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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Aggregate.Median extends %ZEN.Report.CustomAggregate

Aggregate for the median of a set of numerical data. The median is a number with half of the data set of greater value than it, and half of lesser value. For a data set with an odd size, the median is a member of the data set. For a data set with an even size, the median is half-way between two members of the data set.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Count as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Number of values processed
Property methods: CountDisplayToLogical(), CountGet(), CountIsValid(), CountLogicalToDisplay(), CountNormalize(), CountSet(), CountXSDToLogical()
property Values as array of %Integer;
Array of processed values
Property methods: ValuesBuildValueArray(), ValuesCollectionToDisplay(), ValuesCollectionToOdbc(), ValuesDisplayToCollection(), ValuesDisplayToLogical(), ValuesGet(), ValuesGetObject(), ValuesGetObjectId(), ValuesGetSwizzled(), ValuesIsValid(), ValuesLogicalToDisplay(), ValuesNormalize(), ValuesOdbcToCollection(), ValuesSet(), ValuesSetObject(), ValuesSetObjectId(), ValuesXSDToLogical()


method GetResult() as %String
Returns the median. Returns "" for an empty data set. Uses a divide and conquer selection algorithm.
method ProcessValue(pValue As %Float) as %Status
Processes each new value.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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