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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.list extends %ZEN.Report.Display.childrenNode

This class is used to display a list within a ZEN Report.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property group as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Specifies the group from which to obtain the entries in the list
Property methods: groupDisplayToLogical(), groupGet(), groupIsValid(), groupLogicalToDisplay(), groupLogicalToOdbc(), groupNormalize(), groupSet()
property image as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
Specifies an image to use for the list bullet.
Property methods: imageDisplayToLogical(), imageGet(), imageIsValid(), imageLogicalToDisplay(), imageLogicalToOdbc(), imageNormalize(), imageSet()
property separator as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",none,line") [ InitialExpression = "none" ];
Use to separate rendered items
Property methods: separatorDisplayToLogical(), separatorGet(), separatorIsValid(), separatorLogicalToDisplay(), separatorLogicalToOdbc(), separatorNormalize(), separatorSet()
property startvalue as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Specifies (as an integer) the first value for a list. If type = "I", startvalue = 3 will start with "III".
Property methods: startvalueDisplayToLogical(), startvalueGet(), startvalueIsValid(), startvalueLogicalToDisplay(), startvalueLogicalToOdbc(), startvalueNormalize(), startvalueSet()
property type as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",none,circle,square,disc,1,A,a,I,i") [ InitialExpression = "none" ];
Specifies the list type.
Possible values are: "none","circle","square","disc", "1", "A", "a", "I", "i".
PDF reports do not support "square" or "circle".
Property methods: typeDisplayToLogical(), typeGet(), typeIsValid(), typeLogicalToDisplay(), typeLogicalToOdbc(), typeNormalize(), typeSet()


method %DrawToHTML(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the HTML report. Every tag should override this method.
method %DrawToXSLFO(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef incell As %Boolean) as %Status
Inherited description: This method outputs the necessary stylesheet information for the PDF report. Every tag should override this method.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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