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deprecated class %ZEN.ComponentEx.svgImageProvider extends %ZEN.Component.component

SVGImageProvider These utilities are built upon the java .jar libraries in the FOP distribution included with modern releases of InterSystems IRIS

Method Inventory


parameter INCLUDEFILES = zenCSLM.js;
Inherited description: CSV list of additional include files (either .js or .css) that should be included when this component is used on a page.
By default, the file extension (.js or .css) is used to determine whether an item in the list is a script include or a style include. You can override this behavior by adding the terms "script:" or "style:" to the beginning of the file name or names. This prefix is not used as part of the include filename.


method %DrawHTML()
This class does not project HTML into its containing document
classmethod ConvertXSLToPDF(pInFile As %String, pOutFile As %String) [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod GenerateRootName(dir As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Return a random and unique name in the given directory with an 'svg' extention for the creation of temp files during processing
classmethod GenerateTempName() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Return a random and unique name in the temp directory with an 'svg' extention for the creation of temp files during processing
classmethod GetSystemHomeDir() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Return the install directory of this instance
classmethod GetSystemTempDir() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Return the temp directory for this system.
classmethod ReceiveFragment(outputFile As %String, src As %ZEN.proxyObject) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
Mechanism for receiving fragmants of large data streams headed upstream from client to server. This work in conjunction with the saveToServer() method.
classmethod RemoveFile(pFileName) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
Remove a file from the mgr/Temp directory
classmethod ScopeFileName(rawName As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Given a user specified file name clip it to ensure that it only refers to files in the mgr/temp space
clientmethod buildFOBlock(jsDesc) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod buildFOStyleString(jsDesc) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod buildFOTable(jsDesc) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod dumpSVGNode(e, svgDoc, src, intro, coda, NSPrefix, maxWidth, maxHeight) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an element, an active SVG DOM, a syntax buffer, and optional introduction and coda strings, recursively extract all of the descendant node information from the DOM and copy it to the syntax buffer adding appropriate lexical and syntactic elements as needed.
If intro and coda values have been provided, inject the contents of these strings into the syntax buffer immediately after the opening of the first encountered tag and immediately before the close of that same tag, respectively.
clientmethod dumpSVGStyle(svgDoc, src, NSPrefix) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an active SVG DOM and a syntax buffer, extract all embedded stylesheets and copy them to the buffer adding appropriate lexical and syntactic elements as needed
clientmethod extractSVGSource(svg, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting relavent rendering information and store the result in an array of strings
clientmethod extractXSLFOSource(svg, intro, coda, maxWidth, maxHeight) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting relavent rendering information and store the result in an array of strings
clientmethod getPageSetupDefaults() [ Language = javascript ]
Return a javascript object that contains the various default values for page set-up and meta data rendering. Users can get this object, modify its values as desired and then pass it to the actual renderer methods
clientmethod getSVGDOMRoot(image) [ Language = javascript ]
Given some form of zen SVGComponent, return a pointer to the root of the embedded SVG document model
clientmethod isWhiteSpace(str) [ Language = javascript ]
Quick check to test for embedded whitespace and control characters
clientmethod makeSVGFileName(name) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod reconcileDefaults(metaDataJS) [ Language = javascript ]
Set up a default page setup object, incorporating user overrides, if defined
clientmethod saveDOMToSVGFile(svg, fileName, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM, the name of a server side file to create/overwrite, and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting relavent rendering information and store the result in a stand-alone file on the server.
clientmethod saveDOMToSVGStream(svg, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting relavent rendering information and return the result in one big string.
clientmethod saveDOMToXSLFOFile(svg, fileName, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM, the name of a server side file to create/overwrite, and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting XSLFO rendering information and store the result in a stand-alone file on the server.
clientmethod saveDOMToXSLFOStream(svg, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting FO rendering information and return the result in one big string.
clientmethod saveDOMToXSLFile(svg, metaDataJS) [ Language = javascript ]
Given an SVG DOM, the name of a server side file to create/overwrite, and (optional) introduction and coda strings containing SVG code snippets, walk the DOM extracting XSLFO rendering information and store the result as a full XSL-FO document on the server.
clientmethod saveToSVGFile(image, name, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod saveToServer(src, fileName) [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side utility to send large data streams up to the server for external file storage Normally small data streams can simply be sent up to the host using simple POST requests but we have encountered issues with data loss using very large packets. To avoid this issue, this method breaks large data streams into universally 'safe' packet lengths and streams the parts up to the server where they are reassembled in the external file with the given fileName
clientmethod saveToXSLFOSnippet(image, name, intro, coda) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod saveToXSLFile(image, metaDataJS) [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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