), imageExpandGet(), imageExpandIsValid(), imageExpandLogicalToDisplay(), imageExpandLogicalToOdbc(), imageExpandNormalize(), imageExpandSet()
property imageExpandHover as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
URI of image to display for the expand group button when mouse is present.
Property methods: imageExpandHoverDisplayToLogical(), imageExpandHoverGet(), imageExpandHoverIsValid(), imageExpandHoverLogicalToDisplay(), imageExpandHoverLogicalToOdbc(), imageExpandHoverNormalize(), imageExpandHoverSet()
property imageExpandWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 16 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the expand group button.
Property methods: imageExpandWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageExpandWidthGet(), imageExpandWidthIsValid(), imageExpandWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageExpandWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageExpandWidthNormalize(), imageExpandWidthSet()
property imageMaximize as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTMAXIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the maximize group button.
Property methods: imageMaximizeDisplayToLogical(), imageMaximizeGet(), imageMaximizeIsValid(), imageMaximizeLogicalToDisplay(), imageMaximizeLogicalToOdbc(), imageMaximizeNormalize(), imageMaximizeSet()
property imageMaximizeHover as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
URI of image to display for the maximize group button when mouse is present.
Property methods: imageMaximizeHoverDisplayToLogical(), imageMaximizeHoverGet(), imageMaximizeHoverIsValid(), imageMaximizeHoverLogicalToDisplay(), imageMaximizeHoverLogicalToOdbc(), imageMaximizeHoverNormalize(), imageMaximizeHoverSet()
property imageMaximizeWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 16 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the maximize group button.
Property methods: imageMaximizeWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageMaximizeWidthGet(), imageMaximizeWidthIsValid(), imageMaximizeWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageMaximizeWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageMaximizeWidthNormalize(), imageMaximizeWidthSet()
property imageMinimize as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTMINIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the minimize group button.
Property methods: imageMinimizeDisplayToLogical(), imageMinimizeGet(), imageMinimizeIsValid(), imageMinimizeLogicalToDisplay(), imageMinimizeLogicalToOdbc(), imageMinimizeNormalize(), imageMinimizeSet()
property imageMinimizeHover as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
URI of image to display for the minimize group button when mouse is present
Property methods: imageMinimizeHoverDisplayToLogical(), imageMinimizeHoverGet(), imageMinimizeHoverIsValid(), imageMinimizeHoverLogicalToDisplay(), imageMinimizeHoverLogicalToOdbc(), imageMinimizeHoverNormalize(), imageMinimizeHoverSet()
property imageMinimizeWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 16 ];
Width (in pixels) of image to display for the minimize group button.
Property methods: imageMinimizeWidthDisplayToLogical(), imageMinimizeWidthGet(), imageMinimizeWidthIsValid(), imageMinimizeWidthLogicalToDisplay(), imageMinimizeWidthLogicalToOdbc(), imageMinimizeWidthNormalize(), imageMinimizeWidthSet()
property imageResize as %ZEN.Datatype.uri [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTRESIZEIMAGE ];
URI of image to display for the minimize group button.
Property methods: imageResizeDisplayToLogical(), imageResizeGet(), imageResizeIsValid(), imageResizeLogicalToDisplay(), imageResizeLogicalToOdbc(), imageResizeNormalize(), imageResizeSet()
property imageResizeSize as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = ..#DEFAULTRESIZEICONSIZE ];
Square area in pixels for the resize icon
Property methods: imageResizeSizeDisplayToLogical(), imageResizeSizeGet(), imageResizeSizeIsValid(), imageResizeSizeLogicalToDisplay(), imageResizeSizeLogicalToOdbc(), imageResizeSizeNormalize(), imageResizeSizeSet()
property minWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 96 ];
This sets the minimum width (in pixels) for a dragGroup during resizing. If used within a snapGrid context, the actual minimum width is set to the next highest even multiple of the snapGrid column width.
Property methods: minWidthDisplayToLogical(), minWidthGet(), minWidthIsValid(), minWidthLogicalToDisplay(), minWidthLogicalToOdbc(), minWidthNormalize(), minWidthSet()
property moveEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If set, the default, this boolean flag allows the drag group to be repositioned by user action within the containing active group area.
Property methods: moveEnabledDisplayToLogical(), moveEnabledGet(), moveEnabledIsValid(), moveEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), moveEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), moveEnabledLogicalToXSD(), moveEnabledNormalize(), moveEnabledSet(), moveEnabledXSDToLogical()
property onclosepending as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onclosepending event handler: This event is fired when the close button of this drag group is pressed. Unlike native browser windows, it is possible to prevent the window closure by calling abortClose() in response to this event.
Property methods: onclosependingDisplayToLogical(), onclosependingGet(), onclosependingIsValid(), onclosependingLogicalToDisplay(), onclosependingLogicalToOdbc(), onclosependingNormalize(), onclosependingSet()
property onresize as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onresize event handler: This event is fired when this drag group is resized.
Property methods: onresizeDisplayToLogical(), onresizeGet(), onresizeIsValid(), onresizeLogicalToDisplay(), onresizeLogicalToOdbc(), onresizeNormalize(), onresizeSet()
property onwindowdrop as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onwindowdrop event handler: This event is fired when this drag group's title bar is released after a reloaction gesture
Property methods: onwindowdropDisplayToLogical(), onwindowdropGet(), onwindowdropIsValid(), onwindowdropLogicalToDisplay(), onwindowdropLogicalToOdbc(), onwindowdropNormalize(), onwindowdropSet()
property onwindowgrab as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onwindowgrab event handler: This event is fired when this drag group is grabbed by the titlebar for relocation.
Property methods: onwindowgrabDisplayToLogical(), onwindowgrabGet(), onwindowgrabIsValid(), onwindowgrabLogicalToDisplay(), onwindowgrabLogicalToOdbc(), onwindowgrabNormalize(), onwindowgrabSet()
property resizeEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If set, the default, this boolean flag allows the drag group to be resized by user action
Property methods: resizeEnabledDisplayToLogical(), resizeEnabledGet(), resizeEnabledIsValid(), resizeEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), resizeEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), resizeEnabledLogicalToXSD(), resizeEnabledNormalize(), resizeEnabledSet(), resizeEnabledXSDToLogical()
property rowSpan as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If used as a child of a snapGroup, this specifies the (initial static) height of the widget in rows
Property methods: rowSpanDisplayToLogical(), rowSpanGet(), rowSpanIsValid(), rowSpanLogicalToDisplay(), rowSpanLogicalToOdbc(), rowSpanNormalize(), rowSpanSet()


method %DrawHTML()
Inherited description: Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML contents of a component.
clientmethod abortClose() [ Language = javascript ]
Public utility to abort the a window closure in progress
clientmethod adjustChildArea() [ Language = javascript ]
Utility to adjust the size of the dragChildren area in the event of a resize action
clientmethod adjustHandleWidth() [ Language = javascript ]
Utility to adjust the width of the drag header to correctly position the header controls based on the current drag group width
clientmethod adjustResizeBox() [ Language = javascript ]
Utility to adjust the location of the resize box to correctly position the control based on the current drag group width
clientmethod animateIcon(who, which) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod applyCSSSettings(div, value) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod close(event) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to close the subwindow
clientmethod compress(event) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to reduce subwindow to the height of its title bar
clientmethod constrainDragX(engine, wrapper, intendedX) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to limit horizontal resizing
clientmethod constrainDragY(engine, wrapper, intendedY) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to limit vertical resizing
clientmethod disableCoverplate() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod disableDrag() [ Language = javascript ]
Disable user drag events for this group
clientmethod disableHeaderMaxToggle() [ Language = javascript ]
Reset the maximize toggle mode set up by enableHeaderMaxToggle
clientmethod disableResize() [ Language = javascript ]
Disable user resize events for this group
clientmethod enableCoverplate() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod enableDrag() [ Language = javascript ]
Enable user drag events for this group
clientmethod enableHeaderMaxToggle() [ Language = javascript ]
When rendering static windows, enable a click anywhere on the header handle to toggle full screen mode instead of allowing drag operations
clientmethod enableResize() [ Language = javascript ]
Enable user resize events for this group
clientmethod endDrag(engine, wrapper) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to wrap up window resize event
clientmethod expand(event) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to restore a compressed pane to it miniture display mode
clientmethod getChildDiv() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML div element that wraps the children of this group.
clientmethod getCoverplateDiv() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML div element needed as a cover plate for event management under certain versions of IE
clientmethod getHeaderDiv() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML div element that wraps the header of this group.
clientmethod getHeaderUserDiv() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML div element reserver for user content in the header of this group.
clientmethod getState() [ Language = javascript ]
Return a string that captures the current state of the group's layout
clientmethod getWindowHeight() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the internal height of the drag window in pixles
clientmethod getWindowWidth() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the internal width of the drag window in pixles
clientmethod isCompressed() [ Language = javascript ]
Returns true if the drag window is currently rendered in header only mode
clientmethod isMaximized() [ Language = javascript ]
Returns true if the drag window is currently rendered in maximized mode
clientmethod isResizeInProgress() [ Language = javascript ]
Checks to see if the user is actively in the process of resizing the window
clientmethod maximize(event) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to switch subwindow into full screen mode
clientmethod normalize(event) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to switch a full screen window back down to it previous (iconified or mini-window) mode
clientmethod onGrabHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Launches a callback (if defined) when the drag group is grabbed by the title bar for the purpose of relocation
clientmethod onRefreshContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to ensure that the controller has an accurate model to work with even if the DOM has been modified externally
clientmethod onReleaseHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Launches a callback (if defined) when the drag group's title bar is released after relocation gesture
clientmethod onresizeHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod processAppMessage(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Generic method to receive client "broadcast" messages. Subclasses can override this to extend the broadcast functionality.
clientmethod removeWindowChrome() [ Language = javascript ]
Remove the header entirely and disable resize
clientmethod renderContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render control.
clientmethod renderCoverplate() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod renderHeader() [ Language = javascript ]
Render the contents of the header section of this component.
clientmethod renderResize() [ Language = javascript ]
Add resize box for this component.
clientmethod resetWindowChrome() [ Language = javascript ]
Restore header and resize controls previously remove by removeWindowChrome
clientmethod resize(width, height) [ Language = javascript ]
Resize the active group to the given geometry
clientmethod restoreGeometry() [ Language = javascript ]
Restore key layout information about group in after a radical presentation change
clientmethod restoreState(str) [ Language = javascript ]
Given a previously encoded layout string, restore a group to its previous state
clientmethod saveGeometry() [ Language = javascript ]
Save key layout information about group in anticipation of a radical presentation change
clientmethod setBodyStyle(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the CSS styles of the header section of the element The value passed may take one of three forms: It can be a CSS Snippet in a string "background-color:#0000ff;font-weight:bold;" It can be a JSON string abiding by JavaScript's CSS conventions "{'backgroundColor':'#0000ff', 'fontWeight':'bold' }" Or it can be an actual javascript object {backgroundColor:'#0000ff', fontWeight:'bold'}
clientmethod setCenterLayout(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setCloseIcon(iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setContractIcon(iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setExpandIcon(iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setHeaderLayout(layout) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setHeaderStyle(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the CSS styles of the header section of the element. The value passed may take one of three forms: It can be a CSS Snippet in a string "background-color:#0000ff;font-weight:bold;" It can be a JSON string abiding by JavaScript's CSS conventions "{'backgroundColor':'#0000ff', 'fontWeight':'bold' }" Or it can be an actual javascript object {backgroundColor:'#0000ff', fontWeight:'bold'}
clientmethod setIcon(iconDiv, iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setMaximizeIcon(iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setMinimizeIcon(iconURL, width) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod startDrag(engine, wrapper) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to initiate window resize event
clientmethod syncObject() [ Language = javascript ]
If the object has been moved or resized inside a snapGrid, sync the server-side visible geometry properties with the actual location and extents
clientmethod verifyHeaderGeometry() [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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